Saturday, August 31, 2024

Let My Mind Wander...

I could lie here, Forever.
Staring up at the Sky.
To exhale all my problems,
And empty the contents of
My heart.

Each breath of mine,
Controlled by the only
The fluffiest of white

To 'Let My Mind Wander'...

I've come to realise, that
The most important of things -
Can not be spoken by word
Of mouth.

Rather, a one way ticket to
The Mind...

For that to happen, I must
Go on this Journey alone.

To finally, get the answers
To the Questions, that make
Up all of Who I am.

That invisible person, pulling
The levers and winding the wheels
Of My Spirit, deep inside.

To understand and appreciate
The contents that is the uniqueness
Of My Mind.

All those things that make
Me tick, and all the hobbies
I've developed that help me

I'm still in the process, of
Appreciating my own,
Individual style.

To remind myself, that all
Of me is beautiful - in the
Creator's eyes.

I don't ever have to change
Myself, in order to "fit in" with
The crowd.

Those who appreciate me,
I welcome gladly into my life.

Those who don't?
I really don't care if they choose
Not to dig my vibe.

I am never alone in my
Own company, for it to be
Just me and the Sky?

It's actually when I feel
Most Alive.

I feel a certain amount of comfort,
When I lie with my back against this
Cold, hard and abandoned road.

To 'Let My Mind Wander'...
In my own presence, I am
Never alone...

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, August 30, 2024

Success Is What We Make It.

Positive Vibes.
Positive Mind.
Put those two together,
And what do you get?

That's right,
A Positive Life!

Success is what we make it,
It comes in all shapes and sizes.
It comes in all fonts, and forms.
Some of us have to go on top
Of the Mountain to hunt it down.

Others are lucky enough to be
Gifted with it, from the moment
That they are born.

Doesn't matter how, or when
It decides to come and find you.
For now, at least, you have
To continue to Believe.

No matter what chapter you
Are on, no matter what page.
Doesn't matter what sentence
You're currently reading, the
Fact that you are owning your
Specific title?

Personal success, is all the rage.

Why compare your life's
Story, to those of artificial
Gold trimmed hard covers?

The story that is, "All of You".
The World's most fascinating tale.
You put the 'S' in the word, 'Success.'
Notice how there is more than one?

It's because every time the World
Pushed you down, back up bigger and
Better did come.

There are many an 'S', in
Such word.

They are made up of every
Small second of personal
Success, you continue to make.

For you see, every small thing
Adds up -

Until you reach your
Full Potential.

You were made for
Greater things.

This was God's plan, He makes
No mistakes.

Life is a test, of how much
Pain and difficulty we can

One must trip, fall and flail,
In order to make a personal
Comeback this is
Than great.

If you look reeeeeal close,
Everything that makes you
So beautifully unique?

Is in the slightest, easily
Missed and most important of

So trust the Process, and
Soon enough you'll see.

When your story comes to
Its end, Personal Success
Is and always will be, your
Greatest Victory!

So for now, keep on pushing through.
Always keep your head, in the game.

True strength comes from
Fight personal struggles.
So struggle, all you need.
Use it as Motivation! ✊

...A simple stepping stool for you
To stand on, in order, to

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Princess & The Frog.

I know you didn't ask for my advice...
But, I'm going to give it to you anyway! 😁

The Advice?


Something that took me a good
Amount of time to discover,
Something I happened to discover

And you know what?

That's okay!
We'll all eventually get there one day.
There's no rush.

What I had to discover for
Myself was, good things DO

The very best, happen to
Those who wait.

It usually doesn't happen
On your time, patience is

On God's watch, is when
Things will be poured down
On you abundantly.

This I know for certain.

You'll never know when,
Or where.

What I've personally learned,
Is that it will show itself to you
In the most unexpected place.

Sure, practice makes perfect.
And you had to practice many a

Unfortunately all those you
Had practiced on, were not
Worthy of your heart.

It was a lesson God was teaching
You, right from the Start.

What I had to learn for Myself,
Is that one must kiss a minimum of
A thousand toads before coming
Across a beautifully rare frog.

One, that is most definitely
Worthy of your undying love.

One kiss from you, is all
It takes to transform the
Beautiful creature into
Your very own, Prince.

When the magical moment
Comes, where you get to gaze
Upon his face.

It is in that moment you will
Discover, that it was Fate.

He is the one, of which this
Whole time you have been

It's those whose hearts are
Pure, their constant wish for
Love will come true.

Fulfilled, when needed most.

Just be patient, my dears.
Do the hardest thing you've
Ever had to do.


- Alexandra Pierotti.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mane Attraction.

The World around me,
A Jungle.

I've been through things,
That you'd never have been
Able to survive.

I don't let that stop me,
I own this Jungle.

I protect with all of
My heart, those who
Are housed deeply in
The den of my love.

Much like a Lion,
Looking out of their

No Hunter can stop me,
I'm always on the prowl.
Guarding my Pride with
My life.

I wont ever turn my back
On them, or even so much
As consider letting them

I demand Respect, wherever I

I'm not going to give up.

Not now. 

Not Ever.

The adventure that comes
With love, is what I live for.
It is everywhere, just like

I'm not one for staying put,
In one place for too long.

Hear the ferocity, in my ROAR!
My voice doeth linger, longer than
The birds of prey that circle in the sky.

Close to the ground a camouflage
I take on, behind the tall grass of
Green and sandy.

Their roots the only thing, that
Has turned white. 

I wait...

I watch...

Ready whenever and wherever
I am needed, at a moments' call.

The urge to POUNCE!
Clings eagerly to my Mane.

So go ahead, attempt to
Tranquilize me - I promise
You, it wont work.

But so much as consider as
To mess with those I treasure

You're practically asking, to
Enter a world of hurt.

Let me tell you, it's not worth it.

So take this chance, and
Backtrack your steps.
Stealthily, I sit by and

I promise to not make any
Sudden movements, so long
As you promise to do the same.

Take this warning, as an opportunity -

An open invitation for
You, to back out.

The Pride of mine, the
Greatest attraction.
Sheltered securely, by my

To protect them and fight
For them to my last breath,
I do not think twice.

Because I know for Myself,
They would do the same.

I have made the unbreakable
Vow, to protect them.

I make good on my promises,
I am the ultimate true and fiercely
Protective friend.

I dare you, too look deep
Into the depths of my eyes.

Do so, and you shall see,
That I have lost many battles...

Because I have Won and continue
To Win, every war.

This alone, is nowhere near
To being my last one.

Think twice about testing me -
My voice should you hear it,
Will indeed send shivers down
Your spine.

I will do anything and everything,
In order to Protect my Pride.
Make the smart decision and leave

A reminder, to make the most
Value of your life.

Those who are stupid enough
To race me, always lose.

I am Woman, you see?

I was born with the power of speed and agility.

A swift and cunning mind.
I have the incredible strength,
That comes with having a heart
Of a Lion.

When it comes to my friends,
And family? Those who are the
Most important members of my

In a heartbeat, for them I am
And always will be there.

If you so much as come close
To harming them?

I guarantee that on the back of your
Neck, you will feel the heat that is,
My Lion's breath.

I am the Queen of this
Jungle, all it takes is for
You to make one mistake.

Then it will be the end of our
Little game, don't make me
Play my final move...?


- Alexandra Pierotti.




Shopping Spree. AKA - Retail Therapy.

 In that moment, it's just as 
Even more so, just as

You try not to think about
It, so you turn away...

Your beautifully, thick lashed
Lids act as curtains -
Shielding your eyes.

In the same amount of time,
Spent in a regular Therapy session.
You are momentarily relieved.

As you tap your card on the
Eftpos, you watch on in
Both joy and disbelief.

As the machine swallows
Up your money, greedily.
Unknowingly, you are
Subconsciously feeding
Fuel into the fire -

The belly of the Beast
Growing rounder and

You fill in on your weekly
Subscription, by giving in.
And feeding your secret

The financial stock market laugh
In your face, unknown by you, from
Behind closed doors.

Excited, you eagerly gather
Up your newly purchased

Yet, still you find yourself
Craving even more.

The array of items packed
Like precious cargo in various
Bags of both size and colour,
Silently egging you on.

Once the products have
Served their purposes and
The fun has worn out.

It's just another reason
For you to go out and about,
To your favourite stores.

The happiness that comes
Over you in that moment,
Is what it's all about.

For now, nothing excites your inner
Child more than a much deserved,

'Shopping Spree. AKA - Retail Therapy!' 

- Alexandra Pierotti. 


Monday, August 26, 2024

The Loop - The Truth Of Dealing With A Breaking Up.

I'm sitting on the floor,
With all of our shared 
Memories spilled out.

I can't help but feel saddened and
Frustrated, as I see you smiling and
Staring back at me with
Those piercing blue eyes.

Where I once saw the beauty
Of the sky in them, now all I see is the
Titanic's pillar of ice.

I'm surprised and annoyed
At myself for not having seeing
It coming, when everything
Blew up between us that night.

Should have known it was
Only a matter of time, when
I first noticed that everything
About us was always going to
Be out of focus.

Guess I'm just delusional
To want to be that blindly
Happy in love girl, with you
Forever cemented in my
Collection of photos of what
Once I thought was forever
Going to be a good life.

I've cried over your photo
99.99 times, a tear shed for
All of those times you lied.
That day when I walked in
On you and her, something
Inside of me died.

Exhausted from crying, I've
Smashed an entire bottle of
Melatonin in attempt to sleep
And black you out of my mind.

Though I'm pumped full of
Pills, I go in and out of sleep.
My brain refuses to knock me
Completely out.

I'm sinking in quick sand,
6ft deep at a time.
Apparently, sleep is not an
Option for me.

No matter what I do, I can't
Seem to stay knocked out.
I find myself waking up every
Hour, on the hour.

Like clockwork.
Guess I'll just have to
Ride it out.

I stare at the photos
As I hold a pair of scissors
In one hand, I still don't
Have it in me to cut you

You sneaky slimy snake,
You somehow managed to
Constrict yourself tightly
Around my brain.

For the meantime anyway,
It appears you taken up space
By living rent free in my mind.

Your vibes have somehow,
Managed to work their magic.
Making a glass held in my
Other hand filled with my
Favourite wine, now turned

It's like the thought of 
You alone with her, has
Transformed my trusty
Red into some kind of
Messed up potion.

Forcing me to relive every
Disgusting detail, of that
Dreadful moment.

It's like, the two of you
Have programmed my brain
To play on repeat, on a loop.
I'm trapped.

I feel like I've lost my God
Damn mind.

Everything is playing on
Rewind, in slow motion.
I've lost everything, I'm
Stuck going through the

Maybe, with a bit of luck,
I'll be able to sort myself out?.
For now anyway, today is
NOT that day.

You've left me broken,
I don't think I'll ever be
Able to let anyone in again
Now that you've walked out.

Deep inside I know,
That this was for the

If there's anything that this
Experience has taught me,
Is that no matter how difficult
This may seem, that everything
In its own good time will work
Itself out.

Until then, you've left me
Stranded - stuck in this maze.
Will I ever find the escape
Hatch and be able to get out?

The saddest part in all of this?
The only landmarks that I ever
Recognise, are the fake memories
You've left behind.

If only there was a way to remove
This damn jammed tape, out of the
VCR that is my mind.

Until I am able to process it all
And finally move on, everything
I thought I once knew, will continue
To play on a loop.

Every nitty-gritty detail
Continuously stuck in the
Slow motion version, deeply
Imbedded in my mind.

Soon enough this will be
Over, once I get up to my
Feet and return to my original
State of being sober.

Once I wash my face,
I know that everything will
Be alright.

From now on, I'm going to
Do my best to Ctrl, Alt,
Delete you from my mind.

Eventually, karma will leave
You and once again be on my

And when that day finally
Arrives, I know for a fact that
I WILL be alright.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


The Definition of Discovery.

Discover, Yourself. However long it may take.
Reach for the moment. Receive the moment.

BE the moment.

When you fall? Rise once more.

Learn wisely from you're mistakes.
Be, The teacher and the student.
The Judge and the Jury.
The Mentor and the Mentee.

Everything that you want in life is possible,
You just have to want it. REALLY want it.
Remove the blindfold of caution, and SEE.
You can be anything you want to be.

Don't give up easily.
Fight for your beliefs.
Stand your place for what is just and right.
Discover your path and everything that is
The in between.

If something doesn't work out the way you hoped?
Change paths and try again.

Find the road that best suits you, and continue walking straight ahead. 

The road of  Future filled opportunities,
That is Discovery is eagerly waiting to
Greet you.

It never ends.

The question is, are YOU ready to eagerly greet it too?

It's time. Time you discover your truth.
Time for new opportunities, to discover


Discover the world around you,
An array of shape and colour.
Allow it to BECOME you, let
Yourself get carried away.

The world to be your
Personalised paintbrush.
Your troubles and worries,
Take a deep breath and exhale.

See everything that once stopped you,
From achieving your dreams and ambitions.
In that moment, gurgle noisily down a drain.
Once a brush of fear that had held you back?
Now being washed clean in a glass of clear water.
Personal growth, bravery and wisdom becomes you.

You, my dear, are a beautiful Wonder.
The very greatest Masterpiece. 

And not just another cracked, crusty,
Hardened blotch of dried up paint.

This new chapter of your life?
I know, that you're going to be
More than okay.

So go on, tip-toe across the canvas sheet.
You have no reason to ever again, feel ashamed x.  

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Broken, Guarded Heart. No More.

The human heart is like, a
High School Year Book Picture.

Kept shut, so is out of
View from prying eyes.
A wooden plank, barricaded door.

Those who once by chance
Got a glance at it, laughed
Uncontrollably out of jealousy.
Sugar coated, in spite.

So much so, that you resorted
To having stored it away
In an attempt to hide.
From then on you always
Ask yourself, "Who AM I?"

You hide from them, from yourself,
From anybody who gets too close
To the mystery that is your marvellous mind.

It's modern day light robbery that is overprice.
The consequences that come with being kind.

Who you once thought you
Were, becomes a stranger.
A silhouette of what used to
Be a wonderful life.

You're own, authentic self
Slowly begins to fade.
Your heart locked for security
Measures, in the only thing
That for the time being
You think will keep it safe -

A dank and rusty cage.

Reducing in size, day by day.
As it shrivels and withers away.
How sad to think of such a beautiful
Thing, going to waste.

Until one day...
You no longer feel the pain. 

As you come to the realisation and think
To yourself, 'All that stress I put Myself
Through, due to unrealistic expectations
That are the stupid standards of those of
Who I tried to fit in? Nah, mate. They ain't all that!'

For those who are innocent at mind
And pure of heart, one day will be discovered.
More valuable and worth treasuring, than
Some grand, fine piece of  Gallery art.

A fellow true, authentic Artist will
See You for who and everything, you are.
Once again you are made whole.
Their reciprocated Kindness, the key.
One simple gesture or kind and caring
Word, is all it takes to unlock all of you.
Finally, you have been set free.

You will finally remember
What it's like to be,

'A Broken, Guarded Heart. No More.'

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Saturday, August 24, 2024

RUN - Overcoming Stereotypes.


Not because I'm in any
Danger, but simply because
I can.

Because it's fun.
Because it's
WHO I am. 

It's just Me, and the gentle breath
Of the Summer's breeze.

When I run, nothing can
Stop me - I wont let it.
Sweat trickles in beads
Down my face, and over my
Lips and into my mouth.

It tastes, like salty-sweet

Each staggery puff, wills and
Pushes me forward as I try to beat
My own time.

I'm competing with Myself,
Against myself, by myself.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am my own toughest, worthy of
Beating, competitor. 

Fellow runners and the
Business that is everyday
Life, whizz by in a blurry
Beauty before my very eyes.

I have no intentions of slowing down.

After all, why should I?

A healthy body, my Motivation.
With that, a healthy, clear mind.

I don't need no ridiculous
Diet, to tell me for myself
What is right.

My feet pound along.
A steady rhythm, competing
With my heart.

It's like they're having a
Heated debate with one


As soon as one takes a
Moment to regroup and come
Back with a rebuttal -
That's when the other one will
Choose to start.

Still, I won't stop.

I run past the Mountains,
Past the fielded plains.

For a measly minute,
I place my hands on my hips.

Taking the very briefest,
Of breaks.

Only to start back up again -
I chuckle to myself as I play
With the thought, of possibly
Being faster than none other,
Than, Usain Bolt.

I don't need or want no
Trophy, to know I am a

Self accomplishment and
Achievement, my invisible
Podium that is 'First Place.'
My very own, prize.

Who needs to bite down
On some ridiculously hard
Metal medal?

Why try to break your teeth,
To prove evidence of winning?
When in yourself you discover
And unknowingly unlock your
Truest of abilities?

The real definition and
Honour, behind being lucky
Of owning, Your name.

It's time to pick up the pace!
Speed past those who spread
Rumours and hate.

Kick up your heels, and let
the dust cover their face.

You are your very own, Superstar.
Through everything that life has thrown
Your way, you've come so very far.

For that alone, I am SO proud of you!
*gives you a BIG hug.*

But most importantly - YOU should
Be proud of
Yourself, too.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

*Says the person who has never chosen to run, my entire life and
proud of myself for doing so 😅. Being 'Chonky' makes it harder for
me to ever get kidnapped.

See? I've thought this through 😉.

So stay safe all of you, Cutie Pies  -

Or don't. 

You do, you x.

As the late, Marie Antoinette once so wisely said -
"Let them eat cake!" 🎂


The Warmth of Winter.

If you take the time to
Get to know someone,
You'll be surprised how
Quickly they'll open up
The gate that all these
Years has stood upright
Against your heart.

You've travelled many a place,
Now you've finally found Home
In that one special someone.

You've finally arrived at the
Destination, that is, your
Much needed safe space.

It's time to throw away the
Heaviest of security, padlocked
Shut chains.

A beautiful, genuine smile
Can't help but take up camp
On your face.

As you cuddle up in The
Warmth of Winter
, the fire
That burns in the hearth of
You and your loved one's
Gentle gaze.

The flames of love, burn

Until it engulfs the two of
You - how quickly the flames
Take hold of you, you'd
Be amazed.

A heat, hotter than the

The warmth and safety
That comes with being
Huddled up in the familiarity,
Of one another's arms. 

A love so deep and passionate
That it can't help but blaze, with
A fire that is:

The Warmth, of Winter.

The warmth, of true love.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Little Things...

Sometimes, it's the littlest of things,
That make the biggest differences in

So why not start by planting

Close your eyes,
Open your Heart &
Empty your Mind.

And just like that, over time.
You will see and feel it Grow,
As it slowly comes true.

So come on,
I believe in you.

Of all the things you thought
That you never would accomplish,
And then you did?

You'd be surprised.

But first, you must Try.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Save The Last Dance - A Fair Matron's Tale.

I've seen you dance
With almost everyone
Tonight, but me.

Tired of sitting patiently.
Sitting in the silence of the
Cheap plastic, Nursing Home's
Common room, dance hall, seat.

I've waited long enough, for You.
Won't you save the last dance?
Won't you save it for me?

An invisible genie has climbed
Out of the lamp, that sits on my table.
I can't believe you've finally
Swept me off of my feet!

Like a Fairy Godmother whose
Granted me, my wildest wish.
You've saved the last dance -
The most important of dances,

Just for Me.

Tonight, we own the Dancefloor!
It's just the fairy lights,
You and

My cheeks blush a bright shade
Of red, a young woman still at heart
Is me.

As you compliment me on my
Personally, handmade dress.

I whisper underneath my breath
That this slow, steady waltz was
Created specifically, for
You and

Embarrassed that I said
My thoughts out loud, I look
Down bashfully at my feet.

Before foolishness can
Consume me
, You lift
My chin up gently, ever so

So our eyes would meet.

Before I can say anything,
You smile in agreement

The World around us, seems to disappear.
Our feet place themselves strategically,
Back and forth.

As we waltz the night away together,


You look ever so dashing, in
Your iron pressed bleached white
Shirt - so sophistically held up by
Your suspenders.

Here, tonight, this very
Moment on the Dancefloor.
I never want us to leave.

You remove one hand,
Only to tuck a single grey
Hair of mine behind my ear.
A fine, stray, lone strand.

I have never felt so happy
And at peace, as we are in this
Moment together.

Age is just yet another
You are the only
One that I choose with
To grow old.

As if reading my mind, You
Pull me in closer to you.
An action on of an unbreakable
Promise, to
never let Me go.

We vow to each other, to
Dance this dance forever.
Our steps perfectly, permanently
In sync.

We'll take this dance of ours
Nice and slow, even if the song
Does draw to its end.

Your Love for Me,
Is all I know.
Who are we, to pretend? 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Happiness Is A Choice.

Happiness is a choice,
Because we are all made
Out of equal parts -
Half Darkness, and half Light.
It took me a hot minute to
Discover my true purpose, in
This Life.

I'm glad I did, and
I promise, You
will to!

What matters is what path
For Yourself, you decide what's

That very path, in sheer
Excitement is what's waiting

So don't ignore it, or turn
Your eyes away. 

One day that very most
Important decision of
Your Life, will put you
On the spot, when you
Don't expect it to.

Forcing You to choose.

Because why cry, wail and
Roll in the woe that is self pity,
When you can smile and laugh?
To share the
Power of joy
And everything it does
Bring to 

The Sun seeks to embrace You,
So welcome it with your brightest

In return, it will cover you from
Head to toe in the most
beautiful golden blanket.
The literal most warmest, of hugs.

That you haven't had and didn't know
Until now, that
You needed and
Have missed dearly, in the longest

A storm cloud will attempt
To devour you, in a cape of

Charcoal, ashy Blackness.

It's up to you, to channel
Your bravery and shoo it

It's Your smile, that has the
Power to brighten anyone's

For you see, while yes, a
Smile makes others happy -
It is a silly little creature
That works it's way up
Inside you.

Like the Grandest, most
Beautiful of trees.

Creeping, crawling, tickling
You, it's branches reaching
Out and wrapping itself around
Your knees.

Like the strongest of
Roots, from way down
Inside you.
Becoming You.
From deep beneath.

…Until the genuine joy
Of it, fills you up entirely.

So smile always, when and
Wherever the opportunity
Presents itself.

Nature's perfect, ultimate
Glorious of gifts.

Slowly you will realise,
Slowly you will see.
Happiness is what carries
You, through Life's wonderful,
Joy filled, unexpected always,
Of journeys.

So spread happiness like the
Only infectious, yet non -
Life threatening disease known to

Spread Happiness so you can
Unveil Light, to the eyes' of those
weren't even aware that they
Were blind.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

More Than Average.

What does it mean to not be
An "average", average girl?
It means to firmly stay true
To your faith, in situations
That would make others'
Blood boil and toes curl.

She's ventured into places,
Most people never would.
There's so much more to her,
Than what meets the eye.

When others flee in terror
From despair, her love for
Heaven's Light she does her
Very best to share. 

She knows so many,
Yet only a small handful know her
By name.

For God, and God alone,
She does everything He
Gifted her to do.

Great joy to Him she
Always has done and
Continues always to do,
Each and every day.

True heroes don't wear capes,
They need no ridiculous symbol
In the sky to know when, where,
How to or even if they'll 
"Save the day".

No need to hide her identity,
Behind some silly mask.

Excitement fills her being
When helping others through
Their problems, she is without
Knowing it helping herself.
By assisting where she can in
Overwhelming chores and tasks.

With every night fall, there
Is the invitation for the Sun.
A blessing that showers down
Upon us, each and every day.

Not all Angels wear wings 
And halos, this much she knows
For sure.

What she isn't aware of, is
Her own Angelic powers.
Touching lives around her,
Wherever she goes.

Healing hearts through
Kind words, minds that
Have never had the pleasure
Of knowing genuine love.

With words of encouragement,
And a voice that is the same
Gentle tone.

That of a comforting, coo of a dove.

She does her best to assist
In shepherding struggling
Spirits, that are lost souls
Of the flock.

Leading them back, into the
Safety and security of the
Lord's arms...

...Back, where they belong. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Carousel.

'Round and 'round.
Up, and down.
Slow at first, gains a
Steady speed with ease.

One's heart becomes
Playful, like that of a

To let your worries disappear
Cast without care into the crisp,
Cool breeze.

Such is how life should be.

To feel lighter within
Yourselves, as you allow
The music to gently carry
Your troubles away.

In that moment, it's just
You and the soothing bob
Of the horse's back.

Up and down, once again.

The familiar comforting
Rocking, as you ride the

Though the ride eventually
Does come to an abrupt stop,
That does not make the exhilaration
Of adrenaline come to an end.

Our lives equal parts,
Of high and low.
Such is the carousel
Going on another loop,
Yet again.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Help - Depression/General Mental Illness Awareness.

"Help?!." Such a small yet terrifying word.

One that only presents itself
With a voice silent that is silent at first,
Before morphing into a volume -
So unbearably LOUD.

A sound next to impossible, to ignore.
Those who do so, have a heart made of stone.
Embarrassment of their own unaddressed, 
Continue to go through life with unacknowledged
Heavy problems weighing them down.

Do not let their words of judgment
Get to you, for now, this is their
Chosen way out. 

They are the ones, who scream
The loudest, without making
A single sound.   

A cry that can only occur, when
You are at your most vulnerable.
When your aura's vibration, is
At its lowest.

It also, is the bravest thing you
Could do for Yourself. 

You have no idea how much
Power a single, complicated
Yet simple word does hold.

It's the first steady step
You must take, in order
To climb out of the darkest.

The deepest pit known to man.
The World's scariest hole, yet still
To this day goes unspoken about.

There are many ways to treat
It, Therapy along with Medication
The most commonly affective.

Though, if you feel it's not
For you, there are other ways

  • Scream.
  • Sing.
  • Write.
  • Draw.

    You have to discover, what path is right for you.     

For you see, by getting yourself help when you need it most,
You are also helping others. Address and own your personal problem(s), you have nothing to be ashamed about.

Be the hand that others reach for, the lantern.
Whose warm, familiar glow brings comfort.
Lighting the path, that they need to take.
Guiding and encouraging them as they grab
A hold of You, gaining the strength that they

One, you so generously share.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Weather or Not.

Where there is Wind,
I will blow along with it.

Where there is Rain, I
Will shower and wash
My problems away
Under it.

Where there is Sun,
I will smile and my
Personality will shine
With it.

Where there is Snow,
I will make angels in it.

Every kind of weather
So beautiful, unique and
Just as important as the

A family, like no other.
One can not live without
The other.

Taking turns, they make
Our World go 'round.
Each day a Blessing,
No matter what the
Weather may be.

Such a vital part of keeping
The Life of humanity, flourishing.
Yet, to us, they will never speak a sound.

A language so foreign,
Only the Creator can understand.
He knows them as well as
His own, understanding and
Listening to their individual

All, with a single, simple touch
Of His hand. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Finding Yourself.

Everyone tells a story about
Themselves, inside their own head.
You've always known who
You were, yet, wondered who
You are or who you could be.

The brightest of  futures
For yourself, just out of reach.

'What could be?'

Doesn't have to remain a
Question, cloaked in mystery.
Only you hold the power,
To transform your dreams into

To get the answers that you seek.

You just need to inhale a deep
Breath, command strength in
Moments of weakness.

Demand your Spirit to be free,
To find the Light, in moments
That are at their bleakest.
Don't be afraid, of uncertainty.

Caress courage, push
Yourself to the breaking point
Of your abilities.

Don't stop or give up, even then.

Trial and error, is the only
Way to find your calling.
Yourself, you will find
Along the way.

Stop comparing yourself
To others, take your time.
Walk the path of Discovery,
At your own pace.

Allow Personal, Individual
Growth to light and show you
The way.

However if for some reason
You are afraid, merely ask and extend
A hand.

Together we will walk,
You don't have to walk alone.

Keep moving forward, though
It may appear difficult at times.
Don't let that stop your progress,
Count on the twinkling of city

They will guide you with
Precision, like stars in the
Midnight sky.

You're only as good as you
Want to be, the rest is up to

Don't ignore its calling to
You, because by then it
Would have been too late.

So take my words of wisdom
That I gift to You,
Let them be the first step you
Walk towards fate.

With their help, hopefully
You will find your way.
That one special thing,
That makes you proud
Of owning your name.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 



Alice In The Wonderland, Of Life.

Alice fell down the rabbit hole of Life.
Tumbling head over heels, faster and faster.

This spontaneous moment,
A beautiful and unpredictable

With what seems to have no
End in sight, crashing through

Breaking through the floor,
And roof of the leafy undergrowth.
She has no reason, to be afraid
Of the unknown.

She is having the time of her

This is the closest she's
Ever been, to flying.
She has no rush in retracing
Her steps, back into reality.

This underground world, her
True home.

Time the greatest friend,
Always on her side.

A world built on the decadent
Laced day dreams, of a curiosity
Filled mind. 

Though her eyes be open
Wide, she is creating a world
Of her own built on make

The ultimate slip n' slide.
The fastest and easiest way,
To escape from the distractions,
Hustle and bustle of reality.
Also known, as everyday life.

Will Alice ever stop falling?
No one ever knows.

As long as she keeps falling,
Her mind is filled with peace.
I for one do not have the heart
To wake her, from this much needed
Deep sleep.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Unexpected Kindred Spirits.

Morning and night,
Darkness and light.
Two best friends,
That by humanity
Go unrecognised.

Unexpected Kindred Spirits
So different by origin, yet
By a mutual love for making
Our world a better place are so

Best friends, who stick
By each other's side.
An attraction of opposites
Stronger than any one
Could know.

One can not survive without
The other, they balance each -
Other out.

Taking turns, one at a time.
To play on the seesaw of Life.
Playing all day, and all night.

When one is in a moment of
An all time low, they count on
The other to lift them above their
Head held high.

Lucky are those who witness
The wonderous waltz, that is the Sun
Being held lovingly by the Evening

Fire that is the Sun, burns
Bright with ferocity.
The cool, crisp night air
Gently blows on its friend's
Burning skin.

A gentle touch is all it takes,
From the Night to calm and cool
The red, hot raging temper of 
The Sun that resides deep within. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.



The Vase.

I spend most of my life,
On the top shelf of a charity

Watching people filter in 
And out, buying only the
Fanciest vases and trinkets
Put proudly in the window
For display.

Those who do go out of their
Way to wander the store, 
pass by me
Without a single glance in my
Direction each and every day.

I sit in silence, my beauty
Slowly fading day by day.
As I get covered in dust,
Rim to base.

If only someone would purchase
Me, to see how much beauty and
Life to any room I do bring.

All anyone ever sees, is my white
Fine China exterior.

They never take a moment to
Appreciate, the great detail and
Time that went into building
Me, a fine art.

Carved with love from only the
Most delicate, gentle and talented
Of hands.

All of my pieces individually
Different, and as beautiful as
The last.

Fitting perfectly together,
Like a jigsaw puzzle.
More grand than every Country
And Continent, combined.

So for now I shall continue
To wait, in steady silence.
Eagerly waiting, to be seen.
To be loved and cherished
Once more, by a heart of

So special and untouchable,
With a love so pure and perfectly

Meanwhile I know,
I don't have to be sold
In order to know my
True value and worth.

Nothing can stop me from
Remaining in a positive state
Of mind and hope, not even
A measly layer of dirt. 

- Alexandra Pierotti. 


The Lovers - This Poem Is Dedicated to Every Hopeless Romantic.

When I'm with you, time stands
Still as we enter a World that is
Our very own.

This World different, to the
One we've only ever known.
Yet, we have never felt so at

It's like, we have our own
Little slice of Heaven.
Handmade and put here for
The two of us.

Angels sing your name.
Here, it's just you and me.
No words need to be spoken,
For us to know that we are
Tied together for all of

It's just you and me,
We wouldn't have it any
Other way.

We speak an unspoken language,
Our thoughts in sync as we share
A look with each other.

We need no voice, in order to
Know what the other is going to say.
We are two separate Souls,
Who think exactly the same.

My name a whisper, locked
Away in the safe of your heart.
Only you know the code to the
Combination, in order to unlock
All of my secrets.

When I'm with you, I have no
Reason to fear the dark.

Let's stay up here, forever.
Why go back to the way
Things were when everything
We need and ever needed,
Is right here?

Hold on to me tightly Forever, and 
Never let go.

I will dance this dance with you,
For as long as you will have me.
Don't worry My love, we'll take it
Nice and slow.

My heart always has been and always
Will be, completely Yours to own.
This world  was made for us, and
Us alone. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...