Sunday, September 15, 2024

Snow White.

Midnight black hair,
Shoulder length that I
Pin back into a curly bob.

Eyes green and skin,
Snow white.

The woodland creatures,
Gather to hear me sing.

You know how they say -
"An apple a day, keeps the
Doctor away" ?

'Tis true.

On its own 'tis sweet,
Crisp with a finale of
A satisfying crunch.

In my opinion I find,
'Tis best in a pie or cake.

Everything tastes better,
When 'tis freshly homemade.

I am at my most content,
When I am in the kitchen.
Conversing with my seven,
Small friends.

Warming our hands by the
Oven as we watch the desserts
Cook, and smell the aromatic
Fragrances as they bake. 

My Stepmother, the Queen,
Is not evil, despite what everyone
In town says.

Often she pops 'round
For a visit, we enjoy each other's

Telling each other about
Our day, over a slice and
Cup of tea.  


- Alexandra Pierotti.

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A centimetre added, For all the years I have Grown. There's no stopping Me now. There's no going back. All the scissors in the Tower...