Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Woman Is More Complicated Than A Game Of Jenga.

Those who don't have the
Virtue of Patience and understanding,
Get bored easily and leave me.
I don't let that phase me.
It's time I left them far behind.

I like sitting in peaceful silence,
Accompanied by the non-stop
Ping-ponging thoughts of my mind.
I wait. I watch. Biding my time.

I plan every single move of mine.
Criticism and rejection, just another
Beautiful building block of my life.

Things may be wobbly and unstable with me,
Majority of time.
But I always look onwards
And upwards, my eyes forever
Turned towards the sky.

Do not test me, don't be stupid
And attempt to push me down.
Because I will topple, crash and
Fall into obliteration...

...Right on top of and demolish you into the ground.

My heart protected, a steady
Tower of truth in a world of lies.
Darkness holds no power over me,
I am Daughter of the Light.
So if you're ready to go on this
Journey with me, take my hand and
Hold on tight.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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