Sunday, September 15, 2024

Snow White.

Midnight black hair,
Shoulder length that I
Pin back into a curly bob.

Eyes green and skin,
Snow white.

The woodland creatures,
Gather to hear me sing.

You know how they say -
"An apple a day, keeps the
Doctor away" ?

'Tis true.

On its own 'tis sweet,
Crisp with a finale of
A satisfying crunch.

In my opinion I find,
'Tis best in a pie or cake.

Everything tastes better,
When 'tis freshly homemade.

I am at my most content,
When I am in the kitchen.
Conversing with my seven,
Small friends.

Warming our hands by the
Oven as we watch the desserts
Cook, and smell the aromatic
Fragrances as they bake. 

My Stepmother, the Queen,
Is not evil, despite what everyone
In town says.

Often she pops 'round
For a visit, we enjoy each other's

Telling each other about
Our day, over a slice and
Cup of tea.  


- Alexandra Pierotti.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

You Held On, Now, You Must Let Go.

Sometimes, it's easier to hold on than it is to let go.
But what is easy, isn't always healthy.
Sometimes holding on, can actually cause more pain and damage to an already open wound.

Sometimes, you have to acknowledge what situation is causing you pain, confront it, and make like a band aid -

It stings for a moment as soon as it's been ripped off. But the second you throw it into the waste bag and take out the trash, where it belongs? You will heal sooner than you ever thought possible.

You can't help someone to swim, if they are determined to drag you under and sink alongside them.

Do what is the best and hardest thing you will ever have to do -
release your mutually firm grip you have on one another.
Let go, and don't look back.

That, is when you will rediscover your wings...
And with that, you ability to fly to the greatest of heights.
the next chapter of your life, that comes as a result of fresh starts and new beginnings  x.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


The Shoe/ Cinderella's Comeback. Anxiety Awareness.

That night, in the cold
And the rain.

I didn't leave because of
Some chime indicating,

I had no curfew, so it's
Not like I was going to be

No, I left because I had to.
Nobody understands the goings
On of my brain.

What it's like, to be consumed
By the Monster that is Anxiety.

To be eaten from the inside, out.
Swallowed whole, by a panic attack.

Feeling the need to scream, all the
While knowing that no sound will
Come out.

If you suffer from Anxiety also,
You'll know what I'm talking about.

I didn't leave my glass shoe, in
The hallway that night.

It left me behind, falling
Off of my foot.
Betrayal of the best kind.

The shrew that is the heel,
Stomped on the hem of my
Favourite blue dress.

Tearing the material for all
To see, just as I felt that my
Mind was commencing a battle
Of it's own.

Mocking the cry of my heart,
Laughing spitefully as it watched
It shred and tear itself apart.

Self destruction at its finest,
I had no choice but to leave.

To not feed the sight, of
Judgemental onlookers.
I didn't want the whole
World to see.

The thought of the fact of
What went down, to this day still
Haunts me like a bad dream.

It's like my Soul has forgotten
What it's like to know peace, though
It be hard to make my comeback
With my head held high. 

I've got to remind myself to
Breathe, it's not easy but I've
Got to try.

The Monster that is Anxiety,
Doeth live in my Mind rent

Though it's with me permanently,
I'm not going to let it loose and go
Rogue in the Castle of my being.

I must acknowledge, come to terms
With and not be ashamed to be the
Living quarters for Anxiety.

Hush now, Monster.
It's not our fault,
We couldn't help it.

It's time now for You,
To fall back to sleep.

I'll return when we're
Ready, to pick up the
Shards of that broken

There's always going to be
Another ball for us to attend,
I see you now not as an enemy.

Rather, an overwhelmingly,
Terrified friend.

It's okay, though slightly

I know, you've got my
Back and I've got yours.

There's no use, crying over
Spilt Champagne. 

You and me? We are One.
So different, yet, we are but
The same.

Most illnesses known to
Man, are easily cured.
Though, not always.
Not this one, anyway.

We have a long road ahead
Of us, but I'm not one to give

This is who we are.
This, is who we've become.

It's okay that we were transparent,
So long as 
I continue to carry on.

To own what happened,
Own my Name.

Nothing good ever came
From those who walk through
Life, their head permanently
Bowed in shame.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, September 13, 2024

The Pianist.

I crack my knuckles,
Flex my fingers.

Back straight, shoulders
Relaxed, my red silken dress
On the seat splayed.

The layered footing of
Its skirt, lands gently on
The floor in a muted

Once again, I am teleported
To my favourite and sacred

Eyes closed, heart open.
Crack my neck.
Breathe in and out, it's
Time to play.

I call on the Spirits of,
Pianists past.

Beethoven, himself comes through.

I tell him by communicating
Through my heart, "I'm going to
Channel my talent and skill
Through you." 

I hear him whisper his
Reply, "It's just me and

My fingers slide and dance
Along the key board,
Telling the world how
I came to be.

How every event in my
Life has invented, built and
Shaped me into who I am.

Every high, every low.
The girl who once was,

The Woman, I am now.
Mature, strong, independent
Dainty and delicate.

Like my Grandmother's
Vase perched on top of
This very piano.

Full of roses and daffodils,
Fragrant sweet, yet complicated
To put into words.  

A song sung, by the
Piano's white keys.

Soft and sweet, like a Father
Reading his child a bedtime

My life summed up in one
Simple tune, a perfect and
Unique symphony.

The name of this song?

'All of Me.' 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daylight Saving.

I save every moment of
This beautiful gift that is,

Saving it, like the Light
Saves each day.

I reach my hand out.
Absorbing, as I breathe and
Bathe in the sunshine

Soaking up every bit
Of it's glimmering glow.
Shut my eyes, time stands

All that was fast, now
Moves ever so slow.

I'm going to be like,
Elsa from 'Frozen.'
I'm going to Let It

It's just me, and the
Soothing song sung
By the stream of my

Every thing around
Me, taking turns to sing
A silent solo.

I imagine my secret
Sorrow, on the surface of
The water.

Slowly being washed

Open a glass jar, I
Trap what I can of the
Sunlight's rays.

Shaking it up like a smoothie
Before pouring every drop, over
My head.

Only the best shampoo I
Use, made from a sprinkling of
Fairy dust.

Golden glittery love
Playing and weaving,
Within my hair.

I savour every moment of
This beautiful gift that is,

Saving it and storing
It, like a souvenir.

Just like the Light,
Saves, each day.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




When others chose to
Survive, I chose to

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Life is like, a game console -
You have to learn from your mistakes.
Try, try and try again.

Sometimes you're in
Control, at other times
You're not.

Doesn't matter how long it takes.
So that when you're not expecting to,
That is when, you will level up.

You ready? Game on!

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tears Of Joy.

She cried when she realised that,
She had outgrown who she once was.

Grown into who she is,
The person she's always wanted
To be.

That the Future is brighter, than
Any star she had ever seen.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Be Like Coffee.

Be like coffee -

Strong, beautiful, comforting, warm.
Equal parts bitter and sweet.
Who cares if you're not everyone's
"Cup of tea."

You're not one to sugar
Coat reality.

Logic lackers, laces and
Lingers along the rims of
Your lips.

With everything that
You've overcome?

Your picture should be
On every front cover, of
Every magazine.

Let your heart be like your
Favourite mug -

Sturdy, yet not afraid
To show your fragility.

Your mind a spoon -

Constantly stirring, mixing
Thought and emotion in a
Steady rhythm.

Enhancing its flavour, with each
And every sip of

In case you haven't
Been told by anyone
Today, I want you to
Know that I'm proud
Of you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Stressed? PrπŸ™y.
Happy? PrπŸ™y.
Seeking guidance? PrπŸ™y.
In need? 
Want to talk to someone? 
Seeking forgiveness? 

You want to be the sword and armour,
To have the strength and courage you need
In order to fight your daily battles? 

Need assistance in picking up all of
Your broken pieces and rebuilding
Yourself ? 

Anxious? PrπŸ™y.

Struggling to cope that comes
With the destruction of grief? 

Feeling like you're disappearing
Within yourself due to forgotten

In need of advice? PrπŸ™y.

Need a friend? PrπŸ™y.

Wanting answers to the major
Questions of Life? 

Feeling lost? PrπŸ™y.

Have a spare moment? PrπŸ™y.

Because you want to? PrπŸ™y.

To give thanks for the start and
End of each and every day? 

For all your aspirations for your
Future, that are yet to come? 

Ashamed? PrπŸ™y.

Afraid? PrπŸ™y.

To give thanks for all the good
In your life? 

Whether it be at Church, at home or
When you are just in general out and

- Alexandra Pierotti.


A Sky Of Love.

The Sky loves you,
As much as I do.

So does everyone, who
Is closest to you.

Every day, is a new

Every cloud, holds a
Silver lining.

It only get better from
Here, so stay strong.
The Sky loves you, as
Much as I do.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

A Bouquet Of Dandelions.

Hi! I hope you're having a
Good day.

You're not?

Well then,
Here you go.

I picked some dandelions,
Because I was going to make
Some wishes today.

I love to see the fluffiness
Of the dandelions wisping
By, as they woosh along the
Air currents.

Whispering my wishes to
The breezy breath, of the

Their way of guaranteeing
Me, that they will grant every
Wish of mine to come true.

However, you look like
You could use them more
Than I do.

Enjoy this bouquet, use
Every wish wisely. 

*gives you a hug.*

The more wishes made,
The more likely they are
To come true. 

May every wish you
Make, be granted.

That, is my wish,
For you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


This Christmas, make a wish.
On the first star of the night that
You see, or on a twinkling light
Of the Christmas tree πŸŽ„.

The mistletoe, the perfect
place to steal a sneaky kiss.

My wish for you, is to have
A Happy New Year and all
Of the years ahead, yet to

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Neurospicy - This Poem Is Dedicated To All Of My Fellow Neurodivergent Babies Out There x.

I'm neur🧠spicy, of course my life is anything but bland πŸ™ƒ.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course the school educational system failed me.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I have sensory issues.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I'm weird.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I have a different perspective to you.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course my brain's wired differently to yours.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I'm impulsive.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I'll mirror your actions in attempt to fit in.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I am silly.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I speak or act before I think.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course I somehow always manage to see the positive side of things.
I'm neur🧠spicy, of course once you become immune to my shenanigans you'll see how much of a good friend I'll make.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


BE the basketball. Always bounce back.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Me, Myself and I.

Sometimes the best food
For the Soul, is spent sitting
In silence.

A glass of wine, in hand.

Fully invested in the company I have.
The company that is

Me, Myself and I.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 Happiness looks good on you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Be Open.

I closed my eyes,
Opened my Mind.

I closed the road
That is the chaos,
Constantly circling
Inside of me.

Finally, I am able
set my Spirit

I closed my mouth,
So I could hear my
Heart speak.

I have finally discovered
My Purpose, in this life.
That the destination, isn't
All it's been said to be.

What's important is
The steps I must walk, in
Order to make the most of
My personal Journey.

When I grow tired of
Walking, I turn my steps into a
Hop, skip and jump. 

I know now who I was, who
I am, and who I have grown
Within myself, to be.

No longer do I allow
Myself to ask, "what if?.."
Now, I assure Myself that

What will be, will be.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Blue Strawberry.

In a field of red, I am
The only one of blue.

Though from the same
Field, a different vine altogether
Is where I grew.

The cream of the crop is
I, though no one looks past
The stem and into my eyes.

Slowly I watch the others
Get picked one, by one.
Filling the basket that is
Everyone's heart.

I smile when my iridescent
Hue, dances in the every ray
Of the sun.

The light reflects my natural
Beauty, the sun a disco ball.
The sky, my favourite song.

I can't help but sparkle,
At my most bright and brilliant
Shade of blue.

In my own company,
I am 
never alone.
I am proud to not be your
Average, strawberry.

I was Christened to be blue,
From my early days when I
Was but the smallest of

Despite everything, still
I grew.

For you see, the wonderful
Are the rarest.

I may be rare, but I
Know my worth and

My personality shows
Itself in every possible way
Known, as rich and vibrant
As the earth from which 
I continue to grow and

Just as beautiful as the
All the other strawberries,
A hint of my sweetness
Lingers, like the most
Fragrant and delicate of

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Monday, September 9, 2024

A Mermaid's Tale.

I love the water and all its
Many shades of blue, like
Music sung by the sea.

Coral born of every colour,
A peaceful Palace for fish and
Those alike.

A mermaid like no other,
I refuse to sing a Siren's song.
Among the shores of safety,
Is where humanity belongs.

Even though everyone, for
Now, thinks this is nothing but
A mere myth -

I believe, if attempts were
Made, every one, of every
Species, would get along.

I believe, that humans and
Mer-people are in many a
Ways the same.

We all want what's best for
Our shared environment.
Why not start by stopping
Litter thrown,

This... "dΓ©cor" of yours,
Does not suit the carpet
Of us mer-peoples' sand
Lined, oceanic home.

Please be respectful of us,
And in return, us mer-people to
You and your lifestyle will
Do the same.

Can't we live together as,
One people? Housed, in

If only you could see
The beauty, that is the
World we share. 

I wish I could show you
The craftsmanship that went
Into creating the ruffles of
My handmade, white and
Ocean blue dress.

The lacey hem made of
Only the frothiest foam and
The sweetest of salt.

Maybe one day, you'll
Eventually come to appreciate
watery wonderland.

That my people chose to
Make, our home.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Swing.

If you've been waiting
Your whole life, for a sign
That things will get better.

Well, then. Wait no more.
This is it. This is your sign.

Remember that thing, you
Thought you'd never be able
To do but then did it anyway?

Remember that time you had
Wished you had said something
In that moment, but didn't know
What to say or the best way to
Say it?

Then the next thing you know,
You found the courage one day to
Say what had to be said when it
Mattered the most?

Remember how amazing it
It felt, when the sudden rush of
Adrenaline ran a full on marathon
Through your veins?

Wasn't that the best?

Life is like a swing -

Back and forth, back and forth.
Up and down, once again.

So grab hold of the handles,
And swing like you've never
Swung before. Back and forth,
Back and forth.

Every time you go back,
Leave a trauma behind in
The Past.

Lean forward, taste the
Freedom greeting you from
The Future.

Play with the Present,
Soak up the Sun.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wires - The End of Civilisation as we know it.

We used to be so beautifully...

Living. Breathing. Thinking.

Now, unfortunately, all
We are, are nothing but

Permanently plugged
Into the power point that
Is, the internet.

Without knowing it, we are
All permanently being

Constantly connected and
Committed, not by choice.
But rather, because it is

Computers, televisions,
i-pads and phones.
Controlled by the none
Other, than the Government

Brainwashing and force
Feeding us, conspiracies.
Laughing as our brains consume,
This false information that
We are being told.

We are gaining invisible,
Calories by the second.
Weight on our waists by
The week, our minds getting
Numbed by the minute.

Unless something is done,
There will be no stopping
It. No end.

How gullible we are as a
Race, to have let it get this

Honestly, what happened
To civilisation?!?

Where has all of humanity

What has our World come

It's time we take a stand!
Time, we get our creativity and
Lives back!

It's easy to miss the subtle
Sneakiness, of it all.
Slowly but surely, every
One of us is getting replaced
By ai robots.

It is fact that, 90% of all
Jobs can be taught.
Oh, if only we were given
A chance...

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Saturday, September 7, 2024

Find Me In Paris - The Note.

Find me, in Paris.
I will be waiting by the
Eiffel Tower.

Where dreams come
True, in this City of

Where soon, we will once more
Reunite, with one another.
Je t'aime.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Keep Moving Forward.

Learn, from the Past.

Beautiful, is the Present.
The greatest gift, of all.
Make every moment

No matter, how small.

Onwards and upwards,
A surprise always.
Look forward, to the

Essential to making our
World a better place, are

So, Keep Moving Forward.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Live. Laugh. Love.

I Live, for today.

I Laugh, for tomorrow.

I'll Love, for forever.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Everywhere, I Look. - This Poem Is Dedicated To All Those Who Are Missing Someone, With Their Whole Being.

Everywhere I look,
God reminds me of you.

Whether it be from the
Gentle rustle of wind,
Blowing through the

Or the delicate droplets
Of a sun shower, falling
At my feet.

Every page of this
Book of photographic
Memories, reminds me
Of a sweet comment
That you would say.

As you'd smile and point
Out your favourite moments,
On every page.

Here I sit and look out
At the view, of our favourite

Oh, if only you and
I could together, could
Spend just one more day...


My heart is at Peace now,
My dear.
I promise you.

Please, do not despair?.
You may not be able to
See me now, but trust me
When I say that I, am

I've never felt so alive!
I...don't actually remember
What it was like when my

Body died...? 
Huh. That's weird.

Ah well, I've been gifted
With a new and better

All is well, with me.
I am always by your side,
Even in moments where
You temporarily forget to

I love you, my dear.
That, I want you to
Never forget.

I shall now and always
Usher you forward, in order for
You to truly flourish.

Spare me a thought now
And then, eh?

Just promise me that
You will do it, with a
Smile, on your face.

Love always,
Insert Name here.⁕)

- Alexandra Pierotti.



It becomes me,
It guides me.

It loves me, and
I love it too.

Shining through me,
Illuminating the stars
That live amongst my
Golden eyes.

Casting a Heavenly glow,
My very own halo.

Consecrating my hair,
The most beautiful of

I never knew that
I needed, until only just

A Discovery I had to
Make, on my own.
I'm glad that I did.
Better late than never,
I suppose.

Light and Darkness, the
Most harmonious and happiest of

The cutest of couples,
Always cuddling.
Is, Day and Night.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

Friday, September 6, 2024


She would apply a fake smile
For the camera, like a professional
Makeup artist.

Only crying when
Home alone.

She would sing like a canary,
But behind closed doors she would wail
And weep.

Nothing made any sense, then again,
It rarely ever does.

The torrents of tears, deprived
Her of a sound sleep.

Her delicate floral perfume she always
Wore, to mask the scent of sadness.
Spent most of her whole life searching
For herself. For answers.

However, she remains left unfound.

She never lets that stop her,
Though, she's always quick to
Dab away her tears with her
Favourite handkerchief.

One, of pure white.

She always remembers that
After a much needed cry,
A genuine smile would soon
Resume it's rightful place.

That after every storm, a rainbow will
Always light up the Sky
that was once
A smudge of grey.

The pain she bares, temporary.
The love she always will spread,
And carry.

Here, to stay.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

What I've learnt...

1. When other's give up on you, it is an opportunity to continue to
    Believe in Yourself.

2. When one door closes, God opens all the windows.

3. Things only get better from here.

4. Laughter is the best medicine.

5. Faith conquers all.

6. Sometimes you have to trip in order to find your footing and              Stand up taller than ever.

7. Those who are labelled as "crazy" are the most misunderstood, as      Well as the most understanding, caring and loving.

8. What you put out into the World, has a way of coming back to             You.

9. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

10. Time is always ticking, so make every second count.

11. Many will leave, but only few make the biggest and best imprint, On your heart - a silent, unspoken, unbreakable vow to always by Your Side they'll stay.

12. Goodness is all around us, you just have to know where to

13. You are unique, you are special, you are needed, you are loved,          You are important in God's eyes.

14. If you take it slow, walk one step at a time then Everything will one day everything turn out to be More than alright.

15. Everything will make sense when you least               Expect it.

16. You have to feel the harshest of hurt, in order to heal.

17. Life is an infinite wheel - always going round and round.
      It will rise you to the very top when it senses that you are too
                       low to

18. Don't give in and don't ever give up.

19. Let the sting of your past visit, but never invite it to stay.

20. Life is what me make it.

21. You're Not alone. 

22. When lost, you will always find your way.

23. Let it out, then let it go.

24. Stop asking, Yourself, 'what if...?' The best things come to those Who wait.

25. Don't be what others want you to be,
      Be who You are.

26. You are and always will be, the
      Brightest star in the night sky.

27. You've touched more lives in the best way, than You know of.

28. You're not "crazy", you are spicy. And                                  Everyone knows that, Spice is the main
      Element o
f  f

29. Live for Yourself, and no one else.

30. You're doing Great, sweetie x.
      Keep going!

31. There will always be someone to be your Cheerleader, when you        Are sitting alone on the bleachers.

32. Every problem, has a solution.

33. Hope stand for:

 Peace πŸ•Š.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Those who take advantage
Of one's heart, are not strong
At all.

Those who get up,
take on yet another day
with a positive mind,
Positive vibe.

Constantly determined to
Live a happy and healthy

No matter at what stage and
Phase of their life?
They are the strongest.

Courage, kindness,
Unconditional love and

Despite their struggles, and
Going through a lot.

The strongest, gain strength.
From deep within.

The strong have no need,
To boast or post, their life's

They know that they
Are strong, how strong
They truly are.

And that, is the ultimate win.

As long as you are good
With who You are, and
Good with God?

He will give you, all the strength, you need.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

A Letter Of The Truest Love. The author? your Heart.

I, am Sunrise.
I, am Sunset.

I, am delight but
Should the time call
For it, I turn into dread.

I, am laughter.
I, am fear.

I, am Dusk.
I, am Dawn.

I've been with you,
Since the day you
Were born.

I, am the bluest Sky.
I, am cloud - light and

…Who houses the ability
To turn into the most fearsome of
Storms, should anyone dare to
Make you cry.

Occasionally, I might 
Become a nightmare.

However, I try my very
Best not to be.

It's not who I am,
It's not in me.

Nothing brings me more
Joy, than to provide you
With pleasant Dreams.

I often find myself in an
Almost constant battle, when
You listen to your Mind...

…Only for me to eventually
Win the argument, and have
You follow me instead.

Your heart

Though the mind has good
Intentions, you know that I
Will always lead you along
The right path.

I beat a steady rhythm,
Like that of a drum -
Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

I, have loved you.
And still do, to this
Day and age.

I, have Protected you,
Broken and healed
For You.

You, are so brave.

I, cheer you on.
I have vouched for you,
Right from the start.

You can't see me, but you
Have no idea how happy I
Am to be yours.

To reside deep within
Your chest - to carry your
Daily prayers up to, God.

My scientific name is as big
And and complicated as me.

In the Medical world, my name
Is pronounced like a tongue


Though you have Christened
Me with the most
beautiful of

I may appear small
And insignificant, but
Believe me when I say.

My love for you, and
Those lucky enough to
Be part of your life?

Is as BIG as the ocean.
I am your Forever.

If I could choose anyone
In this world to love,
I would choose You.

Time, and time again. 

Much love always,

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Manic Mondays - A Positive Way, To Start Your Day! x just got to
Be manic. You, know?
To let your hair down, to
Laugh like there is no

What better day, than to
Start on a Monday?

I know what you're going
To say -

Mondays are the worst!
Nothing ever good, happens on a

To that I say, *In King
Julian's Voice*,

"Oh, shut up! You're so
Annoying!" 🀣

My guy, you seriouslyyy
Lacking ✨Positivity.✨
Here, take some of mine.

Mama taught me that,
Sharing is caring.
And I'm determined to do
This right...

...Meh. What the flipflop
Does she know πŸ˜‰?.
Give me back, my ✨Positivity.✨

I'm kidding. You keep it 😘.
I have plenty to share with
Everyone πŸ™ƒ. 

What are you waiting for?!
Jump in this shopping trolley,
Let me take you for a ride.
Let's GO!

We'll fly along the freeway! 🀩
We'll be the only ones using
A trolley as a makeshift car,
Wheeeee! πŸ›’

I promise you, it will be an
Adventure of a Lifetime!

See how fun, life can be?.
What better time to be manic,
Than when we are alive?

After all, we only get

So, let's make the most
Of it.

Let us live our lives
To the fullest.

Let's make every second

Together, we will spread
The power of ✨Positivity!✨
For those who are content
To live a life full of negativity?

I'm going to stay ✨Positive✨.
For spite 😁.

I'm going to continue to
Spread, love and kindness
Wherever I go.

I'm going to live large
Like it's do or die.

I'm always going to look
For the ✨Positive✨ in
This World.

To always share, my ✨Positivity✨.
To give the gift, of g😊od ✨vibes✨

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Evolution - Dedicated to every, Vanessa, out there. Whose name, literally translates to, Butterfly.

I am my very own,

At my lowest,
I created myself
A cocoon.

A temporary shelter,
I built for myself.
To stop my heart,
From crying.

It's the best thing that
I have ever done, for
Myself -

Breaking free, and
Stretching my wings.
I realised in that moment,
That the sky and the Sun
Is all I need.

Everyday I thank the wind,
For blowing beneath my Wings.

Assisting me in this
Discovery, of myself.
What a long journey, it
Has been.

Testing my limits -
Bending, but never breaking.
My Personal, Boundaries.

Within myself, I am ready
To announce to the World 
proudly -
That I, have

With those you tried trimming
My wings?

I don't deny flapping
Out of their life.

Sometimes the thing that
Heals us, comes from the
Most bitter of medicines.


Though I might've been a
"Late bloomer," In my every
Aspect of my evolution.

Though I'm not for everyone,
Not everyone's' "cup of tea."
For my own piece of mind.
I have made the ultimate life
Altering Decision.


To no longer use the
Remaining energy I have
Left, on those unworthy
Of my Mind.

I, am a true butterfly.
The very last, of my Kind.
No longer allowing Myself,
To get ensnared by the net.

Flying always,
Forwards and Upwards.
The Sun, always in
My view.

Waiting for me patiently
In the Never Ending, beautiful
Bluest of blue Sky.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Snow White.

Midnight black hair, Shoulder length that I Pin back into a curly bob. Eyes green and s kin, Snow white . The woodland creatures, Gather to...