Thursday, August 8, 2024

Heart Of A Child.

They say, "you're so childish."
Should you get upset and cry
Angry tears they say,

"There she goes again -
Having yet another tantrum."

You know what? No!
You are not "childish."
You're just not afraid to
Wear your heart of a
Child, displayed proudly
On your sleeve.

Should you get upset and get
The feeling to cry angry tears,
I'm here to tell you that it is more
Than okay.

Your feelings are completely valid,
So don't you dare be ashamed to let your
Emotions be seen.

Okay, so say that you are having a tantrum?
Well, I say, "what's so wrong with that?"
It's just the little girl inside of you, screaming
As she bangs on the walls of your heart,
Begging to be let out.

If you feel yourself in that
Moment insignificant,
Unappreciated and unheard.
It's only natural, for your inner
Little girl to cry out.

Those who understand, because
They know all of who you are.
Know of your purity and are
Comforted and proud, that you
Are a child at heart.

They are the ones who are proud,
Of how far you've come.
Even if you don't feel it
At times, never forget that
You're Number One.

Everyone knows, how happy
Their heart gets when they hear
A child's genuine laughter.

Your inner child, needs to be
Cherished and looked after.

She isn't just any child.
She is beautiful, unique,
Smart and one of a kind.
She is YOU, she is Your
Inner little girl.

She is your secret invisible
Daughter, and she needs YOU.
Her future self - 
her "Mother."

It's time you let your inner
Little girl out, 
for you to make
Time for her.

Find little moments during
The day, to make her Happy.
Her smile sweet and infectious.

You see, that little girl
Inside of you was forced
To grow up too soon.

She never really had a
Chance to live her life to the
Fullest, for the both of

It's about time you addressed
And acknowledged her and
Everything that she does for
You, to let her have some fun.

To hear her laugh again as
She is kissed gently on the cheek
In greeting by the Sun.

The Heart Of A Child is the
Inventor and most deserving,
Of Your love.

So go on, give her a hug.
Promise you'll never let her go.
If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't
Be where you are right now.
So tell her you that love her, right

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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