Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Woman Is More Complicated Than A Game Of Jenga.

Those who don't have the
Virtue of Patience and understanding,
Get bored easily and leave me.
I don't let that phase me.
It's time I left them far behind.

I like sitting in peaceful silence,
Accompanied by the non-stop
Ping-ponging thoughts of my mind.
I wait. I watch. Biding my time.

I plan every single move of mine.
Criticism and rejection, just another
Beautiful building block of my life.

Things may be wobbly and unstable with me,
Majority of time.
But I always look onwards
And upwards, my eyes forever
Turned towards the sky.

Do not test me, don't be stupid
And attempt to push me down.
Because I will topple, crash and
Fall into obliteration...

...Right on top of and demolish you into the ground.

My heart protected, a steady
Tower of truth in a world of lies.
Darkness holds no power over me,
I am Daughter of the Light.
So if you're ready to go on this
Journey with me, take my hand and
Hold on tight.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



I wear my passion proudly, don't you know.
I live my life boldly, like I'm the
Star of the runway at a red carpeted
Fashion show.

My dress, one of a rich and bright shade of red.
Where ever I go, people are bound to
Turn their head.

I need no proof and know not of any
Paparazzi, in order to embrace my
Individual, unique and personal

Feel your heart bleed with Passionate,
Desire filled lust for me as it bursts into flame?
Can you hear it singing my name?

I like to think that I am somewhat of
A sweet, kind hearted, simple, s
And humble girl who knows her worth.

I am selective, in who I choose
To be part of my world.

Your beautiful aura alone, tells
Me that your heart is worthy of
taking its place among my
Ruby encrusted crown.

I flick my long hair at those who to me,
Do not even come close 
to compare.
They may spread rancid rotten rumours
About me, but I do not give a single care.

The passion of my heart, does shine through my eyes.
The sun's golden glow of my irises,
Ever so iridescent.

Opinions of which for I did not ask, mean nothing to me.
Everyday is an Adventure.
Watch me as I glide with purpose into your life.

I am determined, to make my presence known by

I live every second of every day, to the fullest.
To myself, I vow to always stay the truest.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From Rivers, to Oceans.

I've cried you a river.
Now, my eyes have run dry.
Where you see a wasteland,
I see a Wonderland!

I'm charging forwards, at
Unimaginable speeds.
Over sharp, jagged rocks
And past the trees!

I am Powering through!
Never slowing down,
Nor, do I ever want to.

I, am the rapids that rush.
My hair one of fabulous
White frothy foam.

Until I have reached my final
Destination, when at last I am
Reunited with the ocean.
That is when I know, I am

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Trust Issues.

Once upon a time, I had trusted.
But now, I'm just plain guarded.
Can't seem to find the strength,
To open up.

It's like I'm free falling, from
The World's tallest building.
I've braced myself for impact,
But I don't know when or if
I'll ever hit the ground.

I wish opening up, was as easy
And simple as letting someone in.
Though, my whole life I've been told
That there's no goodness in me.

Only a 99% chance of flash flooding
Because the only thing that anyone sees,
Is me drowning in a quicksand of sin.

It's not easy putting myself out there,
And keeping a smile plastered on my face.
If only I knew anyone to this problem, who
Can relate.

Maybe one day, with any luck
I'll be able to transform my freefall
Into one of a
trust fall.

Trust me when I say, I want to trust you.
But letting You in, means that my monsters
Will come out - 

So it's something that I'd rather not talk about.

Only when I'm alone and behind
Closed doors, do I ever scream and
Let it all out.

Just like everything in life,
My trust comes at a price.
I'm not easily bought.

After Years, I've developed a thick skin built on suspicion.
Due to my history and bad habit,
Of being blinded to fake friendships
And the toxic ways of the wrong sort.

I've only ever known "niceness"
To secretly hide behind a façade,
Of only the best quality of masks.
Worn by masters of disguises.

Everything I thought I once
Knew of genuine kindness,
Suddenly shrouds and chokes me
In a thick smoke cloud of doubt.

I have to be careful with who I let in, if ever I am to regain my balance and stop falling.

If you find yourself thinking that you
Can't deal with all these fragile and cracked pieces
That make up all of me, then this is your final warning
To get the hell out.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Friday, July 26, 2024

The Girl Who Waited - A Cinderella Story.

Ever get the feeling that,
You aren't where you're
Supposed to be?

You're so busy being afraid
Of the present & stuck
In your past -

That your hopes, dreams & ambitions
Of what you want from the Universe for your
Future, is just out of reach?

You've spent so long, staring
Out the window waiting for your
Prince Charming to rescue you from the
Tower & upgrade you to a grand
Palace in the hopes of finding your
'Happily Ever After.'

To the point where you lost sight of
Everything that you already do have &
All the little every day moments, that
Matter most of all.

Honey, I got to tell you.
That Prince, that Palace &
Horse drawn carriage?
It's not coming.
It will always be nothing but a
Fairy tale.

Not if you waste time waiting, anyway.

All those things you want in life &
Ambitions that you have?
They won't come to you,

You have to Go Get Them.
You have to Get Out There &
Kick Ass!

So stop wasting time, staring out
The window.

Stop trying to see the "Ideal" you in the
Reflection of the glass & lying to your face.

You've got SO much to offer this
World, so be brave & climb out of
The cage that you built for yourself
When you were having a bad day.
No one ever got anywhere in life,
Glued to the same place & living

So what are you waiting for?
Jump out that window, in the
Most dramatic way.

Crash land, & make it a scene!
Be the Role Model for those,
Who are not yet ready to become 
Brave enough to break free.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Heart's Song.

I tried to talk to my piano,
I tried to talk to my guitar.
No matter how hard I tried,
Their voices never would reply.
It was like nothing I did, my
Words never did go far.

Music, my religion.
Words spoken from My Soul, my art.

I closed my eyes, and realise.
Maybe I don't have to talk, to make a sound.
Sometimes it's the silence in my head
When I clear and open up my mind,
That speak the most loud.

My raw emotions a song,
Deep in my heart trying to break out.
I have to stay true to myself, even if
It means I don't get the approval I want
From someone else.

On the rare occasion where someone
Asks me to tell them My story, I don't
Know where to start.

The best I can do in that moment,
Is present them with the many
Tessellating layers that protect
My heart.

I have to believe, that things
Won't always remain the same.
Perhaps one day I'll be brave
Enough to speak up loud enough,
For My voice to be heard without
Worrying what everyone else might

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Ice Princess.

With hands so cold she does create,
Magnificent ice sculptures out of
Others' spiteful hate.

A whirl wind of love & light,
Does swirl  deep inside her pale 
Snowflake blue eyes.

She is the gentle breath of snow,
On a magical white Christmas morn
After a perfect Eve's night.

A blizzard rages through her, wherever she is.
That is the strength  & knowledge
She's gained, over yesteryears.

Despite the memories of history past,
She allows those tragedies
To harden not her heart. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Detective.

She walks the alleyways,
Investigating every area that often go unseen.
A Quest.
With Eyes wide open, eager & keen.
In search for answers.

Answers to the questions of
Who She is, & the way that the World
That she knows is supposed to be.
Excited to be undercover & unveil Mystery.
She doubles down & follows
Every possible Lead.

Injustice the Evil Mastermind
Goes hand in hand with, Cruelty.
Artist & genius behind the perfect
Crime scene.

Dishonesty its Mistress, an
Accomplice hiding in the shadows
In plain sight.

It flees in fear whenever she shines her
Powerful & bright flashlight beam.
She swabs the path for prints & follows
the tracks.

Like water leaking out of a crack,
as it Trickles through a pipe.
she never gives up without a fight.

Never giving up the chase, until
She's found the evidence she needs
To make an arrest & lock up all those who
Try to persuade innocent bystanders
To sing the song that is spreading pain,
Sorrow & torment.

Casting & cuffing them to
the bars of a cell, Throw away the key.
Reducing them to a life sentence,
Where there is No Escape.
never again to be seen.

A Positive difference to the World,
she is determined to make.
She has no need for a sniffer dog,
to pick up a trace.
She takes on the World,
like a punch in the face!

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Humble Queen - A Short, Creative Narrative. The Moral Of This Story Is - Despite Our Individual Upbringings and Financial Status, We Are ALL The Same.

Tired of the Royal life, she snuck out of the Palace gates, kicked off her high heeled shoes and fled bare footed into the bushy overgrowth in the night so no one would notice her sudden disappearance.

Until she made it to the Kingdom's
far off village.

There, she rebelliously stripped out off her tailormade regal dress and removed her crown. Folding and tucking the dress under her arm, as she held in her hand the crown.

She walked up with purpose in nothing but her under garments, to the first run down and rickety house she did see.

She began to knock on its door repeatedly.
Soon, her efforts did pay off, as she was greeted with a kind, friendly, warm smile of a poor elderly cobbler.

He welcomed her inside and gave her a
Nice, hot cup of tea. Then lit a fire in the fireplace, so she could warm her feet. 

He called out to his daughter, who came

running into the room excitedly. She couldn't believe the fact, that in her father's living quarters, sat their Queen.

The Queen presented the young girl, with her dress and crown for her to keep, in exchange for something simple to wear and anything they could spare for her to eat. She then plucked out the jewelled pins that held her long, styled hair in place.

Gifting them to the girl and smiled, to see the surprised and delighted expression appear on her face. 

The Queen was grateful when the girl showed her to a basic room that had a bed made from only hay bales, spread with a hand woven mat where a blanket would normally be. 

A welcoming change from knowing only the sensation of lying asleep alone on a bed big enough for both her and a non-existing King that comes with being born into a lavish life.

In one corner of the room, sat a wooden spinning wheel. Thinking of all the thread she could make and sell, to the village people in order to help out around the house.

The energy that she had lost from running frantically through the night, finally caught up with the Queen. The result was her falling into a deep sleep.

The Queen slept so deeply, that she didn't dream. Waking up refreshed the next morning, she went over to a hand carved wooden basin that was filled with water that the cobbler's daughter had bought in for her. With a sigh of contentment, she washed her face.

Before walking over to the spinning wheel. The wooden stool on which she sat, a long forgotten familiar homey comfort compared to the velvet cushioned seat of her Throne.

In the small dimly sunlit room, she had found what it meant to truly be happy. A different kind of safe and secure place, compared to the heavily guarded Palace. Of the only life she'd ever known. At last she was finally able to feel at Home.

All morning, the Queen worked spinning by hand the thread. Stopping only in the afternoon to briefly wander the village, speak, get to know her people and sell the yarn she made in exchange for homemade loaves of bread. Which, with the cobbler and his daughter she did share.

She enjoys it here among the gold deprived yet grateful for everything they have, dwellers. In community spirit and care for one another, the peasants are richer than she had ever been. Such kinship to her eyes, was such a moving scene.

Here in this lonely and forgotten place, she felt like she belonged. At long last for her to finally be rid of the everyday rat race.

She came to the realisation that there was more meaning to life, than simply just being alive.

In this small town village and in her basic peasant gown she for once after what felt like the longest time, felt comfortable not having to worry about any Royal duties, regulations and expectations weighing her down.

She loved living incognito among her subjects, where she was unrecognised yet appreciated and loved for who she is to those who passed her by. In this place, she was neither lesser or greater than your or I.

She was merely, an equal.

She relished every moment of not having false friendships or having to worry where loyalties lie that come with court just because her title was, "Her Majesty, the Queen." Here, in this little forgotten town she could finally let her guard down.

To finally just be herself. A fellow fair sweet maiden, to be free. Known only to others by her birth name, 
Irene . A name that by definition and Greek origin, means, Peace.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Tears On The Dancefloor.

A droplet shed out of joy,
For everything she's overcome.
From the battles she's lost, to the
Wars she's won.

Delicately her tears do fall &drip,
Salty sweet goodness rolling down her cheek,
Lips & chin.
Covering the dancefloor like polish.

Never going back to the way things once were.
She rips off a piece of her pearl white silk dress,
Kneeling down to use it &dab dry the dancefloor.
After what's felt like forever to her, spent crying.

With a deep steadying breath she wrings out the tear soaked Sodden cloth that once was worn, as her favourite dress until She has filled the only clear crystal vase in the room up to the Brim.

Her makeup a mess & her eyes bloodshot red, Scared yet excited she is, for the next chapter Of her Story to begin.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Beautiful Creature.

She is Elegance.
She, is grace.
She is her own personal, humble hero.
She is a concert, &
The world is her stage.

Her heart overflows with
Love for everyone, & not just those
She knows & is close to.
Like a flute full of only the finest,
Most expensive Champagne.

With a personality as bubbly &
Just as refreshingly sweet.
Her hair just as golden,
Just as chic.

She demands attention,
Wherever she goes.
Always making a grand entrance,
She steals the show.

She is a bright light,
On the darkest of days.
The bell of the ball,
Shining brighter &
More bedazzling than any

At her feet, new opportunities
Do greet, present themselves &
Before her do fall.

She can do everything you can, & more.
She, is a
A real life, everyday Queen.

Where there is a challenge,
Eagerly she does show it her face.
Time is of the essence, one she
Refuses to waste.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Black & White - Let's Make Racism Extinct!

It doesn't matter, whether
You are Black or White.
We are the same, you & I.
We both wear our hearts on
Our sleeves.

We are not ashamed, of our differences.
We speak not of the things that
Once happened in our lives, behind
Closed doors.

Us women, are a symbol of
Strength for everyone everywhere.
Of the past people we used to be due to mistakes
Once made.

Advice, wisdom & knowledge
From past experiences we do share.

We don't need to speak, in order to understand.
Beautiful, comfortable in & proud of the
Unique colours of our skin.

We take the world by storm,
A new generation of powerful women,
About to be born.

One Day the World will see,
Despite our different skin tones
We are One & the same, you & me.
Perfectly capable of living as equals,
In complete &utter harmony.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Everything she touches,
Bursts into flames.
To her, this is just another game.

She laughs manically, her crazed
Cackle bounces off of the walls
That is the castle's Dungeon.

With one swish of her
Ash Black ballgown,
She sets the room alight.
She is the asteroid on a one way mission,
To Your life.

With a single flying kiss blown,
She lights up the Night.

Dark & abandoned places, her playground.
Embers evolved into handmade explosions,
Her favourite toy.

She's not afraid to let loose a spark,
Fear her when you don't see fire.
Is she a witch, or is she just nuts?
You don't have to wonder anymore.

She is waiting for you in stealthy silence.
In the Dark.

- Alexandra Pierotti. 

All That Does Glow.

A rare and powerful personality, that shines so bright.
Glowing like a thousand fireflies, lighting up the night.
It floods out of her constantly, it cannot be contained.
With each minor personal accomplishment 
Within herself, she forever does bloom and grow.

More spectacular and breath taking, than any light show.
Words of praise, mean little to her.
Because at the end of the day, that's all they are.


A great believer she is, that actions speak louder.
Make the most impact.
They are what truly lives forever, an imprint
Of love branded permanently on her heart.

So share her laughter, share her joy.
Sprinkle and spread kindness like magic.
Why use a torch to illuminate the way,
When true brilliance within the very fibres of
Your being produces and shines the most
Powerful, warm, bedazzling, beaming,
Magnificent glowing Light?

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Rise - Depression Awareness. Overcoming the Deep Depths that is the Ocean known as, Depression. If you, or anyone you know who struggles with mental illness, please get the help you need and remember - you ARE loved x.

 The demons inside my head
Taunt, threaten & do their best
To persuade me to become dead.

They feed off my traumas, pain
Sadness & v
Warp & contort, my mind.

Forever grotesque & greedy,
They consume me alive.
Growing stronger w
ith each passing minute...

But I am Stronger still.
I refuse to be hostage to the lies
Of mental illness, bound by invisible

I am resilient.
I will get through this.
I always do & always will.

I may be bashed, bruised,
Bloody, shattered & cracked.
But what matters most, is that

I hold the Power, Courage &
  necessary to Always
Bounce back.

I am NOT my illness!

I am Beautiful  in my flaws.
See my scars?
They are
proof, a trophy of the
Battles I've won
due to illness that is
Ultimate War that I
Am yet to Overcome.                                          

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Dreamer.

Slumber, slumber come unto me.
Wrap your arms tenderly around my peacefully
Still lying being.

Whisper sweet nothings in my ear, until
I have earned the privilege to sail
Away from my problems on a sea of dreams.

When we dream, we create a collage
That is a world of our very own.
A world of what we want, desire & deserve.
Not just filled with the everyday familiarities
That come with the waking world we all know.

Colours, lights, music of the
Best kind fill our hearts, souls & minds.
They collect and carry our wishes up
To the Spirits of Ancestor's past,
In the dead of night.

The more we dream, the stronger
Our heart's deepest desires & ambitions
Bloom & grow.

Becoming everything of who we once were &
Who we want to be, until we are a
ble to let go.

Only then do we wake,
Slowly rub & open our eyes.
A sneaky yawn does escape.

Over time, our dreams become Reality.
A blessing of adventure yet to be found,
Wrapped in a beautiful cloak that is
Love with each & every new day.

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Trapped Inside Her Head - Anxiety & Depression Awareness/ The Truth About Masked Trauma.

She spends the majority of time
Without intention, trapped inside her head.
With no easy or straight forward
Way out, she's a real life zombie.
She's stuck, right in between
The middle of being alive & dead.

Her mind a hidden & secret room, a basement of sorts.
No one but her can see or is allowed
To enter without a key.

She hides her struggles under an
Invisible white linen cloth, that is a veil of Mystery.
She & she alone, knows the confidential
Combination code to her  personal
Secrets kept safe.

Her mind  is an abandoned warehouse
Of memories, both good & bad alike.
Housing & playing with thoughts

Until she's created for herself, a world
Where everything is once again alright.

Here, she sits quietly as she stews & mulls things over.
Deciphering & choosing selectively, specifically what to allow for those around her, to see.

There's no crime in curiosity, of wanting to know what
It's like for her to live her individual , personal life.
Just don't insist, push, demand or pry.
If you don't force her for answers or explanations,
She will open up when the time for HER is right.

Should you be so lucky as for her to extend
To you her heart, hand and top secret access
Granted to her mind -
Grab on & Forever, hold on tight.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Life Is A Jungle, Born To Be Wild.

My Life  is a Jungle,
One of which  I  cannot Deny  nor  Any  longer  hide.

I  live  in  the  Shadows,  behind 
 the  leafy  curtains & Vine  woven  blinds

I  Am  always  the hunter,
Never  The  prey. I  am  the  only
Human  version  of  my  kind.

In  the  bark  of  the  grandest,
sturdiest  &  Tallest  tree  is  where  I've  carved  my  name.

For  you  see,  the  jungle  is  my
Kingdom  -  I  am   Queen,  Ruler   of
All  creatures.  Both  the  Loud, proud, Over Dramatic  In their Boisterous ways,  as well as those  who  choose  to  remain  mute  &  Unseen.

My  Word  shall  now  &  forever  be,   law  of  the  jungle.

You  cannot  see  me, though  I  am 
forever   watching  your  every  move.  I   camouflage  myself  carefully   in  the   undergrowth  & safety   of   my  den. 

I  Live  a  life  of secret, stealthy  silence.  ready  at any given   moment to  strike  you  down.

My  wonderous  hunting  skills
Taught  to me  as  a  once young  &   injured  pup,  by  my  fur-ever family  I  was  lucky  to  have  found.  The most  majestic &  powerful  pack  of  wolves,  that  do  stalk  these  hallowed  grounds. 

You  know  your  time  is  up &  that you're  out  of luck,  when you  see  the jungle  rooftop  shake  &  quiver  out of  fear &  respect. 

 Listen Carefully &  you'll  be  bound to  hear the  lyrics,  as  we  Howl  our  strategically  synchronised   song  up  at  the  glowing  silver  moon.

Yes, My life is a  jungle.  I  was  born  to  be  Wild &  Now,  I've  come  for  you.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


It's Strange How Beautiful You Are.

It's strange, isn't it?
How something as small &
Insignificant as an appearance,
Holds enough power to make
Others afraid?

Anything new, different,
Unusual, never before seen &

To be seen for what & Who
You truly are, only for the
Person who was looking at
You, to turn & cast their eyes away.

You begin to question everything, everyone,
Including yourself, your morals & every word you say.
You feel yourself fade, slowly slipping away.

Until you have an Epiphany one day & realise,

You are in fact, beautiful.
Despite what the haters might think or say.

You are beautiful in your humble silence.
Every time you hold your tongue when
Your immediate reaction from being provoked &
Triggered, is to hiss a vow of revenge full
Of vicious words.

Your power in the ability,
To block out what &
Who does not matter.
You are beautiful in your
Gentle, genuine Love & Caring

You know no shame, you
The world to not just
See, but most importantly
Gaze upon your face.

Never leaving, until you make
An impact so grand & dominant
On the lives of those around you
That those who bare witness 
Must speak your name.

You transform your traumas,

Into the Ultimate Superpower.
In your moments of weakness,
You discover the true power
Which is this newly discovered

The Strength that comes with
Acknowledging pain & turning it into
Pure, unadulterated Healing.
You evolve, without even Knowing it &
when you least expect to.

Those who are most worthy & deserving
Of Your heart, you cherish & keep close
To you Forever.

Those who'd rather walk the path
Of Forever alone, drenched in
Toxic poisonous traits that is hate &
Vindictive ways have no place in your life.

Even though no one has ever
Before told you, just know that
Deep down are beautiful in your
Individual worth & how you in
More ways than one, are truly Brave.

The forbidden door that was once locked up,
You rip off from its hinges so that only
Truth floods your life, in every
Aspect of the word.

You're no longer afraid, to speak your mind.
From pain you've gained experience & wisdom. 
No longer does it bother you, to
See others turn & walk away.

You acknowledge the fact that
In your Own company, you are
Never alone.

Those who are chosen &
Are proud to be a part of your life,
Like you, are the true definition of a

Beautiful Soul

For in every form, stage & phase
Of Strange, true mystery & only the most
Authentic of beauty does lie.
Lucky are those, who witness &
Do not turn away from this

Wonderous sight that is all of You
With their very own eyes.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Peace In The Valley.

 Every day, I grow stronger.
More Radiant, in my new found resilience.

I appreciate the gift that is each New day.
The unique beauty of each

And every moment, that
Comes my way.

I could stay here forever.
Oh, if only.
I take comfort listening to
The familiar lullaby, that is
The trickle of the stream.

Dreamily rushing by my feet,
With it, all of my cares and
Worries are w
ashed away.

The silence that surrounds me
Interrupted only, by the occasional
Bird song, fills my soul with peace.
One I have never before known of.

I close my eyes and open my heart,
As I let my mind wander in this
Valley of Peace.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Italian Summer.

I spend my simple Summer days,
Down by the well.
The gentle hypnotic, satisfying trickle of water,
Has me stuck under a trance that is its
Very own magical spell.

I live for today. Nothing more & nothing less.
As I fill my bucket in the waters of the well,
The song of birds in a nearby tree takes away
All my stress.

In this moment, I am truly happy.
Relaxed. Free. I take comfort in knowing the trees watch  over me.

In this small village where I stay,
The townhouses are built on the dreams of yesterday.
Here, everyone knows everyone.

You're never too far from a friendly

Smiling face, as they wave with  a
Greeting, "Ciao." Before continuing
On their merry way.

Here, we know how to Live.
Everything is slower. Simpler.
We have no need to explain.

So, do yourself a favour. Come down and
Visit the serenity, that is  our beautiful 

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sea Queen.

 My Heart pounds with the same rhythm as the 
Rapidly rushing, rippling, foaming, salty waves.
The creatures of the Deep are
My subjects, and I, their faithful, loyal 
And beloved Queen.

My hair reflects the sun rays,
The same rich earthy golden brown as the sand.
My eyes and dress, the same shade as the crystal
Blue seas.

I, am conductor of the Deep.
I orchestrate when the sea gulls
And pelicans sing.

Carefully, I choreograph what you see.
Dolphins that dance and synchronise,
With each and every leap out of the sea.
Silhouetted in the Ombre orange glow
Of the evening Sun you do see, my beautiful
Dolphin friends dancing so gracefully.

I calm the waves, when the Ocean does rage.
I caress it gently by brushing the tips of my
Fingers on the Ocean's surface, and singing
Its spirit to its original state of peaceful sleep. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.




Celebrate the bad times,
Transformed into good ones.
Celebrate all your achievements,
Small and large.

Celebrate every moment,
And every accomplishment.
Celebrate all of your traumas
And heartbreak, especially
Those in which you never thought
To  overcome.

For they are the ones that fuel
And feed your inner Phoenix.
Out of the ashes of turmoil you
Are reborn, stronger and better
Than ever before.

Celebrate your Past, Present and Future.
For they are what have come together,
To build you into the amazingly Powerful,
Resilient person you are today.

Celebrate every dream and ambition.
Both the ones you are living in this very
Moment, as well as those yet to come true.

Celebrate the fact, that each morning you
Wake up to fight yet another day.
Celebrate that in every self-doubt filled
Moment of insecurity, you are Perfect in
Every single way. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Dragon Queen.

 I, am the keeper of keys & all mythical
Magical creatures are One with me.
They call me the Dragon Queen, due
To my love & genuine care that I
Provide for them.

Dragons have always been my pets,
My Spirit Animal.
Their fire and Power breathes Life
Into my very Soul.

My Palace & their den are combined
Together, creating for us a shared home.
Dragons are seriously misunderstood creatures.
Feared by most due to association, with
Evil, ferocity, danger & Death.

Though, if you take the time to get to know them,
You will see just what Beautiful & magnificent
Creatures they really are.
Territorial when protective, of those they love.
Defending them always, to the last.
Ever so gentle & tender, with their young.

Like every creature, Dragons too, crave
One thing - love.
So the next time you come across a Dragon,
Remember to fear not.

The trick to taming them, is to
Provide them with an offering, a gift
Of their favourite thing.
They don't require an animal or human sacrifice,
All they really want is something
Fascinating, gentle & airy light.

Their favourite thing, wouldn't
You know, is bubbles.
Sourced only from the ruby red crystal
Waters of Miracle Falls.
It is an easy place to find...
...If only you know where to look.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Rainy Evenings.

I love a rainy evening,
The delicate droplets pouring
Down the glass window pane.
Running down slowly, 
I watch as it washes
 away all
The bad memories and years
Worth of hidden pain.

The gentle pitter-patter, so soothing.
Like the love from a mother as she
Comforts her child with a lullaby.
The familiar rhythm, puts my mind
At ease.

The steam from my hot chocolate,
Does rise up to the Lord.
Creating a faint layer, of cloudy fog.
Here, in this moment, I am happy.

Snuggled up beneath the blankets
Of my bed, I begin to re-read
From my favourite book.
With each word that my mind
Devours and absorbs,
I am transported t
o an adventure
That is a world of my very own.

Among these slightly
Musty stained pages,
I have never f
elt more
At home.

In the distance I hear
The rumble, of thunder.
A quick streak of lightning
Briefly Flashes by,
In a wonderous glow.
How lucky I am,
To be provided with
This free show.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sunday, July 14, 2024


 With a steaming hot barista made coffee
In front of her, its aroma excites and encourages her busy mind.

She is so peaceful and content tucked away in the booth, of her favourite cafe's nook.

She picks up a pen, and begins
To write in her favourite notebook.
The moment the pen comes in contact
With the blank page, her mind spills open as Her creative magic comes to life!

An immediate and instant release of her thoughts, feelings, emotions, passions and true self as she creates a world of her own.

She is the main character of her story, and
Not just "some other" ordinary girl. She is the Author and Illustrator of this new dimensional realm.

She decides whether to be the hero, or villain.
She chooses whether to travel through a void into the unknown, or stay exactly where she is.

She can be anything.
Whether that be a gladiator wrestling terrifying beasts, a knight riding off into the sunset or a Queen ruling her people from the comfort of her Palace's throne.

Every peace of the puzzle is finally falling into place, it feels so good for her to write what her heart and mind has been craving to say -
I am Invincible! There's Nothing standing in My Way!

When she's in the bubble that is her imaginary and creative world, the pen is her key to unlocking her true authentic self. She has no reason to deny who She really is, or pretend to be someone else.

On the pages of her notebook, she opens her heart and mind wide. No longer afraid to follow the signs. With the pen, her paintbrush and the pages her canvas, she paints the skies.
She has no need to give up anything, or make any unnecessary sacrifice.

Suddenly the chaos of the real world calls her out of the pages of her notebook, interrupting and disturbing her thought process, snapping her out of peak concentration and hyper focus. Annoyed, she covers her ear with one hand in attempts to block out the unbearable noises.

She turns her eyes away from the chaos, back to the familiar and comforting pages of her notebook. Happy, silently soothed and pacified in the cosy nestling space, that is her nook.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...