Saturday, August 3, 2024

Age Is Just A Number.

Take 5, then get back in the Ring.
The fight's not over yet.
You've spent your whole life,
Training for this very moment.

All your secret strategies
And early mornings starts,
Where you struggled to get
Out of bed.

You still managed to get out there,
And kick stereotypes in the arse.

At last everything has 
Finally paid off.
This is your opening, to
Douse in the spotlight.
This is Your life.
Your time to shine.

All the challenges you've overcome?
Take a bow, give yourself credit.
Raise the belt above your head,
Hear the audience chant your name.
You're only as old as you feel.
Only you know, when it's End Game.

When it's finally "Game Over",
Rest easy as you lay in bed.
Knowing that you've gone down in
History, be at peace when you
Close your eyes and gently rest
Your weary head.

- Alexandra Pierotti.  

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