Saturday, January 25, 2025

Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won.
I keep my head down, and I plough through.
Knowing that my faith is strong, there is
Nothing that I cannot do.

Despite everything that is,
or ever has been, I keep my heart


Through the complexity of healing
My heart has grown as big, and with
That, my feelings have become in
Depth, deeper than the ocean.

Though I may stumble, I take
Comfort in knowing my heart is
Preserved in purity.

Even if at times, I may feel
Isolated on the island of insecurity.
Religion my lifejacket, I am never alone.
Prayers are my sustenance,
Keeping me afloat.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Do you ever feel like you're
Completely exhausted all the time?
As if you're doing nothing with
Your life even though you're actually
Doing everything?

Does it ever feel like it doesn't
Matter how much sleep you get at night,
When you wake up the following
Morning you're just as tired as the
Night before?

As if just going through the
Motions just because you're tuned to
The familiarity of the routines that
Are daily life?


  • Wake up.
  • Get dressed.
  • Go to work/school.
  • Come home again.

Only to repeat the exact same process the next day?

Don't worry, you're not alone.
This is just a bump in the road.

Try to find ways to turn "just another ordinary day...🙄" into
Something as extraordinary as you 🤩!

Re-discover motivation, by searching for ways to boost
Your serotonin and broaden your mindset.


Here are some simple, natural remedies to get you feeling exhilarated and revitalized:

  1. Take mental notes on what causes you stress (and find ways to distance yourself from it.)
  2. Schedule for yourself a screen-free day. 
  3. Go for a walk.
  4. Spend time with your favourite people.
  5. Do something that you love.
  6. Strategize, organise and prioritize by writing out a to-do list. 
  7. Practice deep breathing.
  8. Go on a spontaneous day trip.
  9. Speak up! Journal your thoughts or speak to someone about what you're currently experiencing.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Keeper Of My Heart/An Old Couples Love Story & Key To A Happy, Healthy Marriage.

Every word you say,
I tattoo on to my heart.
And no, it's not a phase.
I've been doing it every day,
Since our story begun.

Life is short, but it has
Been good to us.
You're the reason why I
believe in true love.

Though age has played
It's card, when I'm with you
I feel young.

True, the good old days are
Behind us, though we both know
That's because even better ones
Are still to come!

Every time you say my name and
Smile, I fall in love with you all over

No matter what challenges we may face,
Know that we will face them together.

Because you are my everything
You are the key to my happiness eternal.
My one and only, keeper of my heart.

Matching gold rings exchanged,
All those years ago along with vows
Solidifying our soul binding love.

So lucky am I to know, that
I made the right choice.
In having you be the keeper of
My heart.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Red Carpet.

Standing back, looking at my past,
I reflect on the fact that I was young and naïve.
Was taught to be invisible, instead of
Being seen. 

Since this is what my elders
Told me, I didn't know any better
Than to believe.

As a result, growing up, I was
Treated like I was a
red carpet.
People walked all over me.
At times, even stampede.

Now, I'm glad to say,
All that has changed.
Tired of being trampled on,
I've brushed off the dirt and

I learnt the hard way to
Consider myself, a priority.
Though I be of a simple and
Humble descent, in God's eyes
I am a star.

He created me so that for
I would shine ever so

Rebirth, growth and healing
Is what I represent.
Through my new found wisdom,

I know that I deserve

Placing all my trust of
This journey, in God's hands.

In prayer that I overcome
What once was traumatic, is
Where my time is spent.

By day, slowly I gain courage
Encouraged by divine strength.
By night, my wings unfurl and

I've made peace with my
Past because I know, for me,
God has great plans and that
I have nothing to worry about.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Once Upon A Stormy Night.

As I stared out to sea,
The last of the day's sunlight
Glowed on my skin.

The back of my neck tickled as
My hair blew in the late evening's
Ocean breeze.

I watched as the clouds transformed
From white into deep grey, I could sense
That a storm was on its way.

My heart started to race when
I heard the raging rumble of thunder,
Fear struck my heart as I saw lightning
Streak across the now night sky.

I had always been afraid of the dark.

As the clouds broke, rain began to pour.
Washing away my fear as it fell, I wasn't
Scared anymore.

As the tides swelled, I was
Suddenly overwhelmed.

I was having an epiphany...

'...Thunderstorms are nothing to fear,
Because it is just Nature letting off some steam.

That realization made me smile.

So, when the next lightning flashed,
I timed when the next thunder would take
A stand.

At last, I heard the subtle familiar rumble.
I waited for it to slowly intensify.

Once the thunder was ready,
I challenged it to a dare of who could
Roar the loudest.

Then I opened my mouth and
With it, I screamed. 

- Alexandra Pierotti. 


Sunday, January 19, 2025


Everything will work out,
And the
Universe will
You places you never thought you'd see. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Trust. Heal. Resilient. Invincible. Valiant. Exist.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...