Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Once Upon A Stormy Night.

As I stared out to sea,
The last of the day's sunlight
Glowed on my skin.

The back of my neck tickled as
My hair blew in the late evening's
Ocean breeze.

I watched as the clouds transformed
From white into deep grey, I could sense
That a storm was on its way.

My heart started to race when
I heard the raging rumble of thunder,
Fear struck my heart as I saw lightning
Streak across the now night sky.

I had always been afraid of the dark.

As the clouds broke, rain began to pour.
Washing away my fear as it fell, I wasn't
Scared anymore.

As the tides swelled, I was
Suddenly overwhelmed.

I was having an epiphany...

'...Thunderstorms are nothing to fear,
Because it is just Nature letting off some steam.

That realization made me smile.

So, when the next lightning flashed,
I timed when the next thunder would take
A stand.

At last, I heard the subtle familiar rumble.
I waited for it to slowly intensify.

Once the thunder was ready,
I challenged it to a dare of who could
Roar the loudest.

Then I opened my mouth and
With it, I screamed. 

- Alexandra Pierotti. 


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