Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mane Attraction.

The World around me,
A Jungle.

I've been through things,
That you'd never have been
Able to survive.

I don't let that stop me,
I own this Jungle.

I protect with all of
My heart, those who
Are housed deeply in
The den of my love.

Much like a Lion,
Looking out of their

No Hunter can stop me,
I'm always on the prowl.
Guarding my Pride with
My life.

I wont ever turn my back
On them, or even so much
As consider letting them

I demand Respect, wherever I

I'm not going to give up.

Not now. 

Not Ever.

The adventure that comes
With love, is what I live for.
It is everywhere, just like

I'm not one for staying put,
In one place for too long.

Hear the ferocity, in my ROAR!
My voice doeth linger, longer than
The birds of prey that circle in the sky.

Close to the ground a camouflage
I take on, behind the tall grass of
Green and sandy.

Their roots the only thing, that
Has turned white. 

I wait...

I watch...

Ready whenever and wherever
I am needed, at a moments' call.

The urge to POUNCE!
Clings eagerly to my Mane.

So go ahead, attempt to
Tranquilize me - I promise
You, it wont work.

But so much as consider as
To mess with those I treasure

You're practically asking, to
Enter a world of hurt.

Let me tell you, it's not worth it.

So take this chance, and
Backtrack your steps.
Stealthily, I sit by and

I promise to not make any
Sudden movements, so long
As you promise to do the same.

Take this warning, as an opportunity -

An open invitation for
You, to back out.

The Pride of mine, the
Greatest attraction.
Sheltered securely, by my

To protect them and fight
For them to my last breath,
I do not think twice.

Because I know for Myself,
They would do the same.

I have made the unbreakable
Vow, to protect them.

I make good on my promises,
I am the ultimate true and fiercely
Protective friend.

I dare you, too look deep
Into the depths of my eyes.

Do so, and you shall see,
That I have lost many battles...

Because I have Won and continue
To Win, every war.

This alone, is nowhere near
To being my last one.

Think twice about testing me -
My voice should you hear it,
Will indeed send shivers down
Your spine.

I will do anything and everything,
In order to Protect my Pride.
Make the smart decision and leave

A reminder, to make the most
Value of your life.

Those who are stupid enough
To race me, always lose.

I am Woman, you see?

I was born with the power of speed and agility.

A swift and cunning mind.
I have the incredible strength,
That comes with having a heart
Of a Lion.

When it comes to my friends,
And family? Those who are the
Most important members of my

In a heartbeat, for them I am
And always will be there.

If you so much as come close
To harming them?

I guarantee that on the back of your
Neck, you will feel the heat that is,
My Lion's breath.

I am the Queen of this
Jungle, all it takes is for
You to make one mistake.

Then it will be the end of our
Little game, don't make me
Play my final move...?


- Alexandra Pierotti.




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