Wednesday, July 3, 2024

When I Went to Hogwarts - Disclaimer: This poem is in NO way associated with 'Warner Brothers.' It's just for a bit of fun and laughter.

 When I went to Hogwarts, the sight
That greeted me, was Professors,
Snape and Quirrell, g
laring daggers at me.

I couldn't believe it, when I received my
Letter and, Hagrid told me that I'm a witch.
As I strolled along the magical school grounds,
I got clonked in the head by a rogue
Golden Snitch!

When Draco laughed, I transfigured his ass,
Into that of a turtle 🐢. Then dropped him with a 'plop' into the toilet, there, he was made fun of
Moaning Myrtle.

Later, at the feast, I saw Dumbledore had
Transfigured Draco back into his original,
Human form. I heard him whine,
"Wait until my Father hears about this."

I glanced over at Harry, who gagged when
He saw, Ginny and Dean Thomas kiss.
Ron ate so much, that Hermione hit him
With her book.

The whole of Gryffindor table gasped,
We were all completely shook.
Back in our dorm room, a
Death Eater entered my bedroom
Late that night while I was asleep.

I woke up panicked, so I hit him with
My nearby broom.
He was so scared by my sudden and
Unexpected reaction,

That he began to weep.

The next few days, if I wasn't riding,
Buckbeak then I was busy learning
Defence Against the Dark Arts, every
Other day.

So when the time came, Dumbledore's
Army can defeat Voldemort and his followers.
In protection by its students, Hogwarts will

A single droplet of Liquid Luck, goes a long way.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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