Sunday, October 6, 2024

Therapy - Food For Thought.

Therapy. For kids.

Something that is rarely, if not ever spoken about.
No one ever really thinks, of how much weight one child
Carries these days.

Let alone every child, every day.

Between miniscule moments at home, or daily happenings at school.
Whether it be due to being victims of bullying, or teachers who hate Their job and so they take it out on the kids.

The weight of the world is carried on the shoulders of the younger

And though children are lucky to have parents and guardians who love, care and support them. Sometimes, for a child, it's not always easy to get everything out in the open to family members.

How even the most minor of situations, hold so much negative Influence on our young ones. And though diary writing and drawings Help, they only take children so far. 

If not addressed, these feelings our children have, as they grow and
Mature, have the tendency to spiral out of control and morph into Something more worse.

Depression and Anxiety are silent killers. Let's continue to raise Awareness and support our children by getting them the Therapy They need.

To get them to raise their voices and not be afraid to seek Professional help. Before, it's too late.

Let's Prevent children's suicide today!

- Alexandra Pierotti. 



Saturday, October 5, 2024

Father's Shoes.

Some day, I'll grow into these.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Rediscover your passions,
Your peace, your power.

What you once thought was
Forgotten, after all this time
Has finally been found and


Stand your ground, swim
In serenity, soak it in, savour
This moment.

You are unsinkable!

The sunset sets the scene,
For your success.

This is your day, your month,
Your year, your life.

Cherish it.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Orange Rose.

I do my daily best to
Be good and delicate like a
Simple garden rose.

An example to others, I
Aspire to be.

Though hail and thunder,
Have had their fair share in
Trying to knock me down.

I never wilt or wither away.

In the queue of moving
Forward, I encourage others
To do.

In this line, I take my place.

Never again shall I be afraid
To reveal my tears, should I ever

For you see, love conquers all.

Delicate like a simple
Garden rose.

I want, to always be.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Put your phone on
'Do Not Disturb',
Clear you mind.

Reach down for the first
Thing you see, your favourite
Flower reaching up asking
To be cradled by thee. 

Together, may you both
Bloom and grow.

Positivity you spread
To the World, petals
That carry utmost beauty.

Landing on those, most
In need of smiles today.

Its fragrance a simple
Reminder, that they are special
And unique. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Dog Spelt Backwards, Is God. It is up to us, to care for all of His creatures. To love them, as He Loves Us.

 Please, don't abandon me? Because I would never abandon you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Broken No More.

Every mind, if given the
Chance, can be healed.

Stronger you become within
Yourself, if you 
What is hurting you most.

You've got to be willing,
To ask for the help you need.

Then have to courage to
Continue, meeting it half

Every problem you address,
Is a problem half solved.

Nothing ever good ever
Comes to those, who choose
To wallow in self pity.

So, continue to fight the
Daily battle of your mental
Illness! ✊

And before you know it,
You have won the ultimate

Every crack can be sealed.

"Broken" you are, no more.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

You Matter.

In case you haven't heard,
Or you've forgotten.

I want You to know, 
You matter. 

You always have.
You always will.

Even if the World makes
You think otherwise, believe me
When I say -

You matter.

To me.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Little Bit Of Everything.

A little bit of love,
A little bit of laughter.

A little bit of care, a
Little bit of dramatic

A little bit of crazy, a
Little bit of banter.

A little bit of extremity, a little
Bit of daily excitement.

Everything that makes you beautiful.
All sprinkled with a seasoning of mystery,
And a garnish of magic.

All of these wonderful things, you've
Kept bottled up inside.

Shoved into a jar, with
Its lid screwed on super tight.


It's time you opened the jar.

Time to release it all,
Splash it into the sky.

A place where everything,
Can and will be seen.

A vision, to all eyes.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


The Moon Dancer.

My parents named me, Luna.
Because they knew I dreamed
Of being a moon dancer, by
Profession one day.

When I was 5, I made a wish
On a shooting star.
The moon answered, it made
My wish come true.

So moon, let me dance
Just for You.

I'm on a World all of my
Very own, the moon twirls
Me under the star lit sky.

In the moon's arms, I'm truly
At Home. 

My love for it, I can no
Longer hide.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Song Of The Mountains - This Poem Is Based on my interpretation, of the character, 'Merida' from the movie, 'Brave.' Disclaimer: This poem is in no way associated with Disney.

I sing the song of my people
To the Mountains, and they sing
Theirs to me.

A beautiful harmony, when
Our voices are combined.
In peacefulness, our Souls
Are entwined.

Standing on the Mountain
Top, I let my voice ring.

And the Mountains,
They sing with me.
I smile, as I hear our voices

Handed along to the tallest of
Trees, their own game of pass-
The-parcel they enjoy playing.

A Viking I was born to

An archer I am, by trade.
A wild and unpredictable spirit,
By night.

All because I sing to the
Mountains, with all of my

The lyrics written by my heart
And mind.

With a final bow to the
I take my leave.


- Alexandra Pierotti.


Therapy - Food For Thought.

Therapy. For kids . Something that is rarely, if not ever spoken about. No one ever really thinks, of how much weight one child Carries thes...