Sunday, June 30, 2024


I heard your Heart call out to me,
Like a homing beacon in the most silent of

A secret sabotage that I never did
Expect of myself,
To gain unknown wings,

Taking flight.

Deep in my heart I felt the most
Colourful and warm of explosions,
Like various f
ireworks lighting up the night.
Just like the mountains, white cliffs of
Dover, you stole my heart,
Keeping safe in your hands, gently

Turning and rolling it over.

With a single soft breath, you blew new
Life in to my heart.
Solidifying and crystallising our new found
Love, by stretching your hand out to meet mine.
A warm and friendly invitation, for this new life
Of ours to start.

Eagerly we take hold of each other, our
Destiny within reach.
You're the Only one I want to share it with,
You've rendered me free of speech.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Beauty & The Beast.

 You hear the familiar echoing, heart stopping clip of her open toed high heels, as she makes her entrance into the room. She arrives, and heads turn. She is not who you once knew.

With each step of her confident stride, she is filled with pride. Wearing it like war paint. The scent of her expensive perfume envelopes her like a fashionable cloak. Her aura bellows out behind her - Red, Yellow, Orange, Green and the most Royal shades of Blue.

Carving out her own path, in a world of uncertainty. She doesn't allow herself to stay trapped under the rubble and debris, after experiencing life's air raid time, and time again.

She dug herself out of a rough patch, deciding to rescue herself instead. She acknowledges and makes peace with, the Monster that lies within.
Though this doesn't stop her from embracing and hungering for the Light.

She is a boss Woman, the bell of the ball. The life of the party, who picks herself up whenever she falls. She is radiance and grace, each day she gets up and punches her obstacles in the face.

It took her a while, but now she's come to see. You haven't earned the right to embody your natural beauty until you live in harmony, forgive and fall in love with, your inner Beast. 

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hard to Kill.

 When you buried me alive in your
Toxicity and tried to convince yourself,
That you had won, it was in that moment that
I realised - I am hard to kill.
You thought I wouldn't survive, but I had
Promised myself that I Will.

By some miracle, I managed to climb out of that
Now things are different, I'm stronger.
I'm brave.
Tired of being walked over, I'm putting my head
Back in the Game.

The world is waiting for me. Listen.
You can hear it cheering my Name.
Watch me fly, drawn to the Brightest light
Of my Future, like a moth to the Flame.

Catching my dreams, releasing my Wishes
On shooting stars.
In the hopes that they will come True one day.

I don't need yours or anyone else's approval,
In order to Thrive.
If I made a list of my best days ever,
Today would be at the top of that list.
I'm living in the moment, living my best Life.

I absorb the shower of glitz and glammer,
Soaking through my skin, a bright fireball of
I live in the limelight, I own the stage.

My friends bring the champagne, I'll bring the
Good times.
My sequin dress like a silvery disco ball,
Watch me shine.
Forever filling my glass,
Tonight's my night.

I am Fact and Fiction, time spent with
My favourite people is what feeds my addiction.
I'm hard to kill.
Always have been, and always will be.

I am a Taurus, born year of the Bull.
My life a rodeo, I'm here to hype up the crowd.
Their laughter shattering the bulbs of stadium lights, they're that loud.

I charge at any and all red flags
That dare to get in my way.
I'm going to live my life, like it's the best ever
Par-tay πŸŽ‰!
Woo πŸ₯³!

I am my Mother's daughter -
Fierce, feisty, protective, gentle and full of life.
Watch me take on the night.

I am, and forever will be,
Hard to kill.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Roll Of The Dice.

 Such is a dice being rolled,
I took a chance.
A chance on Myself.
My life, each day, a game.
Competing against myself,
Determined to win.

I'm putting myself first for a change,
Never missing opportunities where ever, and
Whenever they present themselves to me.
I roll with the punches, like the roll of the

I need no get-out-of-jail free card,
Go back to the beginning, miss a turn
Or start again.

I'm done rolling myself in shards of glass
That is self loathing and self pity.
Such is a dice being rolled, I, if not
For anyone else, am proud of Myself.

The achievements I make,
The chances I take.
Life is a gamble - you lose some, you
Win more.

What matters, is that I'm competitive
And that I am perfectly matched with a
Worthy opponent. Myself.

So at the end of the day, I can pat
Myself on the back with congratulation.
A friendly, proud acknowledgement,
"Good game. Well played."

- Alexandra Pierotti.


It's Time to Fall in Love.

 It's Time.

It's time to fall in love,
To fall in love again.
To fall in love with your journey -
Your Beginning, Middle and End.

To fall in love with your regrets and
SO many accomplishments.
To fall in love with Yourself, with the
World around you, and with someone
Who is more than just a "friend."

Fall in love with the scars,
Blemishes and a
ll the other imperfections
That make you, 
Everyone, beautiful.

Because it's time.
Time to fall in love.
To fall in love with who you were,
Who you are Now, and who you are
Going to be.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

The Narrator Inside My Head - Dedicated to all my fellow ADHD babies.

 The Narrator inside of my head
Is a small invisible fairy of sorts,
Who constantly tells me my life
Story because she knows that I'm

She laughs with me, at the
Silly impulse driven choices I make.
I hear her warn me one second
Beforehand saying, "don't do it,
Before it's too late."

Do I listen to her whenever she
Gives me this wise advise?
No. Because I'm a beautiful and
Dramatic mess, and life is never

The Narrator inside of my head,
Makes every chapter of my life
Deliciously "πŸ”₯spicyπŸ”₯" and interesting.
Every time I like to think that I'm in
Control, she throws at me, a wicked
Flavourful curve ball.

Forever keeping me on my toes,
She thickens the plot each time.
Laughing playfully when I lose it.
Who doesn't love being a hot mess?
Who doesn't love being their authentic
Self? Who doesn't want to live their
Best life?

The Narrator inside of our heads,
Tells us our stories because it knows,
Nobody else would tell it at its

With every new generation,
Passed down and expanding
Throughout the ages, a sequel
Added to the ever growing collection of
Our life stories.

So be grateful for the Narrator inside of Your head, because nobody else would do your Story justice, with how it's meant to be Read.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Road Trip - Destination Life!

 I hopped into the Driver's seat.
Buckle up, let's go!
Speeding along the highway to
Freedom, full throttle, as I wave
Goodbye to my past.

Stepping on the accelerator,
Engine whirring, my hair
Flying wildly behind me.
I'm going so fast!
My traumas being eaten and swallowed
Up, by the dust.

No sign of slowing down any time
I'm finally in control.

Taking myself on a spontaneous
Road trip, my destination?

Sharp, swift, sudden bumps and
Turns occur, still I don't slow down.
Facing my problems head on,
I wish my Haters could see me

I drown out the thought of their voices, as I crank my music loud.

My road trip has no end in sight!
Don't bother flagging me down, to
Pick you up if you're not up for a
Wild Ride.

I'm going to drive, chase down
Good Vibes.
There's no pit stops during this
Road trip, until I've reached my destination -

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Sweet Child Of Mine - This poem is dedicated to all of the adopted babies out there.

 You may not be of my blood,
But you are mine none the less.
From the smile in your eyes, to
the slow, steady rhythm of the
Beating of your heart in your

Our skin may not be the same in colour,
No matter what anyone tells you, I am your

I may not have known you, when you
Gave your first cries.
Though I am here now, with my arms wide
Open to catch you, should you stumble and
Fall during your first steps.

You will never have to be afraid,
I will hold you safely against my chest.
Proudly I stand by as I watch you grow, and

I have no doubt that one day
you will do great things,
Sweet Child of Mine.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 Fight for the broken, so that they may heal.

Fight for the lost, so that they might find their true purpose.

Fight for those who are treated like villains, so that they can one day see just how heroic they are.

Fight for the mute, so they may find their voice.

Fight for the deaf, so they might hear the truth.

Fight for the blind, so one day they may see the Light.

Fight for the afraid, so that one day they are filled with spiritual peace and become fearless.

Fight for the weak and downhearted, so that they might find their inner strength.

Fight for those who think it's the end, so that they can find consolation that their will always be a New beginning.

Fight for those who have had no choice but to be kept hidden, so that one day they may be found.

Fight for those who were told they'll lose the battle, so that they will win the ultimate War.

Fight for those who go through Hell every day, so that they will be granted the reward of eternal Paradise when they reach the gates of Heaven.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Friday, June 28, 2024


 After what's felt like Forever,
I've finally made my Peace.
With the War going on, inside of me.
Sure, I'm not where I expected I'd be.
However, I am exactly where I'm
Supposed and Need to be.

I realise now, that I am a source of
Pure Light.
I shine my brightest, on the darkest

I am not what the rumours say.
I am perfectly human, in all my flaws.
I am exactly who I was born to be.
I'm finally finding my way.
Paving my own path.

I see things for what they truly are.
Never thought that I would ever,
Come this far.
I am finally secure, in my insecurities.
I had to experience trauma, to discover
My inner Peace.

Knowing that I am created for greater things,
Who knew something so small holds so much
Power to put my mind at ease?

Wish I knew sooner, what it meant and to
Have, Inner Peace.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 I opened my eyes and a window wide.
Peace has finally made its home inside.
I can hear it.

The satisfying crunch, of the
Earth beneath my feet.
The wind loud as it breathes
Life through my shaggy golden,
Sandy brown hair.

The sound of the crashing sea.
The call of the gulls echoing in the
Sky, as they glide and circle above

Time to let go.
Time, all to myself.
Time to think.
Time to let my mind wander.
To take it all in.
To feel.
To wonder.

Time, to truly be free. To be real.

Elegance is an attitude, a lifestyle choice,
Not a way of life.
This is the place, where I come to spill my soul,
A place where I come to lose and regain personal
I know I still have a long way to go.

This is where I come to calm and ground
Myself, when I'm feeling ten different levels of
As I look out across the clear crystal blue
Sky reflecting on the sea, I know I am
Exactly who I am.
That this is the place I am meant to be.

Something is moving in the air.
I can feel it.
Like a star shooting its bright firey colours,
Across the sky, I too don't care.
I can feel it in my Spirit.

I can feel it Growing, like a
Flower blooming in an almost hidden crack
of the pavement with the most minimal amount of
Once I face it, I dare not look back.
I am finally, on the right track.

They say, that there are plenty of
Fish in the sea.
The only one I want, has got to be a
It's the oceanic, unicorn life for

Living every second with purpose.
Lord knows, I deserve this.

I'm the opening and final act.
I've been waiting for this moment,
My whole life.
For as long as I can remember.

I am filled with new opportunities and
Try as hard as you want, I won't ever let
You take them from me.
This is my show, I've finally made it.

I am myself in all my true glory.
I can't fake this.
Here I come world, are you ready?
I'm going strong, my decisions steady.

My eyes the windows through my body and,
In to my Soul.
Now that I've opened my eyes wide with
Wonder and belief, my body fills up with and is
A sacred temple of Light.

Had I continued to live my life squinty-eyed,
With distrust.
My body would be a cellar filled with bitter,
Acidic scented dust.

I see the world with fresh, new eyes.
Full of wonder.
The older I get, my heart feels younger.
As I gaze across the sea, my mind does
Ponder of what this life's journey of mine

As I get over my traumas, I feel its painful
Yet comforting sting.
My wounds healing over, this is
My fresh start.

A new beginning.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 The windmill turned slowly. Gently.
Smoothly passing the air from one
Blade, to another. Never missing a beat.
As if tagging in an unseen partner,
as part of s
ome unknown relay race
By handing over the b

With each slow, steady movement,
Time seemed to join in on the fun.
The busy noises of the hustle and bustle
Country farm life, seemed to vanish and
Fade silently away.

Until the only sound that was left, was the
Subtle hum and whirring, of the lone
Windmill's blades.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 Maturing is realising two things about yourself:
1.) You can't control everyone and everything or how they perceive you.
2.) The more struggles and hardships you experience in your youth, the better and brighter life you will have in your adulthood.

Maturing is overcoming, letting go and moving on.

Maturing, is realising not everything can be fixed. Despite all your efforts in trying to.

Maturing is realising that being an open book about your feelings and crying freely, is a strength and NOT a weakness. That you are not alone.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 With each new day, I travel. Searching for answers and never staying in one place for too long. Somehow, I leave every place with more questions. I have a purpose, one that I serve well.

Not everyone will understand the efforts of my journey. And that's okay. No one's destination is ever the same. Some chose to leave me, others I had to leave behind.

But the rare soul that loves me for who I AM? That is the person, I am guaranteed will always be by my side. No matter where I travel. Near, or far and wide.

Everyone assumes, that one's purpose is defined by one massive life changing achievement. What if that's not the case? What if my purpose is right here in front of me? What if I'm living it right now? How amazing is that?

My purpose is in every smile I've given to a stranger, who was having a bad day. My purpose, is in every simple favour I do for those who need a break. My purpose, is in every artwork and poem I create.

My purpose, is in every hug I give to those who didn't realise they needed it. My purpose, is in every little bit of spare change that I give to a homeless person, even though I know I don't have much to my name.

Not to record and post on social media platforms for clout, but because I have faith. That if I was in that person's shoes, some other good Samaritan, for me, would have done the same.

My purpose, is in every injured, lost or scared animal that I go out of my way to save. And while my destination may not be the one that everyone expects, I know I am loved. Every version of myself, through every stage and phase.

This is my journey. My personal self achievement. I don't need anyone's approval, endless likes or comments to know my value and worth. I was born to travel this Earth, and write the recounts of my adventures.

To ask questions, not always receive the answers that I want. To make the most, of this Journey.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 What's your plan? What's your next move?
Memorise all of your available options.
Map out your goals. Make sure the coordinates are accurate to your desired destiny.

It's not too late. It's NEVER too late. It's time to create your perfect game plan.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 The lights turned off on their own, you're home all alone. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end, chilling you to the bone. Invisible eyes all around, staring at you. No longer are you alone...

…The darkness closing in, you hear it whisper in your ear, "How are you not afraid? Can't you feel Me creeping up your bones?"

You reply by saying, "My peace, my pain, my pleasure will never drown in the murky flooded waters that are Your storm. Silent prayers answered, God my umbrella, sheltering me from Your weather. Faith has made me restored.

I don't recall signing the petition papers, to say I sold you my soul. Why are you here, Darkness? Don't you have anything better to do?!" 

Hope and Love, your armour. Been through some things, but you're under Divine protection from the Father. You are not alone. Your Angels lead you in to battle, fighting alongside like-minded souls. Rounding you up like a herd of sheep, until you've reached your Home.

"Leave now, Darkness. You, have no place here. Take your lies, convictions, poison laced persuasions. You've got Nothing on me. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, I have been set free.

The Lord, is my Sword. My shield, my armour. I am one of His flock, and He the farmer. I am filled with nothing but peace. Go now, Darkness and let me be."

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 How can Light shine through,
If curtains block its path?
Shielding your view.

If you want to heal, first you
Need to acknowledge the
Presence of your broken heart.

That, is the best place to start.

It's time to Open up your emotions,
That have only known what it's like
To be locked in an Ancient and dusty
Box and buried deep where no eyes
Have ever seen.

True friends will listen, be there
Whether you need them to be or
Not and never leave.

Everything gets better and easier
From here on out, you'll see.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Criticise me all you want, it leaves me with all the more room to inspire and improve.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

A Thousand Heartbeats.

 I gazed out of the window and
Breathed a sigh of relief.
The early birds singing, the
Song of my heart.
The chorus echoing, through the

I never knew what it truly meant,
To be alive.
Than to absorb and observe, every
Second of this waking moment.

The breeze blew gently,
Tousling the leafy branches playfully.
The dog barked way yonder, a friendly
Reminder for the cock to crow.
I'm going to make the most of today,
This much I know.

I drink up the Sunshine, the crisp
Cool air tickles my skin making me quiver.
Slowly, I make my way down to the

As I wade through the rushing waters of clear
I lower myself to the crunching pebbled
Paved carpet beneath the calming, trickling,
Rippling waves.

Never have I felt so at peace.
I closed my eyes and lay on my back,
Floating away, as I become one with

Beating together,
A thousand heartbeats.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Encounter the ordinary to
Experience and observe the
Strange, mysterious and

Encounter loneliness, then find your
Acceptance and love for who you are, is

Encounter evil and use your
Power to make an impact, a
World of Good.

Encounter those who are cold
And have a sting, one hug from you
Is all it takes to warm their heart.
Joy to their life they didn't expect you,
To bring.

Encounter every confusing and twisted
Road, until you find the one that leads you
Straight home.

Encounter every experience,
It allows you to gain knowledge and
Learn essential life lessons.

With every encounter, you become
Evermore enchanting.
Evolving, improving, mending and
Self Soothing.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Do It.

 Do what makes you happy, not what someone tells you how you should live your life based on their shattered dreams because of missed opportunities.

Do the unreal. Do all the things that you think you can't. Do everything that everyone won't, but only wish they could. People will tell you that you're stubborn. Relentless even.

The truth is you are determined, and that's good. It's that determination that allows you to conquer and take on the world. When you put your mind to something, you are able to achieve anything and everything.

So go on, I believe in you. Do It.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Hold Your Hand/Together we are One.

 When you're feeling off as if you're
Dissociating, and you can't catch your
Don't worry, we've all been there.

You don't have to suffer alone,
This isn't the end.
There will always be someone available to
Hold your hand.

So, when you are ready, you can
Let go and bounce back like an
Elastic band.

For as long as you need,
I will hold your hand.
Together, we are One.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 I live to love, and I love to live.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

A specifically chosen, hand picked collection by me of 3 Little Words, for You.


                           3 Little Words:

You are Loved.

You are Worthy.

You are Accepted.

You are Important.

You are Wanted.

You Got This!

Focus on Yourself.

Focus on All things Good.

But most importantly, love every day.

- Alexandra Pierotti.

ChAnGe - for all the LGBTQ+ community. May you find comfort and acceptance among the words of my poetry page. You are SO brave.



Such are the seasons, times change. For every new beginning that we greet with the warmest of 'hello' 's, can only happen after we say the most painful of goodbyes.

Like every Autumn leaf that doest loosen from the branch, and falleth gracefully upon the earth. I too must change my colours in order to bloom.

Not even Winter's bitterly cold kiss, shall sting my lips. I forever bask in the refreshing, skin tingling warmth of Spring. Loving all the comforting, familiar simple joys that life doest bring.

Alexandra Pierotti.


 I don't have the words, you don't have
My pain.
You say you didn't mean it, but then
You hurt me again.

I know it hurts, but I have to learn.
How to Prioritise myself, so I can get
Back on the horse and do it all again.

No one can stop me now.
I rise from every fall.
Pushing myself, everyday.
I'm letting go of the safety that is
My back, against this Wall.

Blowing through this word, on a
Strong gust of wind.
With each twist and turn, I'm
With each breath, I'm struggling.

Doesn't matter what you say,
I'm going to make the most of everyday.
I'm never going to give up. No way.
Where every storm ends, a magnificent,
Magical rainbow begins.

I control the weather, I am the Sun and
NOT the Rain.
I won't listen to what your and my,
Demons' lies say.
Your weapon of choice?
Telling me I'm "insane."

I live off of the fire, that rages deep
Inside of me.
Burning in my veins.
Filling me with this new life, I never knew
I had.

Despite my PTSD, I'm taking back
My life.
One baby step at a time.
Tiptoeing on the stepping stones,
Of Life.

I will get better.

I am a fighter.
I always have, and always will be.
I've seen my future, see?
Slowly learning to accept and love,
All the little things that make me,

I'm fighting.
Not for you, but for ME.
I'm fighting for love.

I'm here. I deserve to be here. To be happy. To not just survive, but love every second of being alive.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 When uncertainty looms like dark clouds,
Fastly approaching on the Horizon.
You will remember that in the most uncertain times,
We find the truth about ourselves.
For in my Universe, there are no limits.
No space left stained, vandalised or unfinished.

Nothing is capable of binding and suffocating my
Here, in my Universe, I am in full control.
I have the power to stop the World from spinning,
To make time stand still and bring much needed 
Peace to my long forgotten, newly found

To give myself a moment, to stop and take a step back.
To breathe, relax and reflect.
I grant myself permission, to forgive myself for any
Broken parts.
To learn from my mistakes, to back track.

Because this Universe of mine, is a
Beautiful, vulnerable and fragile place.
Deserving of nothing but the very best,
My own, personal, Safe Space.

I have learnt, that all of us, hold power to
To close our eyes and listen.
Really listen.
To the answers to all our unspoken questions,
Scattered across the Universe.

However, it is unfortunate to know, that not
Everyone realises that they have this power.
Some choose to ignore the power that is,

These are the few, who convince themselves that
They have the answers to everything,
Because they know all.
That there is no need to ask the secret, silent and
Most deep, meaningful questions.

These are the few, that will, unfortunately,
Remain lost, confused and forever alone.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Guardian Angel.

 When the world slammed every door in my face, my Guides picked me up and opened a window with Angelic grace. Their wings they sacrificed and used, as a makeshift umbrella. Sheltering me, from the Enemy's venomous words of acid rain.

When they saw me cry, they wiped my eyes and sang me to sleep. Their voices subtle, gentle, delicately smooth and sweet. They whispered me praises, and words of Affirmations trickled through my ears and in to my dreams. Creating visions in my mind's eye of what was, and what will be.

I saw a garden, that was Forever. With grassy meadows, the greenest of green. A bed of only the most rare and beautiful flowers I have ever seen, decorated the banks of a river. So clear and pristine.

The sky, it never ended. All around me was the tallest and sturdiest barricades made of an almost blinding white light. Despite its intense brightness, it didn't hurt my eyes.

In this place, ALL are welcome. To be their true, authentic self. And not feel the need to put on an act, by pretending to be someone else. Under the grandest wild oak, sat a young man. A child sat contently at his feet, their connection to each other was so sweet.

He had a mysterious air of immense power about Him, but He remained kind all the same. Though I had no recollection that I had ever met Him before, I knew Him and He knew me too by name.

One single word said in His voice alone, was all it took for my sins to be erased and set me free. I knew I had been saved.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Elemental Spirit.

 I am an Elemental spirit.
I created and play with magic,
I am the perfect Storm.
Don't test me, what will happen next I
Guarantee you're not ready for.

So play it safe and sprinkle kindness like
Magic, where ever you go.
Give always, expect nothing in return.
Kindness is contagious, catch it,
Pass it on.

Sit and watch with me as the stars align.
Your reward?
You too will be transformed, into the
Perfect storm.

Kindness will surely find, its way
Back to you.
And in all its glory, your own
Elemental spirit will be

- Alexandra Pierotti.

Silence - Quiet Your Mind.

 The only thing that holds the
Capability of speaking with a
Voice louder than Thunder, is


Such a beautifully simple, delicate, yet
Complicated word.

It's voice makes the most impact
When speaking directly to your soul.
Saying the most, by saying absolutely
Nothing at all.

Silence cloaks us to the core.
An invisible cape.
Surrounding and becoming us,
As it creates its own mysterious
Dimensional realm.
The greatest escape.

Silence does not see age or race.
It knows no ugly or hate.
Silence is love, silence is
Silence was made for me and you.

Make time for silence.
Breathe in Peace.
Let your soul shimmer, as your
Mind is set at ease.

Feel your skin tingle, as your senses come
Arise your spirit, as silence becomes you.
Make the most of the rare and special moment.

Silence can not be contained, it can not be
Silence is a gift, one that must be treasured.
So close your eyes, be still.

Be silent

- Alexandra Pierotti.


 I take my time, walking this magical mysterious trail at my own pace. Focused and determined, to be in a healthy mind space. The more I grant myself permission to forgive myself for past life's pent up pain, slowly the tears dry and fade.

Breaking through is going to take time. Slowly the mist clears, unclouding my mind. I don't care what anyone says, when they push me down.

I can't give up.
don't give up.
won't give up.

I get back up every time, resilience is all I know.

No amount of mist can hide me. I refuse to be invisible. I'm determined to find ME. They see me coming from a distance, shocked at how much stronger I am now than ever before due to my Resistance.

They run in fear when they realise, nothing and no one can keep me down. Faith and Resilience my strength, confidence my much earned crown. I am both the population and mayor, I run this town.

Get in my way, I'll run you down.
I don't have time to mess around.
Sick and tired of your shit,
I'm leaving you behind in the

They quake when they hear, the
Thunder rumbling.
They sense that I'm about to
Make my move.
They know my time is

- Alexandra Pierotti.



 I breathed in deeply,
Held my breath.
Closed my eyes, counted to


The stress headache, relentless. Tightening. Stretching. Until I just...Snap.

Stop the Panic.
Rewind the Memories.
Delete the Trauma.
Fast Forward to that Time you felt calm.
Save this Feeling.
Play the Good times.

Sit back, relax and watch the Events that is your perfect life.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


I travelled millions of light years away, across star covered galaxies and the Milky Way. Pink, purple and navy blue. Jumping and bouncing on the planets. I grabbed hold of a shooting star 🌠 and rode it, until it brought me to you.

My heart dances with joyful love so true. This cosmic fate of ours, like a prophecy come true is canon. So much more powerful and bigger than us, it was bound to happen. Such is the galaxy, our love too is Infinite.

It was the universe's decision, that we are meant to be. You are the moon, controlling the tides that are my sea. Drawn together with a magnetic force, like an asteroid on a one-way mission to Earth. Our love burning with the same intensity, as a never ending fire in the hearth.

Our dreams and hopes for our future, written and scattered among the stars of the beautiful night sky. My heart is eternally yours, and yours is mine. This life of ours, a carefree pleasure cruise. And while I could have had anyone, you are and always will be, the one that I choose.

You'll always have me trapped in a trance that is your cosmic spell. Time and time again, you are the only one for which I fell. Change isn't easy, but it's part of life. Together, we'll embrace it.

No matter what obstacle or challenge presents itself, together we'll face it.

Just like the galaxy, our love is a story as old as time. Every night I thank my lucky stars, that you are destined to be mine. Our love draws us together with the same intensity as a gravitational pull. No matter how old we get, our hearts will be full. Forever a fountain of our youth.

I don't know what it is, but I could stay up here with you in this galaxy forever. Floating freely among the stars, we cherish our love for each other. The universe's greatest treasure.

- Alexandra Pierotti.



Nice of You/Overcoming the Trauma of Fake Friendships.

 It was nice of you, to stop by.
You've had your fun, wasting my
Time. It's time you've left my life.
I'm moving on, Bye.

I'm done having my emotions played,
You used me like a pawn in your sick game.
You're not to be trusted with my heart.
You took me for a fool, but here I am.
I've learned my lesson, yes I have.
I'm not afraid anymore.

I'm a rose 🌹in full bloom, and you
A thorn.

I'm never going to apologise for
Being myself. I love who I am,
Who I'm becoming.
I'm tired of pretending to be someone else.
Someone I'm not.

I'm exactly where, and who, I'm
Meant to be. THIS is ME.
Take me or leave me, I don't care.
If you don't like me, it's because you're a
Bore. I'm done listening to your
Lame ass excuses, there's the

It was nice of you, to stop by.
I'm done wasting my tears on you,
It's time I lived my life.
From here on out, I'm leaving you behind.
I'm moving on.

No longer are my emotions played,
No longer a pawn in your sick game.
I'm never going to apologise for being
I'm tired of putting myself through

I love who I am and who I'm becoming.
I'm exactly where, and who, I'm meant to be.

Don't bother to stop by anymore.
I'm finally moving on.
It's about damn time I make myself, a

How nice of me.

- Alexandra Pierotti.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fake Friends - This poem is dedicated to my ex-friends (you know who you are), and every other fake and toxic friend that exists. I am a survivor of bullying.


I spent what felt like forever,
Staring at the wall.
Wondering where it all went

I thought that if I did everything
That you said, changing myself
To please you because that's what
You told me it took for you to be
My friend.

Fucking sociopath, the only way
For you to get your high was to
Spread rumours, lies and false
Accusations about me on the web.
Leaving a black mark smudged
Next to my good name.

You made my downfall, your
Easy rise to fame.

Tell me, how do you sleep
At night knowing that you
Are the destroyer of lives?

You had me believe that if you
Disguised the destruction of
The numerous disasters you
Caused, then everything would be

Pumped me full of Poison,
Through a hospital drip.
Snickered as you told me,
It was just wine.

Did your best to convince me
That you picked only the ripest of
Grapes πŸ‡, straight from the

I should've trusted my initial
Instinct instead of trusting your

The agonising, burning of the
Poison coursing through my veins.
You made me believe it was normal
To be conflicted with excruciating
Pain. I felt like a prisoner trapped
In a cell anchored by my wrists and
Ankles, complete with a ball and

Slowly losing my mind, going

After what felt like the
Longest time, I felt relief when
God heard and answered to my

Leading me out of your darkness,
And in to the Light.

I know it's going to take a
Boatload of personal effort,
And even more time.
But He has promised me that
All your wrongs, will one day be made

I see now, I was never in prison.
Instead, I was put to the test.
I was put here to find my long forgotten
Voice, to make a noise and
Raise Awareness.

So fellow victims know that
They're not alone and can finally
Find a sense of peace.
A chance to rest.

We, are Survivors. Fighters.

We'll fight this battle to the end,
Until made certain that we have won the

Soldiering on, together we are

We're taking our lives back, make
NO mistake.
We've learnt our lesson and are now able to
See, whose intentions are real and whose are

You live a sugar coated lie,
Call yourself a a "friend."
I see you for who you truly are -
A snake 🐍.

All those poor people you
Sank your fangs into, instantly
Killing them dead.

I am a survivor and I am here to say,
 your reign of terror has come to its

It's better to have one
true πŸ’–,
Than a million, fake friends.

Alexandra Pierotti.

Heart Of Gold.

Some battles I've lost, others I've won. I keep my head down, and I plough through. Knowing that my faith is strong, there is Nothin...