Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Peace - This Poem is Dedicated to ALL those who have Always & Continue to Support us During our bouts of Depression, Anxiety & Everything in between. You have Always done and Continue to do an Amazing job x.

 On the Darkest of Nights,
You shone and spread Your light.
Whenever I was told by Others or Myself
That everything about me was Wrong,
You Reassured me that it was NOT true.
That Everything about Me, was in fact,
Perfectly Right.

Whenever things got too much for me and my
Only solution at the time was to Run,
You'd run after me - never letting me go
Too far.

You'd say nothing, because you knew that
There is nothing that I haven't heard before.
That the safest place for me in that Moment,
Was exactly where I was, held tightly in Your arms.
Not loosening your grip and releasing me,
Until you knew for Certain that I had
Settled down and finally Become calm.

I don't know how You do it but,
You somehow always manage to
Fill me with a sense of Peace.
Peace that I Never knew existed.

Just being in Your Presence,
Is all it takes to put me as ease.
When I'm with you, there's
Nowhere I'd rather be.

The Person I am when I'm with you,
Is who I truly am.
The person you Know, Love and
Not Afraid to See.

Whenever my Heart beats too fast
Like its about to fly out of my chest,
As a result of an obstacle making me doubt my
Abilities by believing I can't do something.
You take my hand in yours and say,
"Together, We'll get through this."

With You next to me, your rare
Beauty housed and at home in
My eyes.

I am at Peace.

Silent. Happy. And very much, Alive.

Alexandra Pierotti.

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