Behind my smile is a wall of tears, can't you see I'm hurting? I refuse to let the tears fall. I will get through it, I always have.
It only took me Forever, to realise what it takes to mature, to see myself for who I've always been.
Forever I'm going to stand tall. I am determined to be room-mates with genuine joy. Happiness, my permanent home. This overdose of sadness, I remind myself that this battle is only temporary. I am tougher than drywall.
My mind will always attempt to convince me otherwise, but I know it's just a demon taking illness as a form of disguise. A cheap costume.
Like every costume, though sometimes a size too small. Though invisible 80% of the time, with determination and a slight struggle, eventually it will get off. It is up to you, to banish the demon out of your life.
I personally, have learnt to turn my eyes up to the sky. Put my troubles in God's healing hands, the pain eases and eventually will disappear for good over time.
'Pray on it', is not just a saying. It is fact. Give it a go, you'll be surprised at how much good will become your life. This illness, over time will stop distracting you, if anything, it will flee in fear. You are and always will be safe, so long as close to your heart, you keep God near.
"Normal" is boring. Being your beautiful self is the best thing. To feel free, and not giving a second thought to those who don't appreciate you. Always be yourself. Being "weird" is fun! Why jog in the boring lane, when you can run. To sprint towards your own personal victory!
Like, why hum the tune of same song over and over again when you literally know is going anywhere since it's stuck on a loop. When you can beatbox freestyle and sing at the top of your lungs to your own made up tune? Why try "fitting in" by pretending to be someone you're not, when you were born specifically, to BE YOU?!?
Remember this, whatever you're going through, I am on Team YOU. Should you ever feel the need to talk to someone but without the ridiculous always rising costs of Therapy? I'm here. Whatever you need in order to assist you in your healing journey, I got you. Remember, you are never alone. An easier way to remember? Go back to the 'Highschool Musical' song -
"We're all in this together!"
It's not just true, but also an upbeat song that you can dance to at any time 😁 .
Butterflies are a sign of good things to come, I've been seeing a lot of them lately. I sense that you're not having a particularly good day today. Yeah?
Here, have a butterfly.
My gift of good things to come. To, and for, you.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
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