Thursday, October 31, 2024

I may be "crazy", but at least I'm nice.
There's no one I'd rather be, than ME.

Because you see, Kindness is a choice.
With kindness, comes happiness.

So why not choose to be Happy?
Surround yourself by people who choose
To share your vibe.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Baker.

The baker, the homemaker and
Household care taker.

All the same person are they.

Taught from a young age, not by some
World-renowned professional pastry chef
In a white pressed uniform and cotton
White cap.

Or in a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ restaurant, with
Numerous waiters running about all
Over the place.


Taught by the experienced hands
Of a gracious, Grandmother.
Cooking up a storm in her little, cosy

Encouraging her favourite little
Helper to learn the family ways.
Resting a gentle hand of reassurance
On your chin, leaving a subtle patch of
Powdery flour behind. 

Cookies, delicious batches
Of care or bread that has been
Freshly baked, still hot from
The oven.

Steam rising in transparent
Clouds, in the air.

A fragrance so fabulously powerful,
That it outstretches its hands and travels
Through the air vents of every house
Along the street.

A familiar, comforting sensory

Pies with a variety of fruity
Fillings, flood out in a puddle of
Gooey goodness on a dessert
Plate with a serving of freshly
Whipped by hand, cream.

A recipe so treasured, by
Every member of the family.
Holds so much value, that it
Can't be written or published
In a book.

Only to be shared to all little
Children who want to learn,
A secret recipe travelled solely
By word of mouth. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.




A Road Not Taken.

A road not taken, is a path of Possibilities.
A path, that until you are ready, remains undiscovered.
Waiting for the day, when you feel brave enough, to
Finally walk upon it.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

For once, I just sat back and relaxed as I took in the view.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Keep Going. You got this.

Life is all about the search.
So keep looking.
I promise, one day you'll find yourself.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

One day, I'll look back and say: 

"It was hard, but it didn't break me. If anything, it's Made me stronger than I've ever been.
It made me, into the Woman, I am today."

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Ideas. They're literally everywhere.
Thoughts from everyone, of everything.
About everything that is, was and what
Could be.

Floating around us, yet, remain

Like pollen, drifting along air currents...

A hidden treasure trove, carried by
Mystical energies.

It's those ideas that gather into a
Magical whirlwind, a tornado of only
The greatest impact.

Scattering themselves across the
Globe, a helping hand to assist our
World to continue going 'round.

From politics, to everyday life
At the office, or those thoughts
That keep you up at night.

It is the ideas of every mind
That create the most magical things
Out of something so small.

How one teeny tiny thought, holds
Enough power to grow at unbelievable
Speeds and into something so beautiful. 

And even though the possibilities
Of ideas in progress are endless, remember -
Though every idea is different from the
Rest in it's own specific way.

Every mind, is a great mind.

To make a difference, it's never too late.

And it is those great minds that
Think alike, but never exactly the

So continue to think and have unlimited
Ideas, and over time, you'll see how it benefits
The world and all those in it. 

But most importantly, You.

So every time you get an idea,
Even if you don't think much of it
When pops into your head. 

Jot it down.

Then toss it to the arms of
The wind, where every other idea

Manifest with all of your
Might, believe with everything in
Your mind.

And then, when you least expect it,
I guarantee you that it will come true.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

3 Easy Tips To Live Your Best Life x.

Listen to your mind,
Trust with all of your heart.

Follow your instincts.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, October 25, 2024

My Lilac Heart.

Standing tall with my head held high,
My bare feet covered in twigs & fallen

Breathing in the subtle perfume,
Of the lilacs as their petals gently
Swirl in the Autumn breeze.


- Alexandra Pierotti.




Thursday, October 24, 2024

Statute Of Levitation.

Every time I let go of
Something, I feel myself getting...

Every time I forgive, somehow
I also forget.

So once more, I have become lighter.

Every time I take a deep
Breath and broaden my mind,
I find myself...floating?

How long have I been able
To do that?!? 

Rising higher and higher,
Now I'm levitating?!?

This is so easy!
So then why wasn't I able to do it

Maybe it's because right up
Until now, I held on too tight?
The grip of unnecessary stress kept
My mind up all night.

Perhaps this is my rite of passage?
The door I opened and entered from
My childhood, into the woman I am

Who knows?

But for now, I'm going to do my best to make the
Most of today.

I admit, it took me a while
To get here, but now that I
Am, I'm so happy.

I can't believe how all
Those years ago, I allowed
Myself to be weighed down
By everyone else's world
On my back.

And now?

I am lighter than the air itself.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Social Battery.

Just like any battery, my social battery too wears out.
As soon as I lose my energy, my aura flickers before
My light runs out.

So I'm going to take a moment and have a much
Needed rest, and when I wake, I will be recharged
Once again.

That way, I'll be able to shine brighter than I ever did

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Words Of Wisdom - Hype Yourself Up With These Affirmations Before You Start Your Day.

  • I am a baddie, yes this is true. 
  • There is nothing that I cannot do.
  • If I can be a baddie, then so can you!
  • I am more valuable than jewellery.
  • I'm not afraid to show and share my talents with the rest of the World.
  • I am stronger than I know.
  • I am beauty, I am grace, I am elegance.
  • It's never too late to turn my dreams into a reality.
  • I am stunning.
  • I don't need music in order to sing and/or dance.
  • My energy is everything. 
  • I give it my all.
  • I channel my inner spotlight.
  • I can take on any challenge.
  • I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
  • I am one in a million. Literally.
  • There is no one like me.
  • I may be a mess at times, but still I am amazing.
  • There is nothing that can faze me.
  • My Faith is my fire, from my ashes I rise like a Phoenix.
  • I can do anything.

*Now read from the bottom up.
Say these to yourself until you believe it.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Sorry, what was that? You see vanity? 

Huh. I don't recall asking for your opinion. 

I see jealousy. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Always Here - How To Heal From Grief.

Just because I'm no longer with you, doesn't mean that I'm not here.
We'll be together again one day, you'll see.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

THE One/The Sweetest Kiss.

Though I'm afraid, I
Won't let my emotions hold me

You saw me when I was
At my most invisible.
Whenever I felt like I was
Going to cry, you made me

You always care when
No one else did, I have never
Known anyone so kind and

You're why I keep going.

You are a living reminder
That goodness does in fact

You remind me of my worth,
Value and everything I am by giving
Me the sweetest kiss.

You never push me away,
Because all you ever do is pull
Me in closer.

You calm the storm inside of
Me, nothing I say could scare you

You're everything I've ever
Wanted, every thing for which
I prayed.

All these reasons and more,
You confirm by giving me the
Sweetest kiss.

You are the best gift I have
Ever received, only you know how
To put my mind at ease.

I am at my most content when
I am in your arms and given only the
Most sweetest kiss.

The intensity of your sweet
Kiss, is all it takes to seal my

It's now or never, now is
As good a time as any.

There's nothing in my head,
Just you and me in this moment.
There's no stopping us.

Nor do we want it to.

I hang on to every word you
Say, my lips want to savour every
Second of this sweet kiss.

With my eyes closed and
Heart open, I don't want this sweet
Kiss to end.

The rain pouring down on
Us, sets the scene for the sweetest
Kiss of my new life.

Pure. Passionate. Perfect.

I've read about it my whole
Life in fairy tales of my favourite
Childhood books, I just never
Thought it would ever happen
For me.

For me to find and be with
THE one.

To experience for myself, true
Love's first kiss.

We open our eyes and part
For a moment, your gaze on mine
As you study my face.

Reading every chapter of my soul,
I never knew before that everything in my life could change.

This kiss we share? Beautiful.
But not as beautiful as you.
And just like that, I've fallen for
Your sweet kiss.

I'm yours.
Say that you'll be mine too?


- Alexandra Pierotti.


Any past mistakes I made, I now look back as happy little accidents.
From those mistakes, I have learnt.
May you learn from yours too x.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

 For once, I choose me.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Slowly, bit by bit, I am breaking free...

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Flowered Pathway To Personal Growth.

A woman is like, a wild flower.
That grows from a footpath.

There are so many little things
That make up who she is all
Together as a whole.

Into the person she has grown in to, who she is today.

A lot of work and effort goes
Into building her from the bottom,

Yet, at the same time she remains beautiful, delicate
And true to herself.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Why do we continue to break what is already shattered?
It's going to be hard at times, but you are strong and that's what matters.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

The First Time I Saw You - This Poem Is Dedicated To All The Newly Weds.

You were so beautiful, 
You are more beautiful now than
You've ever been.

You are the most wonderful
Sight that my eyes have ever

Your radiance lights up any
Room, that you walk in to.
You raise me higher, just
By being close to my side.

Nothing makes me smile, like
You do.

This ceremony and celebration
May only last a day, but the smile
You wear, forever framed in my

Every time I see you, it's like
I'm marrying you all over again.
There is no erasing the chemistry
Between us, you are my love.
My best friend.

So long as I am here,
You will never be lonely. 
In your times of weakness,
I will be your strength.

You can depend on me,
In good times and bad.

If you ever have a bad
Day but don't want to
Talk about it?

I am right here for you,
Because you are there for

If anyone understands the
Struggles you've been through,
It's me.

I'm here for you, whatever
You need.

I'll never leave your side.
For I, am your Husband and
You, my Bride.

You are my everything.
My Love. My Life.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Truth or Dare?

You want to know the truth?

  • I dare you to love yourself.
  • I dare you to start thriving.
  • I dare you to start living your dreams.
  • I dare you to stop self-denying.
  • I dare you to leave it all behind.
  • I dare you to move on.
  • I dare you to right your wrongs.
  • I dare you to burn bridges.
  • I dare you to within yourself to be reborn.
  • I dare you to dive into the unknown.
  • I dare you to love every day.
  • I dare you to push the limits. 
  • I dare you to keep moving forward.
  • I dare you to roll the dice, take every chance you get.
  • I dare you to have no regrets.
  • I dare you to be the bigger person in any situation. 
  • I dare you to feel good about yourself.
  • I dare you to continue being brave.

Most importantly, I want you to know
How very loved you are.

That, is the truth. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

I Want To Get Lost In Nature.

I want to get lost in nature,
Lost in my thoughts.
Being chased, racing with
My mind.

I want to get carried away,
Rest myself of the feathery soft
Wings of birds.

I want to just, lay on a
Bed of grass and look up at
The sky. 

Count the clouds and make
Shapes out of them, as they
Drift on by.

The pollen being tossed
Through the wind, my confetti.
Forms a crown in my hair.

The only music I hear, the
Trickle of the tranquil stream
Rushing past.

Dip my hand in the running
Cool waters, wash away my
Troubles and cut my burdens

The peace in my heart
Touched by the sun, I want
To spread with everyone.

Positivity contagious.
To not let it become you, would
Be outrageous.

I want to get lost in nature,
Lost in my thoughts.
Being chased, racing with
My mind.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Dry Ice.

Once hardened my inner self,
A final attempt to be protected
From getting hurt once more.

Colder than dry ice, my heart
Has been broken, time and time

No longer shall it be ignored.

I feel it's sharp sting, every
Second of every day.
A friendly reminder that it
Wont lead me astray.

That I, am braver than brave.

Once turned bitterly harsh and cold
By the frostbite caused by those who were

I will not let my heart freeze over,
It's not who I am.

Not now. Not ever.

No one deserves to feel what I
Feel, all I've ever felt was

Lost. Alone. Afraid.

Whenever an opportunity
Of change can be made for the
Benefit of others in need,
I will not 
be restraint.

Everyday I will continue to
Persuade myself and everyone in
Need, that things will get better
Because I know for a fact that
They will.

I manifest, I motivate. 

With time comes perfection, a
Difference delayed but now
Defined by us.

This, I am determined to create.
I coax it, encourage others 
Their traumas to be explained.
Better late than never.

In Jesus's Name, we
Place our trust and faith,

No matter how long it takes.

I just have to let it take it's
Own sweet time to soften and
Seal the cracks of my heart.
I know, that with patience, I will
Heal one day.

I have inherited the resilience,
Of my Mother's heart.
Doesn't matter otherwise what
Someone says.

If she can overcome any obstacle,
Then so can I.

She has always been my sword,
Fighting for me when I couldn't
Fight for myself.

For that, and much more,
I will be her shield.
Protecting her always.

No amount of makeup,
Can conceal the deep caverns
Of my past. 

No amount of contour, foundation,
Blush, eyeshadow, mascara and lip liner
Can rid me of my natural beauty.

Sitting waist deep in the
Ocean of what will be, this
Is my battle.

One, I am determined to beat.

Endless supply of support
From loved ones and affirmations
Of who I am, I read.

Positivity I inhale with every
Breath that I breathe. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Heart Is Always Right.

I told my brain to piss off when all it did was fill me with doubt.
So now, I follow my heart instead.

Best decision I've ever made. Haven't looked back since. Finally, after All of this time, I have found peace. I'm in the right place.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tears Turned Angry.

Separated myself from
Society, slam the door and throw
Away the key. 

Nobody understands the
Complicity of my emotions.
Nobody, except me.

My whole life I've given everyone
Respect, just never thought to respect
Myself first before I allow myself
To give respect to others.

My trust to open up and
Expose my vulnerabilities,
Has never been easy.


Do you hear it?

My heart is yelling at the
Loudest of volumes, as it bangs
Its fists repeatedly on the barred
Wall of my inner chest.

Even though my voice is stuck on mute.

I've been painted as the red flag
On legs, I'm just doing all I can to
Keep my heart safe and that's the

Whenever I opened up about
What I've gone through in the
Past, it always ended the same way.
I've heard it all.

In dismissal.

The, "you're just being dramatic."
The, "what a debby downer."
The, "you're exaggerating."
The, "what a party pooper."
The, "it's all in your head."

So I separated myself
Further still, only crying when
On my own.

Tears of sadness and loneliness,
Turn into tears of frustration and anger.
Tired of replying on autopilot, the
Automatic "I'm fine."

It's like... mind is trapped in
A padded cell with no windows,
No escape from Hell.

I'm in an emotional strait-jacket,
But I refuse to give up without a

Even the dead know how
That one day they too, will come
Back to life.

I am determined to pick up
The once discarded key, and unlock
The love that lives in my heart.

I'm making a protest For mental
Health, progressing by stating facts
In every way I know how.

No matter where I am.

What once were tears of sadness
And isolation, roll back and regain
Position into the bottom lids of my
Eyes where they belong.

My vision is clear now, clearer
Than it's ever been.

They are on a mission to shine with joy.

But wait! There's more. The plot

Should a tear be sneaky
Enough to slide down my cheek
In an attempt to escape?

I assure you, it will be a
Tear shed out of happiness.
Make no mistake.

When someone you love passes
Away and walks over the rainbow
Bridge, they leave the shape of
Themselves as a gaping hole in your

A void that is almost impossible
To fill. 

Depression out of grief
Shows up uninvited and knocks on
The door of your pain.

But because you were raised
To always be polite, out of habit you
Reply, "Come in."

And just like that, it's now
Living inside you rent free.
It tries day and night to establish
It's dominance, by becoming
The worst roommate ever.

Hoarding your emotions and
Refusing to leave, until one day
You gather up the courage to
Kick it out.

At times it will visit, but only
You hold the power not to let it

To get rid of what is not wanted,
Not needed or what will dilute your

The only energy you must
Invite, is positivity into your
Life like a moth drawn to a

You are an incredible sense of
Inspiration, a mascot for potential
Fellow mental illness survivors.
Keep. On. Fighting.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Monday, October 21, 2024

Golden Hour.

One day you'll come to
Realise, you were chosen.
As an angel from God, put here
On this Earth to spread love, joy
And see your beautiful wings
For Yourself.

For others to see the radiant
Smile on your delicate face.

The Evil One who shall remain
Unnamed, will try to convince you otherwise.
Don't fall for his bullshit.

Remind yourself why it is you
Came - your self healing heart,
Filled with peace and grace.

To love others how God loves

There is so much more to
You, than what meets the eye.
You were created, moulded
Specifically to the image, imagined
In God's mind.

You were created, out of only
The most beautiful rays of
Heavenly Golden Light.

To spread His word, and
Share His never ending Kindness with
The rest of the World.

That, my dear, is why
You were made.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Beautiful Chaos.

After travelling the world
And into space  on a rocket
Fuelled guilt trip, I've come
To accept that I was put here
To pick my battlegrounds.

Grounds, for personal growth.

Because, 'Forever' is on a
Whole other plain so I've got
To do my best while I'm still

My Future, is up to Me.

After almost sinking in
A quicksand filled swamp
Of only the most poisonous
Of snakes, I discovered that
It is myself, to take shelter
In a haven of happiness that
Is my name.

I admit, there were times
Where it was tough and I
Have no doubt that my fair
Share of difficult situations
Will grab a hold of me at
Any chance it gets.

But I will continue to remind
Myself, that I am tougher than it

Tougher than nails, in fact.
That it will all be worth it in the

After being dumped time
And time again, by those who
Ignored my worth.

I have learnt, to be appreciative
Of being in a steady and committed
Relationship with myself.

Living my best life, the
Life I was born to live and

My aura has never glowed
So bright than it is right now.
I'm everything I've wanted in
A person, and more.

I'm destined to be who I
Am, who I've always been.
A rare species in the process
Of going extinct.

A good, kind and genuinely caring person.

After becoming addicted
To the delicious taste of independence,
I resumed my place on the
Throne of beautiful chaos.

Tying the knot on the most important
Of commitments, the marriage of focusing
On myself.

The flashcards of freedom
Present themselves like stars that
Dance before my eyes.

A warm and welcoming change.

A romcom turned into a
Real life
'Love Story' a true
Fairy-tale, and it's mine to

I am a bouncing ball of
Beautiful chaos, creativity
And curiosity.

Full of life and laughter.

So much so that nothing makes
Me happier than the lives
Of those around me that light up
Whenever I am near.

I, am the rainbow that shows
Itself after every bought of rain on
The gloomiest of days.  

- Alexandra Pierotti.



A Letter To My Younger Self.

Dear, Me.

We still have much to learn. Sometimes, it will hurt and be difficult.
But eventually joy will find us and be result of an even greater outcome.
Trust the process.

We're going to do great things, I'm going to make you so proud of us.
Remember, self-love comes first.


 May a sprinkle of my neurospice add a dash of flavour to your life x.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Goodness will never die, so long as we do our part in help keeping it Alive.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Behind The Scenes - Depression Awareness.

Behind the scenes, I
A smile only takes me

So far. 

Telling jokes to those I care
About, because when one laughs,
They momentarily forget their

Though, while in that moment,
When you follow the need to laugh.
Inside, I am crumbling.

I never let anybody see the
Real me, because every time I
Have I am dismissed and

Something I could never do.

It's been this way, for as
Long as I can remember.
If only someone stayed behind
For me, to not just hear
But listen to what I feel.

Until that day comes, behind
Closed curtains I cry.
Saying nothing, but watching
On with teary eyes.

Social acceptability, calls
To me to give an encore.
Once again, I am forced to
Wear a smile as my disguise.

The real me slowly dying
Of self set torture, inside.

Made to believe that the
World will remain a better place,
By not seeing what I keep

So for now, until I learn
Otherwise, I continue to
Show my exterior in life

- Alexandra Pierotti.


A Tribute to Dame Maggie Smith.

 Raise your wands. A final salute to, Professor McGonagall.

R.I.P: Maggie Smith.

28 December 1934 - 27 September 2024

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Dreams will come true, all you need do is
Manifest them to.

You've got to want it, really want it.
And you will see the magic that they'll provide

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Stairway To Success.

You kept your struggle a secret.

Now, you must let someone
In on it, so that they might too start
Their climb on the stairway to

Through sharing experiences,
You are able to borrow strengths.

By acknowledging your
Weaknesses, you use past failures
To your advantage.

In time, you will succeed.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


The Job I Never Got.

Despite all the interviews that
I went for, I never was hired for
The role.

Made me think that there
Was something wrong with me,
That I would never make it
In the everyday industry.

That, for me, there was no goal.
That I would never accomplish anything...

…Until one day I realised,
The most important job that
There is?

To work on myself.

Determined to have a happy
Life and continuously healthy state
Of mind, the hardest job there

But also, the most rewarding.
One, that I never had to apply or
Compete for. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Not Your Average Pretty.

Tired of looking for love in
All the wrong places,
I was able to find myself.

Able to appreciate myself
For all of who I am, who
I've always been.

I've been in front of me,
This whole time.

Only now able to see in this
Moment, myself truly shine.

Goodbye, old me.
Hello, new and improved

You have no idea how much
I've missed you, where have you

Let's cause creative chaos

Unhinged, and tied to each other
In our madness.

I'm not your average pretty, I was
Made for something more.
I was made, to love myself.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Deserted Island.

Staring into the eyes of
The sun, trapped in it's infinite
Warm glow of truth.

Forever I will be welcomed
Home, by the never ending

I'll continue to fall into the
Arms of sun, basking in it's
Rays of love.

I can't get enough.

The tornado that races inside
My mind, cast out into the humid
Desert air by the protective hands
Of the clouds in the heated sky.

Granules of golden sand slip
Through my fingers, like droplets
That fall into a stream.

I am a child of the

I was born to become one
Of it's numerous beams.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Bad Days Who?

Bad days are just that. Days.
They wont last forever.

It only gets better from here,
Tomorrow will be great. 

You'll see, adventure awaits.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Not Just A Survivor - This Poem Is Dedicated To Anyone Who Has, Or Knows Someone With Cancer.

You are unbreakable,
I have never been so sure
About anything until

You've fought the battle,
Resilient to the core you

You've come back stronger,
Than ever before.

You won the battle, now
It's time to take on the war.

You got this!

Keep fighting!

Don't give up now!

Tears of pride flow forth
From the Sun, cradling
Your cheeks.

Even at your lowest, you
Were never alone.
Still you continue to rise.

Kissed by rays of a fresh
Start, you are not afraid to
Let everyone see you truly

Your scars you are 
Not ashamed, to show.
As you see the world
Through new eyes.

You reveal yourself to
The world, with your head
Held up high.

As if you are seeing
Everything for the first

Through your struggles,
Never once did you cower and

You shine brighter continuously,
More beautiful and open to the
World around you.

Love, gratitude, acception, and
Appreciation continuously radiates
From deep inside of you.

An example to everyone
That anything is possible,
With everything you touch.

Proof, that any obstacle life
Throws your way can be overcome.
To conquer it, you do whatever it

You must.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Genie In A Lamp - Disclaimer: This is MY interpretation of the movie, 'Aladdin' but is in no way associated with 'Disney.'

I came across an usual looking
Lamp one day, and picked it up
To admire its brass tone.

The skill and talent that must
Have gone into creating this uniquely
Rare and beautiful treasure, I
Found truly fascinating.

The next thing I knew,
A blue smoke with a strong
Aroma of incense came
Out in a cloud.

Startled, I dropped the
Lamp and heard it hit the
Ground with a *clang.*

All of a sudden, I heard a
Voice say, "Ow" from inside.

"Sorry", I said while still in
A state of shock and surprise.

I watched in bewilderment, as
The smoke cleared and morphed
Into a levitating person of sorts
In front of my very eyes.

We exchanged a friendly,
"Hello" with each other.
"Excuse me," I asked, "but
Who are you?"

"Huzzah!" declared the
Creature with delight,
"For I, am a genie."

With a crack of its back, it
Looked down at the lamp and
Said, "There's nothing like
A good old stretch.

It's awfully cramped in
There. Anyway, I grant you
3 wishes. All of which
I will make come true.
So, what say you?

What will they be."

"Wishes?" I replied,
"I...I don't really have any."

Disappointed, the genie
Replied, "Looks like I'll
Have to return to the lamp,
And wait until the next person
Comes along.

Who knows when that will

As I watched the genie float
Towards the spout once more,
I couldn't help but feel sorry
For it.

"Wait!" I cried, "I know
What I want to wish for now."

"Oh?" Said the genie,
What are they going to

I replied with a smile,
"I only have just the one,

"Alright," said the genie,
"What is it?

I gave the genie a hug
And replied, "To set you

"Thank you," the genie replied,
"So it shall be."

With a *poof* the genie disappeared,
Never again to be seen.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Monday, October 14, 2024

Love your weird, because I do.
Your personality is everything and there is nothing boring about you.
Don't worry, I'm weird too.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Whenever a storm in your
Heart is flooding in rain,
I will warm it up with the fire in

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

My dog sits at the window,
And watches the wispy clouds
Subtly light up by the planes
That fly along in the night sky. 

I can't help but wonder,
'What is going through
His mind?'

Perhaps he feels comforted,
By the stars glistening in
His eyes?

Perhaps he's remembering
How all those centuries ago,
His ancestors would howl
At the moon?

Perhaps he is fascinated,
By the distant twinkle of the
City lights?

With a gentle sigh, he
Leaves the window.
Before jumping on to
My bed and performing
His ritual.

Walking circles on
The covers.

Finally he plops himself
Down after finding just the
Right spot, he curls up against
My legs for familiarity
And warmth.

With the snore of an old
Man whose been working on
A farm his whole life, he
Gives a dramatic yawn.

Revealing a warning
To any potential ghosts
In the room, the magnificent
Ferocity that is his canine

Though his eyes are
Closed, he pricks up an

Even in sleep, he's the
Goodest boy there is.
Providing me with safety
And security.

The best guard, I know.
He never leaves his post. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...