Friday, September 13, 2024

The Pianist.

I crack my knuckles,
Flex my fingers.

Back straight, shoulders
Relaxed, my red silken dress
On the seat splayed.

The layered footing of
Its skirt, lands gently on
The floor in a muted

Once again, I am teleported
To my favourite and sacred

Eyes closed, heart open.
Crack my neck.
Breathe in and out, it's
Time to play.

I call on the Spirits of,
Pianists past.

Beethoven, himself comes through.

I tell him by communicating
Through my heart, "I'm going to
Channel my talent and skill
Through you." 

I hear him whisper his
Reply, "It's just me and

My fingers slide and dance
Along the key board,
Telling the world how
I came to be.

How every event in my
Life has invented, built and
Shaped me into who I am.

Every high, every low.
The girl who once was,

The Woman, I am now.
Mature, strong, independent
Dainty and delicate.

Like my Grandmother's
Vase perched on top of
This very piano.

Full of roses and daffodils,
Fragrant sweet, yet complicated
To put into words.  

A song sung, by the
Piano's white keys.

Soft and sweet, like a Father
Reading his child a bedtime

My life summed up in one
Simple tune, a perfect and
Unique symphony.

The name of this song?

'All of Me.' 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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