Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Fight for the broken, so that they may heal.

Fight for the lost, so that they might find their true purpose.

Fight for those who are treated like villains, so that they can one day see just how heroic they are.

Fight for the mute, so they may find their voice.

Fight for the deaf, so they might hear the truth.

Fight for the blind, so one day they may see the Light.

Fight for the afraid, so that one day they are filled with spiritual peace and become fearless.

Fight for the weak and downhearted, so that they might find their inner strength.

Fight for those who think it's the end, so that they can find consolation that their will always be a New beginning.

Fight for those who have had no choice but to be kept hidden, so that one day they may be found.

Fight for those who were told they'll lose the battle, so that they will win the ultimate War.

Fight for those who go through Hell every day, so that they will be granted the reward of eternal Paradise when they reach the gates of Heaven.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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