Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rainy Evenings.

I love a rainy evening,
The delicate droplets pouring
Down the glass window pane.
Running down slowly, 
I watch as it washes
 away all
The bad memories and years
Worth of hidden pain.

The gentle pitter-patter, so soothing.
Like the love from a mother as she
Comforts her child with a lullaby.
The familiar rhythm, puts my mind
At ease.

The steam from my hot chocolate,
Does rise up to the Lord.
Creating a faint layer, of cloudy fog.
Here, in this moment, I am happy.

Snuggled up beneath the blankets
Of my bed, I begin to re-read
From my favourite book.
With each word that my mind
Devours and absorbs,
I am transported t
o an adventure
That is a world of my very own.

Among these slightly
Musty stained pages,
I have never f
elt more
At home.

In the distance I hear
The rumble, of thunder.
A quick streak of lightning
Briefly Flashes by,
In a wonderous glow.
How lucky I am,
To be provided with
This free show.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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