All she ever wanted, was to be loved for her broken parts.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Easy to read poetry for positive vibes, well mindedness and an overall happy life.
Hearts in the wild.
They're everywhere, you see?
God's love for You,
You just have to know where
To look...
The signs, the symbols,
The signals, the paths that
Do lead.
A word written in a chapter,
On the page of your favourite
Written, in Psalm 23.
Look away, take in the
World around you.
Do you see it now?
Carved in the trunk of
A tree, or shaped in the
Clouds of the sky.
You're exactly where you
Need to be, touch your heart.
Set yourself free.
Freer, than you've ever been.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
When they asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I answered,
"Just like Mum."
- Alexandra Pierotti.
My life is one giant experiment, and I am proud to be its test subject.
Let the chaos commence! 😁
- Alexandra Pierotti.
The biggest wall that
You need to climb, is
The one that you build
Inside of your mind.
It's up to your life choices,
Whether you get to Live or
So, what's it going to be?
Are you going to stay Earth
Bound forever?
Or are you going to follow the Leader?
By, 'Walking, Into The Light.'?
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Trapped in a dream of
Dread, with no way out
In sight.
With my heart-in-my-mouth,
My stomach drops to the ground.
I'm in a river bank of
Black smoky mist, running
Into the night.
Trapped in on an invisible
Staircase of emotion, I try to
Push myself forward.
One foot in front of the other.
But every time I do, I'm pulled
Back again.
It's like, I'm going everywhere
And nowhere, at the same time.
My heart pounding, as I am being
Consumed in fright.
Will I ever wake from this terrifying
Nightmare of mine?
Or will I forever be,
'Running Into the Night'?...
- Alexandra Pierotti
Eyes as blue and deep,
As the ocean itself.
Travelled many nights,
Everywhere its been.
Seen things, of which you've
Only ever dreamed.
Fair skin that was painted
A gentle shade of the whitest snow
And the palest baby pink,
Of roses.
Canvas cared for with each
Strategic brush stroke,
A core memory of the artist's
Favourite childhood moment
Forever trapped, in
A trance of time.
The reflection of the artist,
Camouflaged against the
Galley wall.
A place, where it is appreciated
By all.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I write, because it's my passion.
I write, to keep my mind sharp.
I write, to place a twinkle of my
Thoughts on page.
I write, because it's the quickest
And most convenient of escapes.
To be a light for anyone, who is
Afraid of the dark.
Words, that I hope someone
Else, will benefit from one
I write, because if I keep all
Of my emotions bottled up, I
Will surely explode.
I write, so others may relate.
I write, because I trust that those
In need will keep my words
And maybe, if I should
Ever be lucky enough,
They will pass my words down
To the next generation.
An inheritance beneficial,
For anyone, of any age.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Ah, the seesaw of life.
A perfect balance of ups
And downs, highs and
Fun, and out of control.
Easy enough to slow down,
When you need to take a
Minute before getting off.
There when you leave,
And go home for the night.
Only to wait in excitement
At the park, for tomorrow
Morning when again you
- Alexandra Pierotti.
You've made the front page!
For speaking the truth,
For being yourself, even
When times were tough.
You are so brave.
You may not be where
You thought you'd be,
But the fact that you
Keep going?
For that, in my eyes,
You are a Star.
You within Yourself,
Have come so far.
You in your own way,
Are making Headlines.
Every day.
Words of your success,
Are sprinkled throughout
The world and touch the
Hearts of those most in
Like advertisements, that take
Up the whole television screen.
Making the most impact,
When inhaled like an invisible
Drug giving off only the
Best *high.
(*Don't do drugs, kids. I only use the word, 'High' as a metaphor.)
Today, is NOT the day to cave
And give in.
News of your accomplishments
And personal achievements, are
Breaking everywhere.
For all those days where
You woke up & felt like
Not doing anything?
Those were the days,
That you did the most
Important of things.
For that, and everything
That you do to soldier on
Is what makes the best
And for that and so
Much more, your story
Is the best story ever
Seeing as it is printed,
On the Front page.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I'm on a train where I
Belong, travelling to
An unknown station.
A station that is off the maps
On a one way destination, to where
I need to be.
Here I am, sitting on the
Only available carriage seat.
Enjoying the slow, steady and
Gentle ride.
I don't know where this track
Leads, or when I'll reach my
So I'm going to sit back,
Relax and enjoy the journey.
Wherever, it may take me.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
You know what's good
About storms?
When the thunder hits, it is
When the lightning strikes,
It is momentarily heart stopping.
When the rain pounds,
It resuscitates your heart
Nature's CPR, if you will.
And the next thing you
Know, it subsides.
Once again, you are called
Back, to the Light.
While lightning is bright,
The Son, is brighter still.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
My whole life, I was told
That I'm too "extra."
Nah, fam.
I'm the ✨main character. ✨💅
And this?
This is MY show.
And the show, must go on.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Take a moment, whenever and
Wherever it may be.
Enjoy the World around you, in all of its
Beautifully complicated simplicity.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Answer the call.
There's a message from
God on the other end.
Make a call to, God
Every now and again.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Years ago, I knew a girl
Who made all the wrong
All because, even though
Those choices didn't sit right
With her, all she ever wanted,
Was to make everyone else
Even if it meant deteriorating
Her own happiness.
What she needed, was for
Someone to make her happy.
To love her.
What she didn't realise, until
Many years later was, that someone,
Was herself.
That self love, is the most important
Love of all.
One day, it hit her -
She has to prioritise
That her own personal happiness,
Was more important that everyone
Else's put together.
She had to cut the apron
Strings, that were the people
Who she spent her whole
Life trying to please.
And when those people
Disapproved of her choice and every
Thing she has become,
She was okay with that.
More than okay actually,
She was...Happy.
A feeling that she had thought
She would never feel again.
She realised, that in that
Moment, she had finally
Made the right choice.
And just like that, she had
Opened a window...
…A window, that was inner peace
And tranquillity.
Oh, how she has grown.
She has finally bloomed
Into the vibrantly beautiful
Flower, she knew she is.
Who she has always been.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I've always had an inkling,
That I have to free the sunrise
Inside of me...but never knew
For sure if it was even
Would it ever be?
Always had only known, what
It was like to be a so-called, flightless
I've stayed in the nest all of
My life, because I would never
Be able to fly.
At least, from all those who
Knew me, that's all I ever heard.
Dared to step out on to the
Branch, one day and stretch my
However, the wind and gravity
Pushed me back into the nest.
I watched as my feathers detached
From my side, bid me a goodbye
I looked over the edge, to
Where my feathers did float.
The height of the tree, made
Me gasp in fright.
I never realised, how far down
The ground was before.
Still I know I am meant for
More, I was born to fly.
Tired of holding on to everything
That I had ever known, all that
I once was.
I am determined to prove
Them wrong.
I closed my eyes, took in a
Deep breath.
Told myself in a firm voice,
"I AM ready. It's time to
Let go. I can do this. I know
I can."
Kicked the nest off of
The tree, determined to not
Let anything stand in my
The sky whispered to me,
"I'm so proud of you.
They never thought you would
Ever be able to do this, look at
You now."
Words I never thought I'd
Hear, made my spine tingle in
Surprise and joy.
And just like that, I stepped
Off of the branch.
Giggled to myself as I descended,
Into the night.
Suddenly I felt something
Flutter and tickle me at my
Realised that I had re-gathered
The feathers I once had lost, rejoiced
When I saw those feathers embrace.
I have never felt so full of life!
I stretch my wings out
Once again, and flap.
The Sunrise that once inhabited
Itself in me, I released.
I'm free.
I'm flying!
All of this, because in
Myself, I believe.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Life is weird.
In a way, it's sort of like
There are times, when
You forget who you are.
Only to remember, who
You will be.
The future, that is
Reaching out to you.
Someone who is genuinely
Kind at heart, the best version of
Yourself, you always have been.
Don't let anyone take
You away from yourself,
Or erase your favourite
You are the best thing,
That the World has ever
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Freedom doesn't wait.
So why do you continue
Seize every opportunity.
Let go of the old, write what
You want from the Universe
On a piece of paper.
Cast it unto the wind, tell
It to come true.
If I can do it, so can you.
You've Got This!
I believe in you.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Whether it's your first
"Hello", in a while.
Or, your first ever,
Every greeting, matters.
In shaping the person you've
Become, for the better.
The person, you are today.
Infectious smiles are
Spread everywhere, through a
Simple "Hello".
Absorb it, Breathe it
In, Become it.
Pass it on to the next person
That you comes your way.
Whether it be a stranger or someone
That you know.
"Hello", sees no disability.
It only knows, who you are
The word, 'disability' is code.
For your many accomplishments,
And the world that you continue to
Conquer each and every day.
It stands for:
'This is my ability.
An ability to do anything that You
Can, and more.'
Your appearance may not be
Like mine,
That's because I am made for
Greater things.
The challenges that come
With every day life, are like
A weighted dumbbell at the
Though heavier than I ever
Imagined possible,
With every lift I raise,
Only makes me stronger.
This life that I live, is my
I am going to live my
Best life, this is something that
I am determined to do,
Each and every day.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I run bare foot through the
Fields, laughing as the wheat brushes
Playfully against my legs.
Everything I've ever been
Through, flashes past in my
Like snapshots taken from a vintage
Camera, before shattering into a
Million tiny shards.
Such be the glass shield,
Of a photo frame.
Personal strength, I have
It's the little moments like
These, that add up and make
The most beautiful of memories.
Ones that I can now proudly
Put on display.
My spiritual strength, one
Made of the toughest steel.
With bones made of iron, nothing
Life throws at me will ever be able
To make me break.
The arms of success, cling
Around my neck like a child.
I am chaos personified.
Any regrets I initially
Had, now have rusted over.
Flaking in fine fragments like
Dust, are slowly being blown
- Alexandra Pierotti.
When you're lost,
Hold the moon.
It's light will guide you
Should you ever be afraid,
Hold the moon.
It will provide great comfort and
Peace to your Soul.
If you feel alone, hold the moon.
Your best friend, it will be.
Should your mind wander and
Leave you asking questions,
Hold the moon.
Its mystical, magical answers
You will see.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Colour holds power.
It is that power, of which
Others are afraid.
And as a result, lash out.
Majority of the time, true and
Natural beauty that is genuine
Authenticity goes unnoticed.
Let's not forget, that even
The grandest oak must grow
Out of the darkest of soil.
You were gifted a skin tone
Of colour, do not be ashamed.
You were gifted a skin tone
Of colour, a colour as beautiful
As your name and race.
Complimented, by the shape
Of your face.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Ride the wind, ride it
Like you've never ridden
Take to the sky, the clouds
Holding you up.
Collect every nightmare
You've ever had, slam dunk
It into the sun.
Watch as it bursts in
An explosion, the light
Only shines the brightest
For you.
Of good things to come
Your way, you feel its
Comforting and familiar
Ride the wind, ride it
Like you've never ridden
- Alexandra Pierotti.
This Christmas, make a wish.
Whether it be by the twinkle of
Tree lights or under the mistletoe.
The perfect place, to share a sweet
And subtle kiss.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I stared the wolf dead in
The eyes, never breaking
It bared its teeth at me,
A steady low growl escaped
Its being.
Its gums as red, as my
So close to each other were
We, that I could feel the heat
Of its breath brush against my
Eyes yellow and glowing
Like a beam from a torch in
The night, reflecting my fear.
I gasped when I looked
In its eyes and saw my
Reflection, staring back
At me.
It was in that moment, that
We decided to no longer
Fear one another.
Slowly circling each other,
Until we met in the middle.
With a gentle puff, the wolf
Set its head on my shoulder
So as to nuzzle me.
Immediately, my shoulders
Relaxed and together as one
We breathed.
I turned my eyes down in respect
For the great creature and smiled to
Placing a comforting hand
Gently, in reassurance, against
The softness of its cheek.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
You're home alone,
And the chandelier starts swinging
On it its own.
The lights flicker on and off,
In the already dimly lit room.
The rocking chair in the corner
Starts rocking to and fro.
The strings of the guitar in
The next room, start strumming to
A creepy tune.
The next thing you know,
The tap to the kitchen sink suddenly
Turns on full blast, the heaviest
Are you really alone?
Or is it a ghost, trying to
Get your attention by
Making its presence
- Alexandra Pierotti.
I'm not to everyone's
Taste, simply because I
Refuse to sugar coat.
I scare majority of people,
Because I don't know how to
Be fake.
Say what you want about
Me, I couldn't care less.
But spread lies
About those I love, or
In general don't
Have the strength to
Stand up for
Big Mistake.
I drop facts, like you
Drop your jaw when I
Call you out.
Don't speak false
Unless you are prepared to
Do a double take.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Easy to receive, harder still to give.
So many layers to unwrap.
The heart is the ultimate gift.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
We are all fire fuelled,
Deep within our core.
It's what motivates us,
Each day in seeking to
Accomplish more.
Burning bright, warming
And lighting the lives of those
Around us.
Power peruses every person,
In some form or another.
Sparking out of our fingertips,
Invisible flames are they.
So complicated, that even
Science cannot put the intensity
Of it all into words and begin
To explain.
Should you be unable to see in the
Dark, I will lend you my flame.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Unlike the black bear,
That walks at night.
It is in this moment, that
I remember something that I had
Forgotten about, a long time
…I am unique, special, authentic
And not ashamed of my past.
It's what assists in rebuilding
Who I am, today.
It's the Sun that I hold, which
Sparks with the fire in my heart,
Eyes and mind.
Its flames flicker deep
In my heart, like a lantern
Showing me the way.
I would be nothing, if
Someone were to take the
Sun away.
I love the Sun, and everything
That it brings my way.
It is the Sun, that brightens each
And every day.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
It's amazing how much
Can happen, in the time span
Of 1 second.
A second, is all it takes.
For a friendship to be lost.
Only for another one to
Be gained.
The discovery of one's self
Worth, found when you least
Trust that was originally
Broken, healed over once
What once was bad will
Change for the better, just
Like that.
Just you wait.
All of that and more can
Happen in the time span that
It takes, for your fingers to
- Alexandra Pierotti.
That one night a year, where
The living and the dead come
To play.
Goblins, ghosts and vampires
Alike wander the streets.
In the hopes of scoring bags
Full of sugary sweets.
That one night a year,
Where every child, tall
Or small get to gorge on
Candy until their tummy
Still, they beg for more.
The one night a year,
That parents hate.
Knowing that their children
Soon, will be hyper as their
Teeth slowly rot away.
Dentists all around, wont
Admit their excitement.
The increase in salary, that
They're about to make.
Rubbing their hands greedily,
Knowing how much coin they're
About to gain.
Children excited in knowing
That there are only 364 sleeps,
Until the next Halloween.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Oh, to be a child.
To spin like a top.
Round and round.
To fall only to get back up
And spin again.
Only this time, faster.
Laughing as the world whirs by,
At speeds that make everything
Whiz past your eyes.
That moment your mouth
Dries up with each pant of
You stop as dizziness devours
You, yet everything keeps spinning
Without you.
Innocence the only thing
You know, young at heart and
Immune to judgement.
Of others, who pass you by.
Those who for your benefit,
Will forever remain unknown.
Catch your breath, spin once
Like a top, spin and never slow.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
In these fields of blue,
Is where I'll wait.
For everything to transform
From good and better, into
Something great.
Where time stands still.
In my own company, I am
Never alone.
The shade of blue that is
The sky, matches the colour
Of my eyes.
The flowery bed on which
I do lay, each petal made up
Of comfort and peacefulness.
Any and all bad vibes, memories
Stained and all the stupid things
That I've ever done throughout
My life.
Simply melt away, and dissipate.
This New Year, my resolution
Is to make more time for Me,
Myself and I.
Here, in this moment?
This, is where I belong.
Calm, stable, happy.
In these fields, of blue.
- Alexandra Pierotti.
A centimetre added,
For all the years I have
There's no stopping
Me now.
There's no going back.
All the scissors in the
Tower, I either throw out
Of the window or use to
Cut ties.
I switch my simple dress,
For something for grand.
Complete with a Lois Vuitton
jacket, and matching bag
In my hand.
I toss my artificial tiara
Into the fire, switching it
For a jewel encrusted solid
Gold crown.
Before I use my hair as
A rope to climb out of
The tower, abseiling all
The way down.
The bobbles that kept my
Hair pristine, I remove and
Use as a slingshot.
It cuts a branch in half,
I laugh when my hair
Bellows, out behind me.
At long last, I am as wild
As they come.
I am wilder and freer, than
The wild that blows my luscious
And bountiful hair around me.
Encouraged, by the
- Alexandra Pierotti.
Another day over, another
Fairy tale begins.
This next chapter of my
Personal adventure, better
Than the last one read.
Where I once thought of
Myself as an overgrown
Lawn, that was neither here
Nor there.
Now I see that I am the
Depths of the forest.
I have after all these years,
Found the courage to climb out
Of the den that was despair.
Flourishing like the wild
And now? I am as beautiful as
The forest itself.
Within myself, I have
Grown so much.
And yet, I still have
A long way to go.
When it comes to me,
Personally I believe that so
Much yet so little about
Myself is known.
My whole life, I let
Nothing out except for
The occasional and
Subtlest of growls.
My confidence has
Developed, like it never
Has before.
Inner strength, becomes me.
I have never felt so strong and
Powerful before.
I have finally discovered,
The intensity that is my
Voice of reason.
Dignity, Worthiness and
The holy trinity that makes
Me who I am, as a whole.
Where others still see me as
The cub I once was, my Spirit
Animal has found and becomes
I, am the greatest and
Grandest of Bears.
Hear. Me. Roar!
- Alexandra Pierotti.
🕊You've chased the light Long enough, now you must Remove the blindfold... …To see that it has been Inside you this whole time. - Alexa...