Friday, August 30, 2024

Heaven, Itself, Is A Miracle/Getting Over Grief.

You know that joy, you
Get every time you are
Around your favourite
Person (or pet)? 

How just like that,
In a blink of an eye,
They have slipped

Physically, you cannot
See them - bust rest assured
They are still there.

Watching over and continuing
To protect you, each and every

One hand (or paw), in
This world - holding you
Up with care. 

Stuck in the middle
Between this world,
And the Next.

Only when you allow your
Heart to truly heal from grief,
And are ready to let go, will
They truly be released.

Though they may be gone
From this world, they are finally
At home in the Next.

The moment they reach up
A hand
(or paw) to Him, immediately
They are welcomed by everyone.

Though every Soul has their
Own place in the Kingdom of
, from Him, they are
Never too far or ever left alone.

Waiting in excitement for the
Day, when you are finally called

Eagerly they wait with, Jesus, by
Heaven's Gate, looking on as
Your heart is filled with Peace

He hast Promised, to never let
You fall
, when your Name and
Number has been called.

Power over you, is held none
By the Enemy, known as,

So look forward to the day
Your Name and number, is
Called from this World.

Heaven, Itself, Is A Miracle.
One that is waiting, to finally
Greet Thee.

You'll know this, when your
Beloved is missed.

God will send you a reassuring
, in the form of a 
Comforting dream.

He'll show you that there is
Nothing to fear, even though that's
What you've temporarily been
Convinced by the Enemy.

So let you heart be light.
Love and Forgiveness,
 is never out of
His sight.

Heaven, Itself, Is A Miracle
You see?

So demand the, Enemy that is
"Grief" to Leave!

And look forward to the day
When you will reach up to
And be welcomed with excitement -
Into Heaven

The Word itself, shyly reminds
You that Heaven is made up by
Powerful letters, that make
Up an
Even More Powerful Word.
Those letters,
'H' and 'E

Together reveal the truth of
The Ruler that is the Kingdom of

That word, and Truest, Fairest
And Most Just Ruler

Is, HE.

 You know that joy, you
Get every time you are
Around your favourite
Person (or pet)?

That joy amplifies itself
By 1000 000 000 000 000
% +
As you are reunited with
Them once again.

Every negative thing
That was bound to you?
Loosens its grip as it falls
To the floor, from around
Your waist.

Is then swallowed up by an
Invisible Trapdoor.

Heart, Soul and Mind
Empty all that negative contents.
That black stain ⚫ next to your

Is Removed, with Ease.

Finally every Sin you've
Ever made, you suddenly

As your entire Being is
Filled with Heaven's Light.
Your Soul with One touch,
Is placed in the modes known
Worldwide as - 'Pause', 'Rewind',
'Edit', 'Reset'
and 'Play.' 

You are then given the Greatest hug
That you've ever received.

Held, comforted and completely Forgiven.

By none other, than,

- Alexandra Pierotti.


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A centimetre added, For all the years I have Grown. There's no stopping Me now. There's no going back. All the scissors in the Tower...