Saturday, July 20, 2024

It's Strange How Beautiful You Are.

It's strange, isn't it?
How something as small &
Insignificant as an appearance,
Holds enough power to make
Others afraid?

Anything new, different,
Unusual, never before seen &

To be seen for what & Who
You truly are, only for the
Person who was looking at
You, to turn & cast their eyes away.

You begin to question everything, everyone,
Including yourself, your morals & every word you say.
You feel yourself fade, slowly slipping away.

Until you have an Epiphany one day & realise,

You are in fact, beautiful.
Despite what the haters might think or say.

You are beautiful in your humble silence.
Every time you hold your tongue when
Your immediate reaction from being provoked &
Triggered, is to hiss a vow of revenge full
Of vicious words.

Your power in the ability,
To block out what &
Who does not matter.
You are beautiful in your
Gentle, genuine Love & Caring

You know no shame, you
The world to not just
See, but most importantly
Gaze upon your face.

Never leaving, until you make
An impact so grand & dominant
On the lives of those around you
That those who bare witness 
Must speak your name.

You transform your traumas,

Into the Ultimate Superpower.
In your moments of weakness,
You discover the true power
Which is this newly discovered

The Strength that comes with
Acknowledging pain & turning it into
Pure, unadulterated Healing.
You evolve, without even Knowing it &
when you least expect to.

Those who are most worthy & deserving
Of Your heart, you cherish & keep close
To you Forever.

Those who'd rather walk the path
Of Forever alone, drenched in
Toxic poisonous traits that is hate &
Vindictive ways have no place in your life.

Even though no one has ever
Before told you, just know that
Deep down are beautiful in your
Individual worth & how you in
More ways than one, are truly Brave.

The forbidden door that was once locked up,
You rip off from its hinges so that only
Truth floods your life, in every
Aspect of the word.

You're no longer afraid, to speak your mind.
From pain you've gained experience & wisdom. 
No longer does it bother you, to
See others turn & walk away.

You acknowledge the fact that
In your Own company, you are
Never alone.

Those who are chosen &
Are proud to be a part of your life,
Like you, are the true definition of a

Beautiful Soul

For in every form, stage & phase
Of Strange, true mystery & only the most
Authentic of beauty does lie.
Lucky are those, who witness &
Do not turn away from this

Wonderous sight that is all of You
With their very own eyes.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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