Thursday, October 17, 2024

Deserted Island.

Staring into the eyes of
The sun, trapped in it's infinite
Warm glow of truth.

Forever I will be welcomed
Home, by the never ending

I'll continue to fall into the
Arms of sun, basking in it's
Rays of love.

The tornado that races inside
My mind, cast out into the humid
Desert air by the protective hands
Of the clouds in the heated sky.

Granules of desert sand slip
Through my fingers, like droplets
That fall into a stream.

I am a child of the

I was born to become one
Of it's numerous beams.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Bad Days Who?

Bad days are just that. Days.
They wont last forever.

It only gets better from here,
Tomorrow will be great. 

You'll see, adventure awaits.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Not Just A Survivor - This Poem Is Dedicated To Anyone Who Has, Or Knows Someone With Cancer.

You are unbreakable,
I have never been so sure
About anything until

You've fought the battle,
Resilient to the core you

You've come back stronger,
Than ever before.

You won the battle, now
It's time to take on the war.

You got this!

Keep fighting!

Don't give up now!

Tears of pride flow forth
From the Sun, cradling
Your cheeks.

Even at your lowest, you
Were never alone.
Still you continue to rise.

Kissed by rays of a fresh
Start, you are not afraid to
Let everyone see you truly

Your scars you are 
Not ashamed, to show.
As you see the world
Through new eyes.

You reveal yourself to
The world, with your head
Held up high.

As if you are seeing
Everything for the first

Through your struggles,
Never once did you cower and

You shine brighter continuously,
More beautiful and open to the
World around you.

Love, gratitude, acception, and
Appreciation continuously radiates
From deep inside of you.

An example to everyone
That anything is possible,
With everything you touch.

Proof, that any obstacle life
Throws your way can be overcome.
To conquer it, you do whatever it

You must.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Genie In A Lamp - Disclaimer: This is MY interpretation of the movie, 'Aladdin' but is in no way associated with 'Disney.'

I came across an usual looking
Lamp one day, and picked it up
To admire its brass tone.

The skill and talent that must
Have gone into creating this uniquely
Rare and beautiful treasure, I
Found truly fascinating.

The next thing I knew,
A blue smoke with a strong
Aroma of incense came
Out in a cloud.

Startled, I dropped the
Lamp and heard it hit the
Ground with a *clang.*

All of a sudden, I heard a
Voice say, "Ow" from inside.

"Sorry", I said while still in
A state of shock and surprise.

I watched in bewilderment, as
The smoke cleared and morphed
Into a levitating person of sorts
In front of my very eyes.

We exchanged a friendly,
"Hello" with each other.
"Excuse me," I asked, "but
Who are you?"

"Huzzah!" declared the
Creature with delight,
"For I, am a genie."

With a crack of its back, it
Looked down at the lamp and
Said, "There's nothing like
A good old stretch.

It's awfully cramped in
There. Anyway, I grant you
3 wishes. All of which
I will make come true.
So, what say you?

What will they be."

"Wishes?" I replied,
"I...I don't really have any."

Disappointed, the genie
Replied, "Looks like I'll
Have to return to the lamp,
And wait until the next person
Comes along.

Who knows when that will

As I watched the genie float
Towards the spout once more,
I couldn't help but feel sorry
For it.

"Wait!" I cried, "I know
What I want to wish for now."

"Oh?" Said the genie,
What are they going to

I replied with a smile,
"I only have just the one,

"Alright," said the genie,
"What is it?

I gave the genie a hug
And replied, "To set you

"Thank you," the genie replied,
"So it shall be."

With a *poof* the genie disappeared,
Never again to be seen.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Monday, October 14, 2024

Love your weird, because I do.
Your personality is everything and there is nothing boring about you.
Don't worry, I'm weird too.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Whenever a storm in your
Heart is flooding in rain,
I will warm it up with the fire in

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

My dog sits at the window,
And watches the wispy clouds
Subtly light up by the planes
That fly along in the night sky. 

I can't help but wonder,
'What is going through
His mind?'

Perhaps he feels comforted,
By the stars glistening in
His eyes?

Perhaps he's remembering
How all those centuries ago,
His ancestors would howl
At the moon?

Perhaps he is fascinated,
By the distant twinkle of the
City lights?

With a gentle sigh, he
Leaves the window.
Before jumping on to
My bed and performing
His ritual.

Walking circles on
The covers.

Finally he plops himself
Down after finding just the
Right spot, he curls up against
My legs for familiarity
And warmth.

With the snore of an old
Man whose been working on
A farm his whole life, he
Gives a dramatic yawn.

Revealing a warning
To any potential ghosts
In the room, the magnificent
Ferocity that is his canine

Though his eyes are
Closed, he pricks up an

Even in sleep, he's the
Goodest boy there is.
Providing me with safety
And security.

The best guard, I know.
He never leaves his post. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Deserted Island.

Staring into the eyes of The sun, trapped in it's infinite Warm glow of truth. Forever I will be welcomed Home, by the never ending Sun....