Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Red Carpet.

Standing back, looking at my past,
I reflect on the fact that I was young and naïve.
Was taught to be invisible, instead of
Being seen. 

Since this is what my elders
Told me, I didn't know any better
Than to believe.

As a result, growing up, I was
Treated like I was a
red carpet.
People walked all over me.
At times, even stampede.

Now, I'm glad to say,
All that has changed.
Tired of being trampled on,
I've brushed off the dirt and

I learnt the hard way to
Consider myself, a priority.
Though I be of a simple and
Humble descent, in God's eyes
I am a star.

He created me so that for
I would shine ever so

Rebirth, growth and healing
Is what I represent.
Through my new found wisdom,

I know that I deserve

Placing all my trust of
This journey, in God's hands.

In prayer that I overcome
What once was traumatic, is
Where my time is spent.

By day, slowly I gain courage
Encouraged by divine strength.
By night, my wings unfurl and

I've made peace with my
Past because I know, for me,
God has great plans and that
I have nothing to worry about.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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