Thursday, August 1, 2024



It surrounds me.
Engulfs me.
Embraces me.

Becomes me.

Moist, warm wet whispers of
Steam, tussle my hair playfully.
Sticking as it makes home and laces
Together on each strand,
Like spider webs.

My hair sprinkled generously, with
The blackest molecules of only the finest coal dust.
A beautiful gentle veil, placed in my trust.

Just like a Phoenix, from the ashes
At my feet adorn.
I rise more magnificent in my birth
Than ever seen before.

My heart burns brightly,
With this new life of mine.
With a deep inhale of Smoke,
I am cleansed throughout all
Of the never ending floors of my

With each sweet silent swirl of
Smoke, I am teleported as I travel
Through Time.

The deliciously strong, aromatic
Scent clings to my skin.
The thick curtain of black,
Cloaks itself around me.
I am carried along the stormiest
Of wind.

Taking the form of a dense, dark cloud.
Bellowing brilliantly, in the breeze.
A fiery, fabulous, fierce force.

I shower in the smoke, and
Laugh as my body desperately drinks it in.
Seducing me always.

Forever it brings me to life,
Transforming and purifying me
From deep within.
All I have to do, is welcome it in.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

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