Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Girl That Dreams.

I may have once been afraid
It was but a contributing factor,
To my Soul developing and learning how to be brave.
To confirm this fact, Morning always came.

I'm on a Journey to rediscover my Soul.
I'm going to lift my heart to the   
 clear my mind and let God 
be in full control.

Determined, to live my best life.
Forever into the infinite future,
 I go.

I dream of being a Doctor,
A lawyer, a dancer, a singer.
I take everything in my stride.
I'm on the most wild, unpredictable,
Most exciting and exhilarating ride.
My life, a slip n' slide.

Dreams are what make me,
Come alive inside.

You see, life is a perfect balance of nightmares
 And dreams.

What matters is which path,
I choose to accompany and lead.

In the morning I wake,
My Soul refreshed and calm.
Like  a  perfectly satisfying,
Still, untouched lake.

At night, my mind springs to

Despite any nightmares
I may have once had,
I know deep down that
I will not be susceptible
To any harm.

 I know that the morning  always returns,
 That everything will be alright.
I have no reason to give in,
To the
Or cower under my blankets,
In fright.

Every morning the sun's beams
Reach out and touch my Soul,
Like a welcoming friendly hand.

Any dream of mine that I put my
Mind to accomplishing, I will.

Because I know, I CAN.

With all that being said and done,
 Into sweet slumber's arms I do come.
 Peacefully, I will dream good dreams.


Now, I must sleep.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



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