Saturday, August 31, 2024

Let My Mind Wander...

I could lie here, Forever.
Staring up at the Sky.
To exhale all my problems,
And empty the contents of
My heart.

Each breath of mine,
Controlled by the only
The fluffiest of white

To 'Let My Mind Wander'...

I've come to realise, that
The most important of things -
Can not be spoken by word
Of mouth.

Rather, a one way ticket to
The Mind...

For that to happen, I must
Go on this Journey alone.

To finally, get the answers
To the Questions, that make
Up all of Who I am.

That invisible person, pulling
The levers and winding the wheels
Of My Spirit, deep inside.

To understand and appreciate
The contents that is the uniqueness
Of My Mind.

All those things that make
Me tick, and all the hobbies
I've developed that help me

I'm still in the process, of
Appreciating my own,
Individual style.

To remind myself, that all
Of me is beautiful - in the
Creator's eyes.

I don't ever have to change
Myself, in order to "fit in" with
The crowd.

Those who appreciate me,
I welcome gladly into my life.

Those who don't?
I really don't care if they choose
Not to dig my vibe.

I am never alone in my
Own company, for it to be
Just me and the Sky?

It's actually when I feel
Most Alive.

I feel a certain amount of comfort,
When I lie with my back against this
Cold, hard and abandoned road.

To 'Let My Mind Wander'...
In my own presence, I am
Never alone...

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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