Monday, July 1, 2024

Same but Different.

 If Everyone was the same, our universe would be so plain. There would be no shapes or colours, there would be nothing remotely interesting. Nothing to boggle the mind, no reason to ask the great questions of life, no reason to think, no reason to question our sanity.

It would be so repetitive and boring, like ground hog day all over again. We'd lose all motivation to get out of bed in the morning and seize the day. To be different, is to be extraordinary. To be exceptional.

To be what and who, others could only wish they could be. So embrace your unique difference, use it to your advantage. Difference isn't a curse or weakness, it is a Blessing disguised as a

We are all heroes. Let's save the world! Starting by saving ourselves and each other. Extend your hand to those too afraid to ask for help. A façade will only take you so far, it is up to you and your bravery to take yourself the rest of the way.

We are all the Same yet so Different, though not always in the way that you think. We are all born the same - small, fragile, afraid of the unknown and incredibly vulnerable. At the same time, we are all, so different.

We are born in different lands, under different circumstances. Raised in different families, have different customs, speak different languages. Have palates accustomed to different flavours and cuisines. Raised on beliefs of different religions.
We all have different, individual abilities and disabilities.

However, despite all these differences, we are all the same. We are One people, and we, are Beautiful.

As a People, we are like the weather and four seasons;

Forever changing, forever different, forever essential.

Together we make the World go round.

There is no reason to be ashamed, no reason to deny or change your name, no reason you hide your age or race. Embrace your difference, embrace your same.

We are Shape and we are Colour. At the end of the day, all we have is each other.

You can't shine like the Sun until you acknowledge the eclipsed Moon of your heart. Learn to love what is different. Make peace with the fact, that while we are all so similar, like snowflakes, we are not all the same.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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