Monday, July 8, 2024

MY Story.

 Spent my life locked in the dark.
Forgot who I am, so I went on a search
To rediscover my spark.

Told myself that if I kept the lid
Of My ADHD shut tight, my natural
Weirdness would magically disappear

Did my best to copy everyone else and
Blend in. Didn't matter what I did, I could never seem to fit in.
Taught myself to just go through the motions.

Every birthday when I'd close my
Eyes and blew out the candles,
I spent my wishes on wishing I could
Be "Normal."
Pretended the cake was a potion.
In the hopes that it would change
Me from the inside, out.

That I would finally be accepted so that society could one day see me as good enough.

But the more I tried to ignore
My true self, everything I knew
On how I "should be" spiralled out of
Control at unbelievable speeds.

Couldn't explain to my Family,
What I was going through.
That "perfect, ideal Daughter
And Sister", the only thing they knew.

Guess I was an excellent actress,
Because "the Alex show" I let them see
Of "Normal" me was flawless and
Fool proof. 

Failed miserably at making friends
At school, because try as hard as I
did, I just couldn't be who they wanted
Me to be.

Even though I craved it with all my might,
"Normal" just didn't seem to be included
In my life's dictionary.

"Weird" the main building block of my character, holding together my ultimate Personality.
Wish I knew sooner that the answer was,
Inattentive ADHD.

Was the perfect victim for my bullies,
Because they saw past my mask with
X-ray vision and could directly see
The real flawed me.

Couldn't tell my teachers what was Happening, because they would just dismiss
Me and my feelings.
Told me I was either "Exaggerating",
being "Dramatic", "Paranoid" or just plain "Silly."

Finally learning to accept and
Love all the little things that make me,

Not afraid anymore, I'm cutting out
All of those who call my condition an
"Excuse" when deep down they know,
It's an Explanation of why I am the
Way I am.

Chanel my thoughts through the art of Poetry.

Love me or not, I am and always will be unapologetically and authentically
Spicy, wild, unhinged, unpredictable.
I'm teaching myself to love, be proud of and not ashamed to have, ADHD.

Here I am, look at me. My true authentic self I need you all to see. No longer am I living in the dark, I've finally after all these years, found my spark. I'm not going to be afraid any more to be myself. For the World to see Me and all my scars.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

ANXIETY - You Don't Ever Need To Suffer Alone, Get Help. Go To Therapy. Take it from Me, personally. It Works. This Poem is dedicated to my Therapist, Lauren Woods. Thank you for helping me find the light at the end of the dark tunnel that is my trauma.

Breathe easy. This feeling you are experiencing seems like it will stay with you forever, but give it time. I promise it will pass. Nothing can stop you, not even the panic attacks. You are strong, resilient. You will, eventually, regain composure and control. 

I know how it feels, to have this dreaded invisible storm cloud eating your mind and emotions alive. You just need to seek help, find your own personal outlet to expel it from your being in order to truly thrive. Take each step of recovery slowly.

Here's a motto for you to live by: '
One day at a time.'

Those who don't suffer this curse, will never understand. Sometimes all you need in that moment, is a trusted person, your Safe space, to hold you tight and say nothing at all. To just be there, a shoulder to lean on. A supporting hand to hold.

Allow yourself to Feel. Let everything Out. Do what works best for you to release the pressure that's holding on to you - weather that be to cry, scream, sing, draw, colour, paint, write or shout.

It takes the Strongest people to get back up on to their feet after they've fallen down this rabbit hole that is suffocating
distress. Take all the time that you need in order to breathe easy again, ground yourself and readjust your crown.

A crippling illness, that has no cure in sight. Can get better, when the right treatment for You is found. For every little, minor thing that you have accomplished today and every day so far, Honey, you should be SO proud.

You have no idea, how much power you hold. Stand up tall, hold your head up high. No amount of negativity can ever get you to fold  x.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

I Chose YOU - Dedicated to True Love anywhere and everywhere.

 Millions Of People in the World,
I chose you that day.
Those who don't understand, approve or are envious
Of what We have, whisper spiteful comments beneath
Their breath.

We don't care what they say.

I chose you, for your smile.
That fills my heart with the
Warmth of the Summer sun,
On a cold, wet, gloomy day.

I chose you, for the way
You hold me closely when
Things aren't going my way.

I chose you, for the way
You make me laugh with the
Silly little jokes you tell.
I chose you, for how to care
For me whenever I am unwell.

Love & kindness, radiates from
Your very being.
Baby, you have me caught in a trace
Under your spell.

I chose you, for the way you make
Me feel when we dance under the
Moonlit, twinkling starry night.
I chose you, for the way you hold
My hand & gently stroke my hair.

Whenever we watch a horror movie &
Cuddle up together under the blanket.
Should I get too engrossed in what's
Happening on the screen, you give me
A reassuring kiss on the head whenever
I scream in terror.

I chose you, because you're always
Spoiling me with breakfast in bed
Or a small present, a token of your
For the way you smile to yourself,
Whenever you see me blush.

My cheeks giving away my feelings,
By subtly glowing a rosy shade of
I chose you, because out of all the girls
You could have had, that day you chose
Me instead.

I chose you, for how to don't give up on us easily.
How you always find a love fuelled way to get me to stay,
To talk our problems out whenever my immediate
Irrational reaction is to run away. To run away from

I chose you, because I know for a fact that you
Will always stay loyal & faithful to Me.
God put us on the same path that day to meet,
Connect on a deeper, spiritual level & stay together.
Because He knows, We are Forever meant to be.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


"Popular" - Social Media Platform's Unspoken Curse.

Those who are "popular",
Though they'll always deny it,
Experience the most sadness & pain.
They rely on numbers of
Likes, comments and shares.

To ever be truly happy, their minds can't comprehend.

They think what's most important,
Is to be on board the "trending" train.
If you don't meet their, ✨#Fancy lifestyle✨
Expectations - by living a simple, humble life,
Then they do their best to put you to shame.

Don't allow their words of jealousy
Laced bitterness, to get to you.
So don't go out of your way,
To voluntarily subconsciously torture yourself,
By driving yourself insane.

To compare your Natural, God given beauty,
To artificial AI assisted, unrealistic filters
Is a waste of energy, time and tears.

If you keep brainwashing yourself

By comparing yourself to others,
Out of it, nothing you will gain.

Love the person that you Are.
The person, you were born to be.
Always be YOU.

Because at the end of the day,
All that matters is, you are NOT
Just another number.

You are a PERSON.
A name 💖.

A promise from the Heavens,

Once long ago, sincerely made.
Being fulfilled in everything
You do & say, every single day.

It doesn't pay to be "popular",
When the day rolls to its end.
Anyone who doesn't love you for who
you are, is in their own way,
Crazy in the head.

It's more than okay, to buy
Clothes that are unbranded & at prices that are cheap.
It just means you know how to
Make the most of your individual,
Personal priorities.

Those who are "popular",
Forever will boast about
Their ✨fancy✨ lives.
A smile, their go-to mask.
Secret, silent tears,
That are always & forever,
Frozen in disguise.

Alexandra Pierotti.



Fairies Work At Night.

 Fairies work at night,
When everyone's asleep.
They use their magic to
Paint the world, a masterpiece.

red, streams berry blue.
Meadows, a variety of luxurious
Shades of

Some fairies work overtime,
Until the early hours of morning light.
They disguise themselves at butterflies,
Their colourful wings a sight for sore

Fairies work at night,
When no one is around.
They tidy up after us,
By picking all our litter
Off of the ground.

So when you step outside
The following day, the environment is
Safe and sound.

They hide under wild mushrooms,
Or large tree leaves.
Their ideal hiding place is,
Somewhere where they can not
Be easily seen.

When they are ready, they jump.
Their wings picking up on air currents,
blowing along gracefully on the breeze.

Fairies make it rain when
Plants are thirsty,
So that they can continue to grow.

So love and take time to admire
The world around you, because while
Fairies are very rarely seen, their
Hard work shows.
To not appreciate it, is just plain

The Fairy Queen's crown jewels,
Are made of children's' teeth from
Around the world.

From the toughest boy, to the
Daintiest girl.
Good brushing makes them sparkle,
Whiter than any pearl.

She slips a coin under your pillow,
Her own little way of saying,
"Thank you for your donation,
May you have good dreams."

Did you know that if you see a rainbow,
It's a fairy hurrying on their way?
To find shelter and get to sleep,
During the sunniest hours.

Because it is very important for
Them to rest, so that they can recharge
Their magical powers.

Fairies work at night,
Finally you see.
Almost invisible to the naked eye,
A true friend to you and me.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Lone Rider.

 Through life's journey, I have travelled far. Through scorching sun, fierce winds & pounding rain.

Though numerous Outlaws tried to knock me off of my horse, I remained calm & collected. Steadily, firmly holding on to the reins.

Battered, bruised & bloody, I fight through the pain. I am the lone rider. Riding on, discovering & experiencing new adventures each and every day.

Alexandra Pierotti.

A Letter To ALL Bullies - Bullying? NO WAY!

Dear bullies,

I'm sorry for whatever is so wrong with your life, that the only way for you to regain control, is to transfer and project your pain & suffering on to the innocent.

What terrible things were said & done to you, that you feel the need to be unkind?

let's pause this tape. do a quick rewind.

Who hurt you so badly, that you feel the need to lash out? I know that secretly, even if you don't admit it, you know what it feels like to be unheard no matter how loudly you cry, scream, rant and shout.

I can see that you're carrying a lot of mental & emotional baggage. the weight of it all keeps you pinned down. had you taken the time to put your feelings aside, get to know me & allowed me to be your friend. You would have seen how loving, understanding & loyal I am to no end.

I would have made you feel special, our laughter your medicine. The good times we could have shared. but instead you chose violence - to beat me up & discard me like an old childhood toy.

for all those times you thought you won the battle, seeing me cry. I'm here to tell you that as hard as you tried to defeat me, every day I am one step closer to winning the ultimate war. every time I get back up again, I am stronger than ever before.

It's thanks to you, that in my new life I am now able to see, it's what's inside a person that matters. It's inner beauty that makes me, me.

I hope that one day you are able to discover inner peace, like me. true happiness can't be bought, not even leased.

Riches are fools' gold. while you think that you still hold some level of power over me, I'm here to tell you and your evil devilish side that my soul will not be sold!

meanwhile, until you find your way, I'll be here praying for you. that by the grace of god, your life will take a turn & change for the better. these words written are mine, but on behalf of every victim of bullying, this is our letter.

You should know that, I have moved on. Forgiven you, forgiven myself. I've let go, cut all ties to my past. I have wiped clean our slate.

I continue to love, because at the end of the day it will always override your hate.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Life Of A Rose.

 A petal fallen for every tear, ever shed.
To dust one day I shall return.
Every day a little bit more I
Bloom and grow.
A natural, gentle, subtle beauty
I do show.

When my time has come,
I'll grow old and you will see me wilt.
Until then, I make the most of my youth.
Lifting my face up to the Sun.

In the right hands, I thrive.
Love makes me truly come alive.
Your One True Love, plucks me with

With a gentle kiss on your cheek,
He lays me in your hands to rest.
Your skin, so soft, delightfully warm,
Pale and fair.

A blush can't help escape you,
As he loving tucks a stray strand
Of hair delicately behind your ear.

I watch on in admiration,
As a kind smile spreads across
Your face.

You close your eyes, content
In this moment as you and
Your lover embrace.

This is the life of a rose.

You giggle as my perfume,
Playfully tickles your nose.
My petals spread wider,
Your love for each other
Makes me bloom all the more.

In your favourite vase on your
Bedside table, this is where I now

Forever grateful that this
Was the life for me that,
God had planned.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Saturday, July 6, 2024


Desperately, she held her breath.
Dove into the deep end.
Determined to prove to herself,
Her worth and never give up.
She steadied her mind, as she
Protected her heart.

She swam through the deepest,
Darkest waters.
The sea foam playfully tussling her hair.

Only when she was sure, her
Lungs were bound to burst did
She briefly swim up to the top.
Gasping for air.

Waves tried to knock her down.
She tumbled beneath them over, and over.
She didn't let it phase her though.
She had been through much worse.

She regained her balance,
Her feet firmly planted in place
On the sandy sea bed.

She pushed herself back up again,
Through the ocean's surface.
Like a mermaid, who lives her
Under water life with purpose.
No longer is she anchored, to the
Depths of despair.

Desperate and determined,
To be happy.
Under water she dove once more.
Taking in the wonders, of the mysterious
World below.

Schools of fish, darted all over the place.
The smooth hand of kelp, brushed against her legs.

The traffic of sea life busily swam by,
The various colonies of coral, a beautiful
Under water city.

To think of the destructive,
Cruel hands of mankind made
Her shed a silent tear out of pure

A pod of playful dolphins,
Gently nudged at her feet.
She swam to the surface once more,
Free, calm and at peace.

On the ocean's face,
There she lay.
All of her troubles and pent up sadness,
With the tide floated and drifted away.

The sun comfortingly kissed her skin,
Awakening her spirit deep within.
Joy for life fills her.
She has been born again.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Follow Your Heart.

 Follow your heart,
Dare to venture into the Unknown.
Be brave.
Pave your own path in this wild, and
Unpredictable world.
The answers You seek, your
Future waiting to be unfurled.

You are the holder of the key,
To your heart.
The only one who can unlock
Your true capacity to love.

You yearn for passion, a
Much treasured desire.
Burning with the ferocity,
Of a million wild fires.

Follow your heart, let your
Conscience lead the way.
Remember to give a friendly smile,
To those who pass you by.

Such a simple gesture, has been
Proven to make someone's day and
Light up their life.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Bog the Friendly Frog.

 My name is, Bog.
I am a little
green tree frog.
Today, I heard a sound.
It was very loud.

I hopped over to see,
What it could be.
It turns out, it was a bark.
From a dog called, Mark.

As a friendly gesture, he dug
Up and gifted me with a log.

My name is, Bog.
I am a little
tree frog.
I am now friends, with a playful dog.
Together we have fun, sitting on the log.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Calling Out all of The Haters - Dedicated to all of you sweet innocent souls, who have ever been judged based on appearance alone. I am so sorry you had to go through this.

 Calling me, "Fat" won't make you skinny.

Calling me, "Stupid" won't make you any smarter.

Calling me, "Ugly" won't suddenly make you beautiful.

Calling me, "Poor" won't make you wealthy.

Calling me, "Weak" won't make you strong.

Calling me, a "Villain" won't make you anyone's hero.

Calling me, "Pathetic" won't make you a nice person.

To apologise and finally make your wrongs right, 
this is your calling.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 Sometimes I care, a little too much.

Sometimes I love, a little too strongly.

Sometimes I laugh, a little too loud.

Sometimes my bold crazy side, makes me stand out from the crowd.

Sometimes all I want to do, is run to chase down the warm gentle glow of the evening Sun.

Sometimes all I want is, for time to stand still. For our hearts to beat together as one. For you to hold me in the safety of your arms. The steady, synchronise of each of our heartbeats like that of a drum.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Your Face Is A Poem.

 Your face is a poem,
The True Cover of your Life's story
For all the World to read.
Made equal to your fellow man.
Be kind to those around you,
You know the stinging pain
That comes when you bleed.

Take as many photos as possible,
Capture as many memories as you can.
Re-visit them over the Years.
Your Innocence, Happiness and Youth
Preserved in the pages of Life's album.
Available to be seen at any given moment.

Your lashes so beautifully thick.
Wiping the slate of past visions clean.
A curtain to your eyes, the sacred gateway
To your soul.

The various colours of your eyes,
a key to secret mystery waiting to be solved.
They tell the story of your past, present and
Future craving to unfold.
From its deep earthy brown, to its rim
Of rich, warm gold.

Your nose a guard, the keeper of scents.
Perfumes of your favourite fragrances
Do linger, a message is given and sent
To your brain.
It says, "I can't wait to smell this delicious
Aroma again."

Your mouth like a Knight under the
Cover of Darkness, the doorway to your voice.
Your bright smile can't help but show itself,
Every time you laugh whenever you experience
True joy.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


The Best Things in Life are Free.

 Never take anyone or anything, for granted.
If things aren't going your way, your thought process is probably slanted. Money can't buy happiness,
The Best Things in Life are Free.

Absorb laughter from those around you, and the
Breath of a Summer breeze. The gentle flap of butterflies wings, and the soothing hum of worker bees. All of these Things in Life, are Free.

Every colour of this world, in some way or another, covers the feathers of every bird. A smile on a friendly face. Breathe in love and peace, breathe out fear and hate.

Treasure those that you hold most dear, to your heart keep them near. God only gives us what we can handle, His never ending Love for Us burns brighter than any flame of a candle.

Allow yourself to loosen the reins of control.
God will answer your Prayers and shower you in an Abundance of Blessings, more valuable than any amount of gold.

Place your trust in Thee O'Lord. In return for your heart He will give you, The Best Things in Life for Free. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Cow In Space.

 Let your mind be like a cow in space.
All negative thoughts and emotions,
Get abducted by aliens and disappear
Without a trace.

Allow your mind to be filled with child-like
Wonder, positive energy like planets of a
Far off galaxy orbiting your brain.

Let your Soul swallow and absorb the
Brightest colours, like fireworks exploding
In the night sky.

Stars twinkle above your head,
Nature's own fairy lights.

Consolation colours -
Midnight blue
, purple and pink
Swirl inside of you.

Be like a cow in space.
Feel yourself become light as Air,
As you float freely and
Without Care.

Do a backflip over the moon.
This place will Forever remain,
A Safe Space for You.

Those who lack joy might tell you,
"You're trippin'."
Their hopes and dreams dashed
Due to others who once ruined
Their lives.
Those are the type of people,
To be careful of.

Nothing provides them with more
Pleasure than feeding off of the light
Vanishing from their victims' eyes.

What's important to remember,
Is that every life-form, is made up
Of matter.
Your dreams your paintbrush,
Never ending the Universe.
Dare you watch your unique
Paint, splatter.

No dream is impossible to
Achieve, all you've got to do is


Nothing really is.
It's in the name itself.
Open your eyes to the
Truth, it knows not how to lie.


It whispers its true name,
"I'm Possible."

Just like a cow in Space,
All negative vibes will
Vanish and fade. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBOURS! - This poem is Dedicated to my Year 1 teacher, Mrs Austin. You may not remember me, but it's thanks to you that I discovered my love for poetry.

Zombies ate my neighbours!
They came in the Dead of night.
They started with the Chang family,
Followed by grumpy old Mr Barry,
At number 9.

Zombies ate my neighbours!
They gave Mary Parkens a fright.
I heard her give a blood curdling
Scream like a banshee, it sent a shiver
Running down my spine.

Zombies ate my neighbours!
I've locked myself inside.
They're peering back at me through the
Peephole, their eyes are so grotesquely
and wide.

I see their rancid, rotten flesh
peeling off of their hands as they
Bust down the door.

Zombies ate my neighbours!
Now they've come for me.
They are in my house, looking for the

One of them has now taken a
Bite out of my arm, and has insulted
Me by saying that I'm,
"Not very tasty."

I've just about had it with these
Zombies, I've gone to my freezer
To retrieve a T-bone steak.
I once read that the way to kill
Zombies, is with a steak to the head.

I hold it out in front of them,
In an attempt to make a threat.
The Leader of the Zombies,
Laughed in my face and said,
"Silly girl. That's the wrong kind of
Steak! It seems that you have made a 
Fatal mistake."

Another chimed in,
"Yes. It's going to take more than
Raw meat, to return us to our
Original state."

Amused, the leader of the Zombies chuckled and
Said, "I'll tell you what, we won't eat you. Instead, we'll make You our pet."

With that, he fried up the steak and
Served it to me for dinner.
While all the other Zombies, gave me a
Hug and affectionate friendly pats on my

I'm not afraid of Zombies anymore,
They really are quite cute.
They love to sing and dance along,
While their Leader plays the flute.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Life Is A Festival.

 I live my life like it's a Festival,
I love to wear all that does glitter.
You will often find me dancing,
Under the crystal moon.

I feel the rhythm rush through me,
As I stomp along to the beat.
Fireworks erupt inside of me,
Chasing away any lingering gloom.

Lanterns with only the warmest,
Comforting glow light my pathway.
The music fills my heart.
I sing along to my favourite song,
I don't care that I'm out of tune.

I live my life like it's a rave,
Showering in good times, as
I pretend that it's a combination
Of confetti and neon spray.

I trust fall into the arms of
My fellow, Festival goers.
We know how to live our
Best lives.

So live your life like it's a Festival,
Your body is a temple.
Cover yourself in glitter,
diamantes too.

Positivity permanently marked on our hearts,
Just like a tattoo.

The Festival of life will never
End, so go on and gather your friends.
Together, we will dance beneath the
Crystal moon.

Looking like Goddesses,
In our p
arty dresses.
We don't care that our hair is a mess,
We're going to continue to head bang
To our favourite tunes.

We've never felt so alive.
Our true, authentic happiness
So vibrant and bright.
Here, we will Forever thrive.

We're going to dance all night,
And into the following afternoon.
So raise a glass to New Beginnings,
Memorable Middles as we toast the
Good times never end.

We are a Festival of good days to come.
I'm so happy to call you my Friend.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Like a Boss.

 I Am a Superstar.
The Whole World will Know My Name.
If you have a Problem with me and my
Grand entrances, then get out of the way.

I drink coffee, as strong and
Bold as Myself.

I'm rocking my outfit.
Here, I am Queen Bee.

For so long you had me believe,
Being Myself was wrong.
That I had to pretend to be someone
I'm not, in order to be accepted.
Just so I could click with you and belong.

Now I know, one day I realised.
I don't need you, or your lies.
I am a Reflection, a Representation
Of my Parents, the two best people in
My Life.

I Am my Parent's daughter,
What you See is what you get.
I don't sugar coat anything,
I won't live a life of regret.

Try as hard as you might, to
Delete me from your mind.
I Am one memory, you'll
Never be able to forget.

I am a Badass, Boss Lady.
I am and always will, take
World by Storm.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


I Woke Up.

 I woke up feeling 🔥"spicy."🔥
Like cinnamon I'm sweet and have a kick.

Should I ever lose my ✨Sparkle✨,
I know that I can count on my impulsive
Tendencies, to do the trick.
If I could have any superpower,
I'd travel back in time.

Back to when I could wake up,
And fix all of my mistakes.
To make every wrong doing I ever did, alright.

Such is a Tornado, I too am
Wild, Destructive and beautifully Unhinged.
Knocking down anyone who tries to stop me,
By stepping in the middle of my path.

I am a Bull in a China shop.
I'll never slow down, never stop.

I am determined to wake up feeling
Spicy, everyday.
Because it's up to Me, and me alone,
To add flavour, colour and pizzazz
To my life.

I'm bringing the heat, opening my eyes.
Parting the curtains that once shaded my mind.

I lift up my face, and feel the
Comforting caress of the gentle
Summer breeze.
Showering down on me, from
The baby blue, cotton soft clouded

Immediately, I am complete.
As I am surrounded by a sense of peace.
I am finally, at ease.

I've been sleepwalking through
Life for too long.
It's time, I woke up

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Psychic Medium - Dedicated to All Those who have been blessed with THE Gift.

 With any and every room that she walks
In to, her senses are heightened
With each step that she takes.
Her intuition spikes, her mind's
Eye awakes.

She manifests unknowingly, until Spirits
Appear before her.
Apparitions of every kind.
Showing themselves to her, as
Solid and clear as you or I.

She has one foot in this world,
The other, in the Next.
Protected by a forcefield of Heavenly
White Light.
Her Angels, her Guides, keep her safe.
Never leaving her side.

She uses her Gifts, to help those
Who, naturally, to the Spirit 
Are blind.

Cleansing them body, soul and mind.
She shares her positive energy
With them, with a s
ingle, simple,
Subtle touch.

Speaking clearly and firmly as she communicates with the Spirits, laying down Boundaries.

She rids away bad energy, by
Eveningly Distributing Healing smoke
rom a sage smudge stick.

The positive, healing Vibes repulse the
Evil entities, making them leave
Because it makes t
Disgusted, angry and sick. 

She calls on her Angels, her Guides,
To extend their Light to the person in need.
Inviting and Welcoming Spirits with only
The Best intentions, to stay.
For an additional layer of Protection,
She gives her Blessing by Praying.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


I Will Not - Dedicated To All Those With Disabilities, Both Visible An Invisible. You Are Loved.

 I will not Cower.
I will not Hide.
I will not be Silenced, or kept to one side.
I will not listen, or give a care to your opinions when you say what you think of me.
I will not deny all the little, special things that make me shine.

The fragrant perfume of love filled justice, cleanses me body, soul and mind. So I'm going to close my eyes and soak my worries away, beneath the water, that is the giver of life.

I will not Give in to the hurtful behaviours, and words of those who only know how to be unkind.
I will not be afraid, to be Seen or to speak my mind.

I Am however, Determined to have a Healthy state of mind.

I burn Brightly like the flames,
Of a dragon Breathing fire.
The Best version of myself,
I aim to aspire.

Deep down, I know that I am beautiful no matter what you say. I am going to take on the World with a smile, each and every day.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Something That Matters.

 Once a Star sleeping in a far off Galaxy
Hundreds of millions, billions of miles away.
Was picked delicately ever so gently out of the
Night sky, because it was determined to shine and
Twinkle brighter than all of the other stars that day.

It didn't know what the Future held in store for it.
All it knew was that, it was going on a new, grand Adventure. An adventure, of a Lifetime...

...And That star, was You. That Adventure, Your life.
How you came to be. How you started out as a single speck of matter. How you matter now, and how you will always matter to Me.

Sun shines bright, even after a bout of rain.
The sweet nectar of Justice, wins over the sour bitter taste of pain. The everlasting, familiar song of silence, a comforting and cosy favourite blanket to the buzzing, busy noises swirling inside your brain.

It all comes together. A perfect balance.

Every breath we take.
Every mistake we are bound to make.
Every Soul that we touch.
And Every heart that we break.

Every new page we turn.
Every life lesson learned.

It all comes together.

Every creature, Big and small that doest creepeth upon the Earth. Was put here for the reason, of having their voice heard.

Whether that creature has skin, scales, feathers, fur or fins. We are One with each other, you just have to search yourself by looking deep within.

Love everyone, like a Sister or Brother.
We are All equals.
There is no better or worse.
Life lived by so many, a song constantly sung.
It's lyrics spoken in every tongue.
Same song, with an Everchanging verse.

Everyone and everything, that Is or ever was, is
Something That Matters.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 We are all crazy, but
Only few are Brave enough to
Acknowledge, Own and be Proud of their

All Great Ideas and achievements,
Stem from the Wild and Crazy minds of
Our Ancestors before Us.

For all of the Greats were Not afraid,
To let their voices be heard.
Your voice too, a sweet melody like
That of a song bird.
Your Song, the world awaits to hear.
Everyone will listen, they'll come from
Far and Near.

The Question is, are you Ready for the
World to hear your voice, even if it means
You get called "crazy" by those who are
Not as brave as you?

Benjamin Franklin & Vincent van Gough,
Both Great minds once called crazy.
Now world renowned.
Their voices echo throughout History,
Traveling in the footsteps of our World.
Though they now speak no sound,
Their Words are forever legendary
When heard.

It's time the World hears Your voice.
So do something crazy.
Be Wild.
Be the thing No One saw coming.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 Like sudden, shocking bolts of lightning.
It courses through your Veins.

Crackling desperately inside you.
This sensation does excite you.
Such fire does ignite you.

You are Braver than brave.
You feel yourself coming alive, with new found
Life, that is Courage.

The World, your Future.
Your Destiny.
Your Stage.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Heavyweight Champion.

 The Devil came, I wrestled him to the floor.
With a swift kick, I sent him flying out the door.
Fighting fire with fire, exactly on the twelfth chime.
I Summon the power of Light.

As The Prince of Darkness struggles to get back up,
I put him in a choke hold.
Before blacking out for good, he spoke his
Last words to me with a dying breath.
He said,
"Well played. I can't believe you won. Goodbye forever."

I am the World Heavyweight Champion.
I cannot be beat.
I will miss the days, when I played cat and mouse 
With the Devil.
That won't stop me from determinedly walking Forward, walking always towards the Light.

I raise the belt in triumph above my head, and
Smile to Myself.
I know that I am my Own heavyweight champion,

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 You are a Supernova,
Someone's shining star.
Your personality so vibrant,
Exploding in every colour.
Listen to your heart,
Go where it takes You.

Be adventurous, be brave.
Even if it feels like it may break you.
That's when you'll discover, how
Strong you truly are.

You came into this world,
Because You are someone's
Dream come true.
A wish once made on a
Shooting star, came towards our world, to
Collaborate with a
ll of the Earth's
Elements, to create 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


When I Went to Hogwarts - Disclaimer: This poem is in NO way associated with 'Warner Brothers.' It's just for a bit of fun and laughter.

 When I went to Hogwarts, the sight
That greeted me, was Professors,
Snape and Quirrell, g
laring daggers at me.

I couldn't believe it, when I received my
Letter and, Hagrid told me that I'm a witch.
As I strolled along the magical school grounds,
I got clonked in the head by a rogue
Golden Snitch!

When Draco laughed, I transfigured his ass,
Into that of a turtle 🐢. Then dropped him with a 'plop' into the toilet, there, he was made fun of
Moaning Myrtle.

Later, at the feast, I saw Dumbledore had
Transfigured Draco back into his original,
Human form. I heard him whine,
"Wait until my Father hears about this."

I glanced over at Harry, who gagged when
He saw, Ginny and Dean Thomas kiss.
Ron ate so much, that Hermione hit him
With her book.

The whole of Gryffindor table gasped,
We were all completely shook.
Back in our dorm room, a
Death Eater entered my bedroom
Late that night while I was asleep.

I woke up panicked, so I hit him with
My nearby broom.
He was so scared by my sudden and
Unexpected reaction,

That he began to weep.

The next few days, if I wasn't riding,
Buckbeak then I was busy learning
Defence Against the Dark Arts, every
Other day.

So when the time came, Dumbledore's
Army can defeat Voldemort and his followers.
In protection by its students, Hogwarts will

A single droplet of Liquid Luck, goes a long way.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Hold On - For Every Hopeless Romantic.

 Hold on to tomorrow, and the days that are yet to come. Hold on to my voice of reason, even if in that moment, you believe there is none. Hold on to my hand, when you feel lost and alone. I'll hold you close, I'll be your home.

I'm here for the long haul, I promise I'll never go.
I know this because, you held on to me when I didn't have the strength to stand on my own. When I was crying and too distraught to speak, you gently wiped away my tears with the back of your hand as they rolled down my cheek.

You slowly tilted my head up, so our eyes did meet. In yours, I heard you say, "I understand. Hold on."
We are forever entwined. I am yours, and you, are mine.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Nomad, Saint Francis of Assisi.

I am a nomad, a wanderer.
I travel from place to place.
From fields, sandy deserts and
Mountain ranges.
Forever searching the answers to my questions,
I make the most of my purpose.

Forever walking in subtle silence,
Stopping occasionally to s
tand still
And listen.

At night, I camp under the stars.
My bed, is one of soft grass.
I wake up each morning, to the
Welcoming warmth of the Sun
Shining gently on my face.

The company I keep, is animals.
Sweet gentle creatures, who don't require any
Words in order to speak.
Love, tenderness and kindness, the
Only things they seek.
I live a simple life.
My destiny written in the Sky.

I walk with purpose, I take my time.
To grow in Prayer, I better myself as a

I follow only, our Father's footsteps and advice.
I make the most of the gift He gave me,
That is, this life.

I don't wear fancy clothes.
Through Him, I know my worth.
I focus Only on Him, because
He is what matters the most.
Through Him, I am able to do
Great works.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Remember The Days - For all Grandparents, who have shaped us into who we are. Grandma, Grandpa. This one is for YOU. It's because of you, I believe in true love.

Remember the days, when we were young?
We'd stay up late, just for fun.
Listening to the chirping chorus of crickets
On a deafeningly silent night.

The gentle whisper of a breeze,
Blowing through the lush green leaves.
Remember how it felt, that moment
Seemed, and we wanted it to, last

Nothing else mattered.

Remember the days, on clear, cloudless nights,
We would sit quietly and star gaze.
Searching the sky in the hopes of finding a
Shooting star.

Our secrets and wishes, kept safe with
Each other.
We'd talk about our dreams, holding on to them

Remember all those times, we'd stare into the
Our hearts would burn for each other, with Immeasurable desire.
You, and you alone, hold the power to make my
World stand still.

We'd tell each other scary stories, just for an
Excuse to cuddle up close.
When I told you that "I love you", you'd always Reply, "I love You most."

And should I lose my temper, because I've lost my way. I know I can always count on you to bring me back to my senses, with a simple kiss.

Your lips pressed gently against my ear as you'd whisper to me, "Remember the days."

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Haunted - For All Of The Paranormal Enthusiasts.


Haunted by the ghosts of her past, she felt herself fade from view. Her lamenting cries ricocheting off of the walls of the secret, forbidden room. Until a sudden windstorm blew.

It caused the only window that was in the room, that had only known being boarded up with thick slabs of wood, to break. And light came shining through. Finally free, she jumped out of the window, her feet landing softly on a bed of grass. Her once ragged, dirt stained linen dress now a shroud of pure white.

No longer haunted, free from torment. She walks towards the Light. Her past now, finally out of sight.

No longer a ghost, she holds the Light close until she is made brand new. With each bare footed step she takes, a brighter New Life for her, the Creator makes.

Her feet covered in flowers of bloom.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


MY Story.

  Spent my life locked in the dark. Forgot who I am, so I went on a search To rediscover my spark. Told myself that if I kept the lid Of My ...