Friday, August 30, 2024

Success Is What We Make It.

Positive Vibes.
Positive Mind.
Put those two together,
And what do you get?

That's right,
A Positive Life!

Success is what we make it,
It comes in all shapes and sizes.
It comes in all fonts, and forms.
Some of us have to go on top
Of the Mountain to hunt it down.

Others are lucky enough to be
Gifted with it, from the moment
That they are born.

Doesn't matter how, or when
It decides to come and find you.
For now, at least, you have
To continue to Believe.

No matter what chapter you
Are on, no matter what page.
Doesn't matter what sentence
You're currently reading, the
Fact that you are owning your
Specific title?

Personal success, is all the rage.

Why compare your life's
Story, to those of artificial
Gold trimmed hard covers?

The story that is, "All of You".
The World's most fascinating tale.
You put the 'S' in the word, 'Success.'
Notice how there is more than one?

It's because every time the World
Pushed you down, back up bigger and
Better did come.

There are many an 'S', in
Such word.

They are made up of every
Small second of personal
Success, you continue to make.

For you see, every small thing
Adds up -

Until you reach your
Full Potential.

You were made for
Greater things.

This was God's plan, He makes
No mistakes.

Life is a test, of how much
Pain and difficulty we can

One must trip, fall and flail,
In order to make a personal
Comeback this is
Than great.

If you look reeeeeal close,
Everything that makes you
So beautifully unique?

Is in the slightest, easily
Missed and most important of

So trust the Process, and
Soon enough you'll see.

When your story comes to
Its end, Personal Success
Is and always will be, your
Greatest Victory!

So for now, keep on pushing through.
Always keep your head, in the game.

True strength comes from
Fight personal struggles.
So struggle, all you need.
Use it as Motivation! ✊

...A simple stepping stool for you
To stand on, in order, to

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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