Friday, November 22, 2024

Love Is Blind.

I see no shape, I see no colour.
I see no age, I see no flaw.
You have  nothing to be ashamed of.

I am Love. 
Let me be all of yours.

Do not hide your eyes, from what I can bring.
Do not turn  away your heart, real love does not sting.

Do not be afraid, to look me in the eye.

I am, Love.
I, am blind.
I only know how to give, so take me.

Real love, is gentle. Not hard.
Real love, is kind.
Real love, is forgiving.

Real love, is unconditional.
Real love, doesn't run when times are challenging.
Real love, stays and fights when things get hard.

Real love, stops and takes a minute to adjust.
Real love, doesn't wither or rust.
Real love, is blind.

True love, is real, not fake.
True love, knows it's place.
True love, knows when to acknowledge it's mistakes.

Love doesn't force.
Love,  will always be patient and wait. 
Love, Loves.
Love knows not hate.

Love sees through touch. For you see, 
Love is blind.

Love is sweet, love knows not how to be bitter.
Love sees, through sightless eyes.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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