Thursday, July 4, 2024

Psychic Medium - Dedicated to All Those who have been blessed with THE Gift.

 With any and every room that she walks
In to, her senses are heightened
With each step that she takes.
Her intuition spikes, her mind's
Eye awakes.

She manifests unknowingly, until Spirits
Appear before her.
Apparitions of every kind.
Showing themselves to her, as
Solid and clear as you or I.

She has one foot in this world,
The other, in the Next.
Protected by a forcefield of Heavenly
White Light.
Her Angels, her Guides, keep her safe.
Never leaving her side.

She uses her Gifts, to help those
Who, naturally, to the Spirit 
Are blind.

Cleansing them body, soul and mind.
She shares her positive energy
With them, with a s
ingle, simple,
Subtle touch.

Speaking clearly and firmly as she communicates with the Spirits, laying down Boundaries.

She rids away bad energy, by
Eveningly Distributing Healing smoke
rom a sage smudge stick.

The positive, healing Vibes repulse the
Evil entities, making them leave
Because it makes t
Disgusted, angry and sick. 

She calls on her Angels, her Guides,
To extend their Light to the person in need.
Inviting and Welcoming Spirits with only
The Best intentions, to stay.
For an additional layer of Protection,
She gives her Blessing by Praying.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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