Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fake Friends - This poem is dedicated to my ex-friends (you know who you are), and every other fake and toxic friend that exists. I am a survivor of bullying.


I spent what felt like forever,
Staring at the wall.
Wondering where it all went

I thought that if I did everything
That you said, changing myself
To please you because that's what
You told me it took for you to be
My friend.

Fucking sociopath, the only way
For you to get your high was to
Spread rumours, lies and false
Accusations about me on the web.
Leaving a black mark smudged
Next to my good name.

You made my downfall, your
Easy rise to fame.

Tell me, how do you sleep
At night knowing that you
Are the destroyer of lives?

You had me believe that if you
Disguised the destruction of
The numerous disasters you
Caused, then everything would be

Pumped me full of Poison,
Through a hospital drip.
Snickered as you told me,
It was just wine.

Did your best to convince me
That you picked only the ripest of
Grapes 🍇, straight from the

I should've trusted my initial
Instinct instead of trusting your

The agonising, burning of the
Poison coursing through my veins.
You made me believe it was normal
To be conflicted with excruciating
Pain. I felt like a prisoner trapped
In a cell anchored by my wrists and
Ankles, complete with a ball and

Slowly losing my mind, going

After what felt like the
Longest time, I felt relief when
God heard and answered to my

Leading me out of your darkness,
And in to the Light.

I know it's going to take a
Boatload of personal effort,
And even more time.
But He has promised me that
All your wrongs, will one day be made

I see now, I was never in prison.
Instead, I was put to the test.
I was put here to find my long forgotten
Voice, to make a noise and
Raise Awareness.

So fellow victims know that
They're not alone and can finally
Find a sense of peace.
A chance to rest.

We, are Survivors. Fighters.

We'll fight this battle to the end,
Until made certain that we have won the

Soldiering on, together we are

We're taking our lives back, make
NO mistake.
We've learnt our lesson and are now able to
See, whose intentions are real and whose are

You live a sugar coated lie,
Call yourself a a "friend."
I see you for who you truly are -
A snake 🐍.

All those poor people you
Sank your fangs into, instantly
Killing them dead.

I am a survivor and I am here to say,
 your reign of terror has come to its

It's better to have one
true 💖,
Than a million, fake friends.

Alexandra Pierotti.

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