Friday, August 2, 2024

Terror Comes In Twos - Disclaimer: This Poem is Inspired By, 'The Shining'. As Well As The Years Of Being Gaslighted By My Toxic Ex-Friends Who happened to be twins. All Of You Who Have Ever Had The Experience Of Emotional and Mental Abuse, I Am SO Sorry. We're In This Together, Baby Boos. You're NOT alone. I'm here, I Got You x.

You'd better run, because they're coming in 3...2...1.

Terror comes in twos.
Double the trouble,
That take the form of
Identical twins.

"Sweet "and "Innocent".
Two façades that go perfectly together,
Hand in hand.

After years of being gaslighted,
I can't  just stand by and watch.
Someone HAS to say something,
This continuous Mental manipulation
Has Got to STOP!

Crimes once committed
Now cradled in a canvas cot riddled with Evil,
A sneaky and sly disease.
Always going unpunished,
Due to being unseen. 

Where there is kindness, one
Destroys while the other devours.
One stands on either side of me,
Playing tug -of -war with my emotions.
One pushes, while the other pulls.
With my mind, they pluck away at the

To this day I scream in terror as I subconsciously
Without intent, revisit their torturous ways.
Once b
randed and bashed, at the same time.
They walk away as if nothing has happed,
After burying me alive.

I will never be able to forget, how
They laughed  at my cries.
I do my best to not let the trauma get to me,
And Heal try as I might. 

Evil isn't the only thing, that
Comes in a pair of two.
To the people who support me,
In everything You say and do.
I wouldn't be here today,
If it wasn't for you.

I know I probably don't say it enough but,
I really Love You.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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