Friday, July 19, 2024

Peace In The Valley.

 Every day, I grow stronger.
More Radiant, in my new found resilience.

I appreciate the gift that is each New day.
The unique beauty of each

And every moment, that
Comes my way.

I could stay here forever.
Oh, if only.
I take comfort listening to
The familiar lullaby, that is
The trickle of the stream.

Dreamily rushing by my feet,
With it, all of my cares and
Worries are w
ashed away.

The silence that surrounds me
Interrupted only, by the occasional
Bird song, fills my soul with peace.
One I have never before known of.

I close my eyes and open my heart,
As I let my mind wander in this
Valley of Peace.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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