Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Swing.

If you've been waiting
Your whole life, for a sign
That things will get better.

Well, then. Wait no more.
This is it. This is your sign.

Remember that thing, you
Thought you'd never be able
To do but then did it anyway?

Remember that time you had
Wished you had said something
In that moment, but didn't know
What to say or the best way to
Say it?

Then the next thing you know,
You found the courage one day to
Say what had to be said when it
Mattered the most?

Remember how amazing it
It felt, when the sudden rush of
Adrenaline ran a full on marathon
Through your veins?

Wasn't that the best?

Life is like a swing -

Back and forth, back and forth.
Up and down, once again.

So grab hold of the handles,
And swing like you've never
Swung before. Back and forth,
Back and forth.

Every time you go back,
Leave a trauma behind in
The Past.

Lean forward, taste the
Freedom greeting you from
The Future.

Play with the Present,
Soak up the Sun.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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B.E.A.U.T.Y B elieve E verything will work out, A nd the U niverse will T ake Y ou places you never thought you'd see.  - Alexandra Pier...