Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fields of Blue.

In these fields of blue,
Is where I'll wait.

For everything to transform
From good and better, into
Something great.

Where time stands still.
In my own company, I am
Never alone.

The shade of blue that is
The sky, matches the colour
Of my eyes.

The flowery bed on which
I do lay, each petal made up
Of comfort and peacefulness.

Any and all bad vibes, memories
Stained and all the stupid things
That I've ever done throughout
My life.

Simply melt away, and dissipate.

This New Year, my resolution
Is to make more time for
Myself and I.

Here, in this moment?
This, is where I belong.
Calm, stable, happy.

In these fields, of blue.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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Oh, to be a child. To spin like a top. Round and round. To fall only to get back up And spin again. Only this time, faster. Laughing as the ...